A Unique Hunter

Chapter 918: The dwarf king hides his face and walks away

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What Cook said at the beginning made the dwarf king very embarrassed and angry. What was ashamed was that the person next to him said that his words were true. There is no Kukdo on money, and no Kukdo on friends. Because the dwarf itself is prudent, so the friend himself Not much.

Regarding power, just look at the person who helped Cook speak. This makes the Dwarf King not only faceless, but also angry. The only bright spot is the power of the Dwarf King, but then again, no one is born a super strong. Yes, it takes time and growth in stages.

But after Cook Cook said the last words, the dwarf king laughed angrily: "Cook, you are too rampant, you still need to test me with engineering things? See what I have in my hands. ?"

"The badge does not mean everything." Cook replied somewhat depressed looking at the golden badge.

Hearing Cook's somewhat depressed tone, the dwarf king decided to take advantage of the victory and pursue him. The dwarf king said loudly to Cook: "Cook, this is what you said, don't fall back on the account."

"I Cook speaks and counts, as long as you answer three questions, I can take out all the assets as a bet." Cook understands that the dwarf king is after his own wealth.

In fact, Cook also has a trap here, that is, after correctly answering the question, Cook agrees to be a bet. That is to say, the Dwarf King has to get the right answer before he has a chance to obtain Cook's property. This is more than a direct challenge. , Invisibly increased some thresholds.

Of course, the dwarf king does not understand, but the dwarf king is not as rich as Cook. In addition, the dwarf king is a top-level engineering engineering, it is already very abnormal. The dwarf king has the confidence to answer Cook’s question correctly, and then Defeat Cook in the challenge and gain wealth.

Of course, for such a sure thing, the Dwarf King doesn't want to simply gain wealth. The Dwarf King said with a smile, "Cook, I said, I want your life."

Cook originally thought that the heart of the Dwarf King was big enough, but he didn't expect that it was not only big enough but also black enough. Obviously, the Dwarf King and himself were already at odds. Cook said with a sneer: "My destiny, what are you betting on? "

Cook did not give the dwarf king a chance to speak at all, and continued: "I have only formed the Chamber of Commerce for a few years? How much wealth have I gained? Don't talk about the money. For me, money is just a bunch of boring numbers."

When La Milan heard Cook say this, his eyes were bright and he said: "I like Cook's attitude the most. It's just a number. I don't mind if you give me more."

Sia and others are full of black lines, but who made La Milan a giant dragon. The giant dragon is a combination of the arrogance, stinginess, and greed of money in the entire universe, but the dragon's brain is not very smart.

This is like humans. The dragon is a robber who only knows how to do it. Even if it is robbing gold, can you rob 100 million gold coins? But some smart people have much more money than that.

When the dwarf king saw Cook’s arrogant appearance, his heart was dripping blood. The emperor of a dignified race was actually despised by a rubbish, ant-like human. The dwarf king gritted his teeth and said: "I add Take my own life."

Cook did not expect that the dwarf king would use his own life to bet his own life. Cook was a little surprised. Although he had an enmity with the dwarf king, he had not yet reached the point where he would die. Although the dwarf was a bit stingy, Cook There is a question in my mind: "Is it because the higher the dwarf level, the smaller the mind?"

However, being persecuted by the dwarf king, Cook knew that the matter could not end peacefully, and Cook replied solemnly: "That's good, but you have to answer my three questions first?"

"Okay, please." The Dwarf King was already thinking about how to torture Cook, and replied confidently.

"Excuse me, what is the pi?" Cook first raised a question.

The dwarf king listened confidently to the question, but after Cook asked the question, the dwarf king was stunned. Cook continued to ask regardless, "Please calculate the speed of light."

When the dwarf king heard Cook’s second question, he turned and left without giving Cook a chance to speak at all. Cook was stunned, and the people next to him were also stunned. Cook scratched his head and asked: "This What's wrong?"

Lina gave Cook an angry white glance: "The speed of light, you dare to think, who can calculate the speed of light?"

Cook smiled and said: "I have a way to calculate, but I won't say it until the dwarf king concedes."

Cook's proud look made Lina and others angry and funny, and La Milan ignored the others, ran to Cook, a little birdy, and gently asked: "Cook, are you tired? ?"

"Um." Cook knows Ramlan's character. Seeing Ramlan like this, Cook is like seeing the dead.

La Milan didn't even know that he was terrified of Cook, and he blinked a pair of big eyes and asked, "Cook, shall I give you a pound?"

"Okay." Cook replied with a try.

La Milan really beats Cook on the back obediently, and Cook feels that he has a good way, neither light nor heavy, Cook is curious, Lina and everyone laughed, it was Mickey who got to Cook’s ear Said something.

Cook was dumbfounded, seeing La Milan looking at him expectantly, his hands were not light or heavy, Cook said with a wave of his hand: "Isn't it just money? Just give it."

"It's great." Ramlan kissed Cook, jumped up and said.

Cook touched his nose, thinking that La Milan also has such a weakness, Cook felt great in his heart, really just like Cook said, money is not important to Cook.

But some people were dizzy for money. Tens of thousands of people surrounded the temple of the goddess of wealth in the Alan Heights, and the guards of the temple and the people surrounded by them were all violent.

"Refund, you bastards, insidious, despicable fellows."

"Yes, something black-hearted."

"Refund, we belong to the Temple of the Goddess of Hunting, and those of the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth are simply a lie."

"Yes, we still belong to the Temple of God of War."

"We are from the Temple of the Goddess of the Night."

"We are from the Temple of the Goddess of Nature."

"We belong to the Temple of Love."

People around were yelling. The people in the Temple of the Goddess of Fortune were crowded with people. Most of the bishops and priests of the Temple of the Goddess of Fortune. Hearing this string of names, one more cold sweat will make more faces. Paler.

The Temple of the Goddess of Wealth is awesome, but the same other temples are not a dish. Not only is the style of the Mageweave Master’s Union rude, but also dark-eyed, so many people are offended. Now we know that it is the master who controls the Mageweave behind the Goddess of Fortune. The union, and speaking, the Mageweave Master Union is not important anymore.

It's Del, because Cook's Free Kingdom also sells magicweave equipment. Of course, this latter point is the most important. If the Mageweave Union is as important as always, these people dare not dare to offend the Mageweave Union.

But now the Mageweave Union is not so important, because the price that Cook wants is not only low, and Cook is a seller, he is not arrogant or arrogant at all. The Mageweave Union sells things like Grandpa is like grandson.

Those who can buy magic-weave equipment have a little power. They used to suffer from anger, but those who can vent their anger will never let go.

"One of my Sanctuary Middle-Order Demon Dragon Skin, and two high-level Demon Cores will be returned to me, as well as production costs. This is my life savings."

"That is, what garbage magic pattern equipment, I waited for six years, but the refining failed, but I gathered ten materials."

"Ten copies, they only need three copies on the free kingdom side, and the production costs are pitiful."

"That's why I want to get the materials back. Don’t you know that the temple of the goddess of wealth is too dark. I borrowed some money when I was doing business. I didn’t know how high the interest rate was, but now the free commercial bank, I borrowed for ten years and did not have that much interest. Do you know that I borrowed money from the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth for a few days. In just three days, I actually increased the interest rate by half. Nima is simply too dark, refund, refund."

Listening to the voice outside, the faces of the three servants of the Goddess of Fortune Temple turned blue and slowly turned black.

"What should I do now?" The three **** servants are all third-class **** servants. They are called the main hall master, the second hall master, and the third hall master inside the temple. The main hall master looked at the bishop and priest below and asked in a cold voice.

"My lord, I think Free Commercial Bank should be punished." The bishop below stood up loudly and said.

"Punish, okay, we will send you to punish." The Second Hall Master said angrily.

The bishops on the scene all looked at the bishops next to them. Those bishops ran in a little slower, and they were stripped naked. They are now wearing the lowest-level priest’s robe, and their faces are even more swollen. The people robbed it all.

"Second Hall Master, do you have any good ideas?" The Hall Master asked angrily. The three **** servants are actually competing.

"Hehe, this is not my responsibility. Isn't the main hall master in charge of these things? I, the second hall master, is not easy to interfere." The second hall master said gleefully. In the past, the main hall master had the most rights and was in charge of the most things. There are also the most people and the most cronies, but in this situation, it is also the most troublesome~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I think we have to deal with the outsiders first. I have already said that those guys in the Magewen Master’s Union are too heartfelt. black. "The Lord of the Three Halls said with a smile.

"Humph." The main hall master snorted coldly, because the magic pattern master union is under the jurisdiction of the main hall master.

"Boom!" Just when the three hall masters were fighting each other, a rumbling voice came.

"It's not good, Lord Hall, Lord Hall, the secret library has been discovered, and those guys are forcibly attacking." The head of the Temple Knights rushed into the hall in horror and shouted loudly.

"What!" Everyone present was shocked, the secret storehouse, which is the storehouse where the entire Goddess of Wealth Temple and even the Mageweave Trade Union store treasures.

"Quick, quick, we still have 20,000 magic pattern equipment." The main hall master almost fainted, screaming in disregard of the image.

ps: The update will be at night in the future, work needs, cough!

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