A Unique Hunter

Chapter 922: Who's Revenge (1)

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Cook did not know that the people in the temple of the goddess of wealth were planning to calculate themselves. Cook's free kingdom developed extremely fast. After the big marriage, Cook became more mature and thought about more problems.

Especially the relationship between the various women, this makes Cook a headache. Among Cook’s women, Siah, Lina and Connie are all experienced strong men. Sialina has lived for hundreds of years, and Connie Once more a general in command of one side, the means of handling affairs is even more incredible.

Wu Mei is very simple and doesn't have much scheming at all. It is Manly that makes Cooke a headache, the temple knight of the goddess of the night temple, and Murphy, the strong woman in business, and the secretly constantly turning and thinking. Lori, of course, also added an Anna who is sometimes the saint of the night goddess temple.

There are also La Milan, who values ​​money very seriously, and Sina, who is very possessive. For Cook, the relationship between these people makes Cook a headache, and there is also the coquettish Windsor.

"Cook." After Ramanan got the benefit from Cooke, he immediately became a different person. He was tired of Cook all day long, and he was even more obedient to Cook. Of course, what Ramlan valued. Cook knew it well.

But in the face of a big beautiful woman who followed and served you attentively, Cook couldn't say anything. This wouldn't be the case when Ramanan saw Cook and rushed forward and hugged Cook tightly.

Cook asked with a slight smile: "La Milan, why didn't you see Xiao Lei."

"Xiao Lei went to play with Lily, and her mother also likes Xiao Lei." The mother in La Milan's mouth was Cook's mother, Mrs. Hilton.

At this moment, Murphy walked in, looked at La Milan with dissatisfaction, and then said to Cook: "Cook, this is the account book from last week. It costs too much."

"Oh, what are the expenses?" Cook picked up the ledger and asked while looking at it.

"It's just that some people eat a lot and use a lot." Murphy said angrily.

Cook took a look and understood. Murphy was talking about La Milan. The ingredients on it accounted for most of the consumption. There were also perfumes and other things used by women. Cook looked at the things on La Milan. , I understand.

Why doesn't La Milan understand, La Milan straightened his chest and said, "Is there any way, our dragon just eats a lot."

"You're so embarrassed to see what ingredients are you buying, sanctuary-level warcraft meat, secret high-end spices, and good wine that has been aged for decades. These are all extremely expensive things." Fei asked loudly.

La Milan gave Murphy a white look, and said disdainfully: "I just eat my husband's money to buy things, so I didn't spend other people's money to buy things."

"You are ashamed to say that you have a husband, but this is also my husband, and there is a share of mine in this money." Murphy shouted to Ramanan.

"Hehe, if you eat so much too, I would object to it too, I am afraid that some people will become wine barrels if they eat too much." La Milan said with a pointed mouth.

When Cook saw the two of them like this, he immediately waved his hand and said, "Stop arguing, Murphy, I don’t have to say so much about what I will eat and wear in the future. Since you are married to me, then I am obligated to support. You, besides, I am not short of money."

When La Milan heard Cook say this, he looked at Murphy provocatively, and kissed Cook on the face hard, and his body was tightly against Cook.

Murphy objected: "No, Cook, if we do this, everything we consume in the future will be deducted from our dividends in the Chamber of Commerce."

"Why? Why deduct money." Ramlan jumped up and shouted at Murphy when he heard that he was deducting money.

"Okay, okay, these expenses will come from me in the future." Cook saw that the war was about to break out, and immediately stood up and said.

Murphy left in a huff, and La Milan was tired of being by Cook's side. Cook had no way to deal with La Milan. The dragon's character was like this. Cook looked at the charming La Milan with a wry smile.

Mickey has been studying hard recently, but for the magician, the speed of promotion is not so fast, but Cook has noticed Mickey's anxious mentality, but Cook has not rushed to stop it.

In fact, Mickey regrets a bit now, because among Cook’s women, only Mickey has the lowest level. This gives Mickey a feeling of being inferior, so all Mickey can do is practice hard.

Among Cook's women, there is only one behind Mickey who has no big power support.

West Asia is not only a Mageweave Master, but also has a great disciple of the Mageweave Master, plus its super strength after integrating the Divine Core, the influence brought by it is extremely huge.

Lina's own strength, coupled with the identity of the Space Department, is a super existence in itself.

Manli herself is also a super strong, and she has a close relationship with the goddess of the dark night, at least a man has slept in the same bed with the goddess of the dark night.

There are millions of people in Windsor, Xinna has the Frost Titan tribe, and Xinna's elder brother, Xinta, controls the Security Alliance guard.

Not to mention Wu Mei, so Mickey has a strong sense of crisis, which urges Mickey to keep working hard, but again, the magician is a profession that needs time to accumulate.

It is not blind practice. Fighting can raise the level. The magician needs not only understanding, but also a lot of knowledge, so every magician is an erudite scholar, and this kind of erudition makes the magician full of wisdom.

On the other hand, Mickey does not want to leave Cook in the cold, so Mickey's situation can be imagined. Although Cook knows what Mickey is doing, Cook can't say anything.

Because Mickey did this because of Cook, if Cook said anything or what Mitch would think, Cook would not know.

Cook was worried but could not do anything. He had to provide the best cultivation environment, the best cultivation knowledge, and the best mentor.

But the more this happens, the more Mitch thinks in his heart, Cook’s attention is now mostly on Mitch’s side, so he ignores others a bit, and Nicos, who is the chief of intelligence, is also a little careless. .

To be honest, since planning to overthrow the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth, Nikos has become a little arrogant, thinking that he is omnipotent, except for Cook.

So when Mickey's younger brother Boai disappeared, Nicos didn't know what to do. Nicos first sent someone to inspect, but there was no gain, so he had to report to Cook.

When Cook heard that Boai was missing, he was also stunned, but Cook reacted immediately and asked quickly.

"Make a list of the people who have been in contact with Boai recently, as well as the people in Mickey's family, and then follow these contacts to check it down for me." Cook ordered anxiously.

At this time, Mickey heard that her brother was missing, and rushed over, tears in her eyes, Nicos hurried away as soon as she saw it.

Cook comforted Mickey for a while, and then he personally went to the intelligence department of Nikos. Cook's previous expenses were not thrown into the water for nothing. The huge intelligence organization started to operate, first of all, it was checked around the people who contacted Boai. Sixteen people, and along with these sixteen people, more than 700 people were checked. These more than 700 people checked again, and it was more than 3,000 people, but in just one day, three suspects were listed. Came out.

But at this moment, Cook received Boai’s message. Cook looked at Nicos angrily: "Nicos, I think you are dizzy. You don’t know that you are staring at the temple of the goddess of wealth, don’t you? Do you know the sentence of resurgence."

"Your Majesty." Nikos did not expect to be the goddess of wealth. This was tantamount to giving Nikos a resounding slap in the face. Just after Nikos was instigating behind him, he was immediately hit by a backhand blow by the guy from the temple of the goddess of wealth.

"Your Majesty, please give me some time, I will personally bring Boai back." Nicos is also angry now, Nicos decided to bloodbath the remnants of the goddess of wealth.

"Asshole." Cook was very angry and shouted loudly.

"Now Boai is in their hands, what can you do, ah." Cook slapped the table to pieces and roared loudly.

Nicos lowered his head and said nothing. At this time, other women came and looked at Cook. Cook knew that this was not only a test for himself, but also for his family, because several women present had relatives, if Cook If one is not handled properly, there will be rifts between families.

Cook stood up and said, "Give me three days and I will bring Boai back."

Cook left a sentence and turned and left. Cook was also very angry. He had already crossed Cook's bottom line for this kind of child, because Boai was just an ordinary person.

Cook first summoned the members of the Strategic Security Alliance. Now these members are resident in the Free Kingdom. Cook first took out the provocative message of the goddess of wealth, and then said: "Everyone, this is a challenge to our security alliance. The above conditions, the control of commercial banks, you agree or not."

Where would the people below agree~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Commercial banks are now an important source of wealth. Originally, when these members looked at what Cook brought out, they thought that Cook would sacrifice the interests of commercial banks. But now it seems that Cook is going to launch an attack.

The following members shouted immediately: "This is the first battle of our strategic security alliance."

"That is, we just flip the entire sanctuary and also find Boai."

"According to my judgment, even if it is the fastest magic airship, Boai's location is in this area. We immediately issued orders and strictly investigated."

"If one is found to kill the other, as long as it is implicated, they are killed."

When Cook heard what these people said, he said: "I have been talking for three days, and you can figure it out."

Then Cook sat down with a look of leisurely pleasure, and the members immediately took action, and a **** storm had taken shape.

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