A Unique Hunter

Chapter 919: Shrine of the goddess of wealth collapsed

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The secret library is something that any temple has, but in any temple, only the top few people know that the middle-level people don’t know that the secret library is an accumulation of temples.

The secret library is also the foundation of the entire temple, just as there are tens of thousands of magic pattern equipment in the temple of the goddess of wealth. This is at least hundreds of thousands of years accumulated by the guild of the mage masters and the temple of the goddess of wealth.

The reason why it is called the secret library is because the things in the secret library are used for sacrifice. The sacrifice here is that the quality of the sacrifice for the gods is proportional to the quality of the things given by the gods.

However, for the development of the temple, the senior officials of the temple will not take out all the good things to sacrifice. After all, the existence of the temple is the fundamental **** who can continue to sacrifice, and it will not blame it, just like the secret library of the goddess of wealth temple contains demons. Pattern equipment

The magic pattern equipment is top equipment in the sanctuary, but it is the same thing in the eyes of the gods. The top level of the goddess of wealth temple is very stingy guys. Tens of thousands of magic pattern equipment are actually in the secret library and not given to the guards of the temple. use

People at the upper and middle levels of the Goddess of Fortune Temple immediately rushed out when they heard the call from the Lord of the Goddess, and the people who originally surrounded the Temple of the Goddess of Fortune were long gone.

Still, those who have the ability to buy magicweave equipment and dare to find the goddess of wealth temple are not good at trouble. So when they heard the secret library was discovered, thousands of people rushed over.

And there are more people around the secret library whose magic weave equipment is thrown out by the people in the secret library. People who fly around and hear the news are all red. You know that this is magic weave equipment sometimes. In his lifetime, he will never be able to gather a set of magic pattern equipment, let alone weapons and shields.

"Everyone, take it and leave quickly" someone shouted loudly in it

Nicos showed a smile at the corner of his mouth when he saw such a situation in the crowd. This is regarded as Nicos handing in a satisfactory answer to Cook.

"Let’s grab it, it’s late," Nicos also shouted loudly.

This is actually a retreat signal, Nicos sneaked out after roaring, not long after Nicos gathered around dozens of people, these are the top intelligence personnel of Nicos, and they obtained the secret library at a huge price. position

Just when Nekos was withdrawing, the people from the Goddess of Fortune Temple rushed to the main hall of the Goddess of Fortune Temple. Seeing that the secret library was opened, his eyes were red and roared: "Kill me."

"Boom" A guy who had just grabbed a piece of magic weave equipment was about to leave, and was hit by the hall master's magical technique, and he vomited blood and flew out.

"Let down the equipment to avoid death" the hall master shouted loudly

The two hall masters and the three hall masters all used magic skills one after another. The people who grabbed things for a time were beaten and retreated.

People in the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth are even more painful to those who have been injured by the master of the main hall, the second master of the third hall, the killer, by the way, for the believers of the goddess of wealth temple, money is everything to sell their souls for money

It can be said that the believers of the Goddess of Wealth are the black-hearted masters, so looting is nothing at all. This is also the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth in the Aran Heights. Aran Heights is also known as the Land of Chaos. Money is everything in this place.

What the people in the Goddess of Wealth Temple don’t know is that they are richer than the rich Cook. This is one of the reasons why Nikos can get the location of the Vault. The people in Aran Heights are a group of **** who can do anything for money. Scum

However, the people of the Goddess of Fortune Temple started smoothly, but when the robbing people reacted, a fierce battle kicked off. On the one hand, there were tens of thousands of magic-weave equipment in the secret library and a large amount of handy wealth. Eyes and murderous reaction, the people who reacted knowing that they can't be good at all, they attacked one after another.

"Boom Long" The entire sky of Alan Heights becomes colorful, soaring magma, waves, monstrous currents, thick thorns and summoned elemental puppets, the entire Alan Heights is constantly shaking.

Countless mountain peaks began to shatter, countless rivers were directly burned by huge pillars of fire, and the entire Aran Heights became scorched black.

"Brothers put on magic pattern equipment to kill." Over time, the people who obtained the magic pattern equipment in the mysterious library of Fortune Girls gradually gained the upper hand, and as the middle level of the Temple of Fortune Goddess was killed one by one, these middle levels of the Fortune Goddess were looted. Everyone's eyes are red, too rich, too rich

The main hall master almost wants rabbit blood because the magic pattern equipment has actually increased the enemy's strength. On the other hand, the number of people here is decreasing. The temple guards are only left with hundreds of middle-level priests. The high-level priests are also dead. Many people besieged it, it seems that the end of the temple is today

The main hall master looked at dozens of people around him staring at him, although he was a **** servant, but facing dozens of people with not low strength, because there was no way, the main hall master gritted his teeth and made up his mind when he saw this, and his whole body lit up golden. Flame

"Kill her, you need to sacrifice yourself." None of the people present at the scene called out loudly.

Dozens of people immediately shot the fire dragon, ice gun, blizzard, thorns, soul attack, curse, etc., making the main hall of the goddess of wealth bloody, but the golden flames surrounding the main hall became more and more intense.

"Hahahaha you are all going to die" the main hall master laughed

The people around were pale. If the goddess of wealth came forward, wouldn’t these people have to face divine punishment, so dozens of people looked at each other and ran away quickly

There was one who ran and the rest were not fools, all ran away, the hall master, the whole person turned into a ball of golden flame, the hall master madly laughed, and the last soul was swallowed by the golden flame

Other people in the temple of the goddess of wealth expected to watch the golden flames of the main hall master and sacrifice with life, especially the servants, will definitely attract the gods

But as the golden flame became smaller and smaller, when the last golden flame disappeared, there was no response in the entire Alan Heights. The believers in the temple of the goddess of wealth were disappointed and then desperate.

"Are we abandoned by God?" The second shop owner looked at the sky in horror and said

"No, no, we won't be abandoned by God" the Lord of the Three Halls roared

"Ah boom"

"No, no, we were abandoned by the goddess." Two believers of the goddess of wealth yelled and slammed directly into the stone next to them. The other one exploded.

What a fear it is to be abandoned by God. For these believers, God is all that is alive. All these believers rely on. But today, after being abandoned by God, one after another believers of the Goddess of Wealth committed suicide and blew themselves up without leaving their souls.

Its practical life sacrifice is like calling the police. Generally speaking, gods will come when life sacrifices. After all, they are called by their own believers. But gods are not omnipotent goddess of wealth. Today, they encounter special circumstances. I am now sleeping in my own temple with a face full of drunkenness

The goddess of the dark night and other gods left the temple of the goddess of wealth with a smile. The goddess gathered for a while and the goddess of the dark night said with a smile: "Thank you for the wine of the goddess of nature"

"Hehe don't need to thank me, I am also for my believer" the goddess of nature said with a smile

The **** of contract said with a sneer: "The goddess of wealth, I have long been unable to get used to what she usually looks like, now she is better"

It turns out that several gods are looking for the goddess of wealth to drink. The goddess of nature has even brought out the best wine. The goddess of wealth is very stingy and usually very stingy and likes to take advantage of the small bargains. And a few gods deliberately do this, so the goddess of wealth is easily drunk. So the main hall master called the police and no one answered the call

The temple of the goddess of wealth collapsed. The second temple owner went crazy and cursed the goddess of wealth and the third temple owner left Alan Heights. No one knew where he went. It was only half a year later that the goddess of wealth came to discover that the temple of the goddess of wealth was deserted. Knowing that I lost the foundation stone of the lower plane this time

However, the life sacrifice of the main hall owner did not call the other branches of the goddess of wealth. They were beaten and looted. The goddess of wealth temple collapsed. All the believers turned their backs on the goddess of wealth and invested in other temples.

Cook was also surprised that the goddess of wealth did not come. Could it be that something happened to the gods, but Cook can't take care of it because the deadline for Cook's wedding has arrived.

The whole free kingdom is shrouded in white, Cook’s face is depressed because what Cook wants in his bones is red, but here white is the symbol of holiness, so the whole free kingdom looks like someone is going to be mourning.

White flowers and white wedding dresses, and there are many people from the Kingdom of Freedom, but there are only a few who are eligible to enter the inner city of Liberty City, but this part is also tens of thousands

Yes, among the tens of thousands, the bride’s maiden family accounted for more than half

"Hmm, this kid is cheaper for him," a giant dragon said with a cold snort. The dragon was covered with purple thunder and lightning. This is the patriarch of the Thunder Dragon clan, but this old guy is even more jealous

"If it's cheap, I don't want to spend so much money." A Titan Urn said with an anguish. This is the ancient Titan and the patriarch of the Titan family.

"Rocky head, who do you say, we, La Milan, but we are the most beautiful woman of the Thunder Dragon clan, don’t want you to be a freak,” the patriarch of the Thunder Dragon clan said sarcastically, knowing Xinna’s situation.

"Shameless, our Sinna is a big girl, La Milan, but a woman with children," the patriarch of the Titans also shouted loudly.

"Boom" Thunder Dragon heard this and immediately jumped up and rushed towards the ancient Titan

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