A Unique Hunter

Chapter 907: Little beauty comes

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The people above the great sage’s heart are the gods of the gods. Because of the existence of **** servants in the sanctuary, it can be said that the pattern is basically controlled by the gods, and the **** servants are in other parts of the sanctuary. A group of people, this group of people can be described as abnormal, so Cook's alliance seems to be strong, but as long as the gods intervene, I am afraid this so-called alliance is not so strong.

"Okay, Barry, are you sure it's your nephew, okay, Mageweave, right? We still need a talent test." Cook said to a big fat man who belongs to the human business alliance The vice president, the high-level of the sanctuary, is almost on the verge of reaching the peak of the sanctuary, but now Barry does not have the demeanor of a strong man, looking at Cook with a smile on his face, Cook asks.

"Come on, Barry, that's your son, we all know." The person next to him laughed.

Barry's embarrassment on his face made him angry, and Cook shouted: "Barry, you can't tell, you guys are okay, what is this called? Isn't it called fat water without leaving outsiders' fields."

Cook actually knows the life of the nobility very well. In fact, the nobility is a chaotic circle. This circle is very closed. The leaders of several countries are close relatives. There is no need to count the generations. It is too messy.

When Barry saw Cook joking, he said in embarrassment: "It wasn't me who took the initiative, she took the initiative to seduce me, who knows it would happen all of a sudden."

"Well, I'll write it down for you, the next one." Cook patted Barry's fat belly. Cook can think that what Barry said is true, because this servant has another identity, the goddess of wealth. The bishop holds a lot of wealth. It is said that Barry's wife and lover have reached three figures, and most of them are young and beautiful. As for whether it is really true, I don't know.

After Cook registered, he actually found dozens of students. There were more than a dozen students in magic pharmacy and magic pattern. The most weird thing was that he wanted to be a hunter instructor himself. Cook Khan didn't agree.

"Okay, in the future, everyone can come and go freely in this store, but we can only buy five bottles per month. What we want is quality, not quantity. If you have any questions, please come to me." Cook Said after registration.

These dozens of members were very excited. The potions that Cook sold were not only special, but also of extremely high quality. There were several bottles of perfect level. A powerful thief who got the best stealth potion had the urge to go out and make a ticket, but then Thinking about his identity, and someone at the scene knew that he had received such a medicine, this person dispelled it.

The relationship between Hailan and Trust and Cook went further. After the two followed Cook to the living room where Cook entertained the guests, Hailan asked, "Cook, this kind of talent potion is real."

Cook looked at it. These are two talent potions. One is a potion that has no talent to inspire talent. It is made with elemental fruit, and the other is a potion that increases the level of talent. Hailan just cheeky and whispered. Ask Cook if he can get an extra bottle, Cook defaulted.

"This is made by elemental fruit. It is no problem to inspire talent. Hailan, what do you need this thing for?" Cook asked grimly. Hailan's two daughters are foxes and have priestly talent. His name is Uncle, a very cute twin, and that son has a talent as a warrior, and he called Cook to call his godfather. Cook paid a high price for this.

"As long as it works, don't mention it, I also have a grandson outside, but I don't have any talent." Hailan said embarrassingly.

"Damn." Trust and Cook said contemptuously.

"That was a thing of the past. I was a lover at the time. Who knew there would be my son? Didn’t this come to me when I was famous? At that time, my lover was over a hundred years old. This is not my great grandson. With that, I want to try my best." Hailan explained in an angry tone.

When Cook heard Hailan's appearance, he was certain that his lover had passed away. Cook patted Hailan on the shoulder and said, "Sorrow and change."

"Bah, baah, your wife is hundreds of years old, how could my lover die, baah, baah, baah." Hailan looked at Cook in astonishment, and then quickly spat.

"Khan." Cook sweated profusely.

Then Cook said: "Then I suggest you carefully check to see if there is talent, even if there is a trace, you should also use other inspiring talent potions of the same family. Then I will give you a bottle of perfect level potion."

"That's good, I think I owe them all the time, or maybe I have a few more bottles." Hailan asked with an inch of precision.

"Fuck, by the way, how about letting Wumei accept your two daughters as disciples." Cook yelled irritably, and then asked.

"Thanks," Hai Lan said.

Seeing that Hailan had finished the question, Trust asked, "Cook, what is the particularity of taking this dragon power potion."

"Just after taking it, you need to add a lot of food and energy, so that the whole strength can reach an extreme, and it is best to exercise under gravity." Cook replied.

"Cook, do you persuade using this medicine to be particularly strong in matters of men and women?" Trust asked again.

"Ahem, this is for sure." Cook didn't expect this guy to ask.

But then Cook looked at Trust and asked in a low voice: "Trust, I think your wife is also pretty, can't you be satisfied."

"Go away." Trust gave Cook a word back.

After Trust and Hailan left, Cook thought about it for a while, then took out the registered list and took a long breath. Since Cook knew that the Dwarf King had moved, Cook hastened With the layout of the sanctuary, now it seems that the first phase goal has been achieved. After reaching this goal, Cook breathed a sigh of relief. The second step goal is to get married. By the way, the dwarf king will be pulled out to kill the chicken and the monkey. That way, he would stand firm in the sanctuary.

"Cook, what are you thinking about." A voice sounded.

"Murphy, why are you here?" Cook asked in surprise when he saw Murphy.

Murphy smiled and said, "I'm afraid you will be too busy."

"Hehe, it's okay, it's almost the same now." Kukla took Murphy and sat next to him.

Murphy said to Cook: "Those people from the plane are here, and they are very excited. Fortunately, there is Lina over there, and all the planes should come."

"That's good, is Xiao Meili here yet?" Cook asked again.

"Here," Murphy replied. Murphy didn't expect Cook's wrist to be so high. It took just over a month to dominate. According to Murphy, it might take several years.

"Hehe, let's go, I think the people of the Holy See should be anxious." Cook laughed, and took Murphy's hand. Cook suddenly felt that women should not do things by nature. Murphy used to take risks. At the time, my hands were full of calluses, but now my hands are extremely smooth and can be said to be soft and boneless.

The Holy See of Light is a priest in white robe. After seeing Cook, his face is gloomy and scary. Behind the priest in white robe is not the presiding judge, but also looking at Cook condescendingly. There is a golden pattern on the chest of the priest in the robe, which is the mark of the third-class servant, who is already thinking about how to embarrass Cook.

Cook walked over and said directly: "Let's go, someone wants to see you."

After talking about Cook, he left. The white-robed priest was so angry that he was already thinking about how to avenge Cook. This was a blasphemous blasphemy against God, but the white-robed priest was also very confused in his heart. Could it be Cook? There are people behind.

Cook took the white-robed priest and the chief judge through a portal. The white-robed priest looked at the sky and asked him viciously: "Cook, this is the empty mountain. What does it mean to bring us here."

"When someone sees you, I hope you can still question me like that." Cook bird is not the so-called **** servant.

"Master Cook." Molo looked at Cook with a complicated expression. Now Molo is a beautiful little maid, which can be said to be a high honor.

The white-robed priest looked at Moro, his face suddenly dignified. Although the level of this Moro is not high, but she has a faint spirit of spirit on her body, but this Moro is a maid costume again, Cook asked : "What more will Xiao Meili do."

"My lord, please go in." Moro opened the door directly.

Cook stepped into the door and was rushed by a white shadow, and then hugged Cook tightly. Cook smelled the familiar scent of Xiao Meili's body, which was sweet, and Xiao Meili liked sweets the most.

"Why don't you let me in, I'm the head of the Knights of Judgment of the Holy See of Light..." The chief judge was stopped by Mo Luo, because the white-robed priest's badge of God servant Mo Luo knew him.

"Pop." However, the chief judge was then slapped by the white-robed priest and stunned.

"Honorable master, your humble servant listens to your teaching." The white-robed priest was shocked. Just now he felt that the **** was still wondering, but what he saw now was a real noble god, looking at Xiao Meili With a permanent golden halo on his head, the white-robed priest was excited to dig out his own heart, knowing that this is the most obvious sign of the royal family of the authentic Guangming Protoss.

"Brother, brother, Xiao Meili miss you so much, why don't you come to see me, I still have to learn this and that." Xiao Meili doesn't know how to teach brother Cook, of course, the people around Xiao Meili absolutely Don't dare to let Xiao Meili call Papa Cook, that is really blasphemous.

Cook narrowed his eyes and said to the creeping servants: "I think you have to remember that Xiao Meili is your master. I don’t want to hear what you want Xiao Meili to do. I want Xiao Meili to be your master. Parents definitely don’t want anyone to point fingers at Xiao Meili. As for learning this and that, don’t you still need to worry about things about Xiao Meili? What you have to do is to obey, unconditionally obey."

As soon as Cook’s words settled, the white-robed priest on the sanctuary side loudly echoed: "Damn, damn, dare to let the great master learn this and that, master, please point out who is bothering you, I Will personally send this person to see my lord."

Of course, Cook knew that when he was not with Xiao Meili, someone was definitely trying to play down his influence. When Cook heard the words of the priest in white robe, he replied angrily: "I wonder if you should call someone else in the Holy See. "

"Yes, yes, my lord, I'll notify you immediately." The white-robed priest didn't care what Cook said, but excitedly agreed. At the same time, the white-robed priest ran out quickly.

"Using blood as a medium, great summoning." Cook originally thought that the white-robed priest would go back and sit in the teleportation formation. He didn't know that he would sing loudly not far away, and the blood on his wrist would flow out, forming a complex The white robe priest finally chanted four words.

As soon as the brilliance flashed, there were more than 20 people in front of Cook. These more than 20 people were obviously still doing other things. There was a woman who was even changing clothes. After these people reacted, they didn’t have time to ask. Seeing the little beauty in Cook's arms, he immediately yelled at Cook: "Bold mortals, dare to..."

"Papa." Before he finished speaking, he was slapped twice by the servant who was also a **** servant.

Then the two dozen people all met Xiao Meili in unison. After half an hour, Cook sat on the king's throne in Liberty City, and Molo was feeding Xiao Meili and the thunder dragon Xiaolei. Join in the fun, there are a few **** servants below, these **** servants are all standing, and the referee is even more pale, for fear that Cook will make trouble for him.

"I heard that you have some opinions on Liberty City. Let's take a look at this document first." Cook threw out a document.

After the lead pope looked at the document, sweat came out. It turned out that Liberty City also had a small share of Xiaomei. Although not much, the pope knew that although he was a first-class servant, he faced Xiaomei, It's scum at all, people are the royal family of the Guangming Protoss, and this servant of myself is just a servant of a higher god.

"Cook, no, your majesty, there is no such thing. Our Holy See is just making a record of the new forces." The pope's legs are shivering. The pope is powerful, but if the pope is a little disrespectful to Xiaomei, then the pope himself It will directly turn into a gray fly, which is a sharper blood control than a giant dragon over Yalong Longwei.

"That's good, I need all the news from the Mageweave Master's Union. I don’t need any of you to do anything. Xiao Meili will live in Liberty City. You can come and see her at any time." Cook looked at Xiao Meili and grabbed his sleeve. , She said, after Xiao Meili listened, she gave Xiao Lei a snack she had eaten for an unprecedented time.

"Yes, Your Majesty." What else can the dozens of **** servants of the Holy See of Guangming say.

Jin Guangyan looked at Xiao Meili, sighed and said, "Unexpectedly, all the birds have appeared."

"Shut up." Everyone shouted at Jin Guangxian together.

"Huh, shut up and shut up." Jin Guangyan is also a beast, but the boy opened his mouth and ate the things of Xiao Meili and Xiao Lei in one bite, and then ran away in a hurry. Xiao Lei didn't dare to resist, she looked aggrieved. Cook wants to cry, because Jin Guangyan seems to have blood pressure on Xiao Lei.

"Don't cry, don't cry, see if you will bully others in the future." Cook picked up Xiao Lei, and when he saw Xiao Lei crying, Cook felt funny. Normally only Xiao Lei bullied others.

Then Cook had to take out extra snacks to comfort the two little guys. The safety of Liberty City has been greatly improved. Cook now wants to harass someone who does not open his eyes, and he will definitely be harassed by those eager gods. The servants immediately swarmed up and were destroyed. At the same time, Cook also gave Xiao Meili on a hill behind the inner city of Freedom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and also gave a lot of money to the **** servants to build the most magnificent residence for Xiao Meili here. .

After Cook puts Xiao Meili in Liberty City, Cook can walk around with confidence. There are a group of **** servants in Liberty City. It is difficult to think of problems. Cook returns to Spike Fortress, a happy moment. Here again, the brides are all here, only West Asia is not there, and Umei is not there.

"Cook, the big lizards of Cook are here, and those **** big lizards are here." Jin Guangyan rushed into Cook's room, ignoring that there was a woman in Cook's arms, and climbed directly to Cook's ears. Scream.

"Ah..." Manli and Anna shrank and retracted.

Jin Guangyan glanced at the two women, and said disdainfully: "There is not a single hair, it's too ugly, at least it needs golden fur to be beautiful."

"Big lizard, why big lizard, come here when it comes, what, dragon." Cook threw Jin Guangyan out of the air, grumbled dissatisfiedly, and then immediately reacted and quickly got up, Jin Guang This guy has a problem with his brain, so don't cause any trouble.

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