A Unique Hunter

Chapter 923: Who's Revenge (2)

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Not only did Cook’s attitude make the members of the Strategic Security Alliance not unhappy, although Cook looked a little arrogant and gave orders generally, in fact, everyone present was not a fool. Cook’s attitude showed two meanings.

First, this action can be said to be a crush. If Cook participates, then it is obvious that these influences will be attributed to Cook, and the others involved will not receive the slightest praise at all.

Secondly, this action still has some benefits. Although each individual is operating in his own field, this action can also be said to be a deterrent, a deterrent.

Managing an organization, or a territory, not only requires gentle means, but on the other hand it also requires shock-like power, so this action can be seen as an opportunity to show and reveal muscles.

And in the process of showing muscles, you can still get benefits. The remnants of the goddess of wealth are exciting to imagine, because the followers of the goddess of wealth mean huge wealth.

Three days, although there are only three days, but on the first day, an approximate area is listed. First of all, a range is delineated according to the maximum transfer speed according to the time when Poai disappeared. This range is very large. big.

Including most of the dwarf territory, most of the dwarf territory, and the rest of the people are eyeing, because this is a clue, this clue will make more of the remnants of the goddess of wealth be discovered, and then it will be like a huge net. Live with people or organizations that are involved in this clue.

But what makes Cook feel a little tricky is that although Cook’s intelligence department penetrated into the dwarf territory and the dwarf territory, its ability to act is very weak. This is also Cooke weakening his influence, which is also related to the territory of the free kingdom. The relationship, close to the dwarf and dwarf territories, the free kingdom itself has some conflicts with the dwarf territory, and it is still very violent, which has made the relationship between the free kingdom and the dwarf territory very bad.

If the dwarves feel dissatisfied or threatened by the Freedom Kingdom, the future development of the Freedom Kingdom will be greatly restricted. After all, the Freedom Kingdom is also a member of society and cannot be independent from it.

The Freedom Kingdom has made a very weak performance in terms of the influence of the dwarf territory, but in this sudden incident, Cook felt a little powerless, but there is no way now.

Nicos led the elite intelligence personnel, and some clues finally surfaced. Nicos now feels very grateful, because the Free Kingdom has a complete resident management system, which can be said to be unprecedented among all races.

Other territories or races, including kingdoms and empires, have the most jurisdiction at the level of the lord, or the level of the clan patriarch. These organizations or the high level of the empire only know how many people there are in this tribe or the territory, but The name and age of the specific Taoist are not there at all.

However, in the free kingdom, everyone who enters the free kingdom needs a level, detailed registration, and a certain certificate or certifier is required to be allowed to enter the free kingdom.

The first thing Nicos found was the inner city, and the inner city was also one of the areas under the most restrictive jurisdiction of the Freedom Kingdom. Mickey’s family lived in the inner city, and Poai’s disappearance was related to a shop in the inner city.

Boai also has a talent for warriors, but Boai likes to go to a warrior training hall. A shop selling samurai costumes next to the warrior training hall entered the field of vision of Nicos and others. Although there is no direct evidence, many clues are Ruoyouruowu pointed to this samurai clothing shop.

Now that there are clues, the intelligence department led by Nikos will not take care of any legal matters. All the people in the clothing store have been arrested. Then they will continue to trace the identity and background of several people in the clothing store, and also tortured the shop. Few people.

The clue was quickly caught. A guy in the shop sold the information to a mysterious person. Here, it seems that the clue is broken again, but don't forget that the inner city has a strict identity system.

After the height, appearance, voice, as well as the area and the meeting place, the mysterious person soon appeared.

"Killer League." When Cook received Nicos' report that afternoon, Cook felt that things were a bit complicated.

The Killer League is a more mysterious organization than the Mageweave Union. This is a stronger and more secret organization than the Assassin's Union. It is said that as long as it is paid enough, the Killer League can even kill the **** servants.

And the Killer Alliance never accepts small tasks. Every shot of the Killer Alliance can be said to have a violent influence, hundreds of thousands, the Killer Alliance has made more than 600 shots, and more than 200 people have died at the peak of the sanctuary. Almost all the rest were assassinations of important people under the protection of Sanctuary Peak and Sanctuary Peak, and they have never missed, and so far these cases are unsolved, and no one can solve them.

The Killer Alliance has several peripheral organizations. There were once strong men who wanted to investigate these peripheral organizations, but they did not obtain the slightest information because the members of these peripheral organizations were dead, and if something was wrong, they committed suicide immediately.

Cook originally thought it was complicated, but he didn't expect it to be so complicated. If the Mageweave Trade Union was a giant crocodile lurking under the water, then the Killer Alliance was a viper hidden in the shadows.

"Go on, I want to find Boai." Cook said.

Nicos felt his blood boil. This was about to confront the Killer Alliance. Nicos licked his lips and said, "Your Majesty, I request special equipment."

Cook nodded heavily, and Nicos almost ran back. Nicos’ intelligence department has a lot of special equipment. Mageweave armor is more advanced equipment than Mageweave equipment. Mageweave mana weapons are better than The Meteor Cannon is a powerful weapon dozens of times more powerful, as well as some potions with special effects, and some talents with special methods that are recruited. Magicians who are proficient in black magic are just ordinary talents.

Cook sighed slightly after seeing Nikos going out. The members of the Security Alliance had formed a huge and tight encirclement. There were also organizations where dozens of members of the Security Alliance were members. A huge net had been pulled. Open, now it seems that the edge of the net is very firm, and one by one, the hands are sent out one by one, the mesh inside the encircling circle will become smaller and smaller, and finally when the entire encircling circle becomes completely seamless, This is when the fish is caught.

Dozens of organizations form an intersecting intelligence network, and in the dwarf territory of Sands City, Boai is sleeping in a car. Cars are no longer a high-end existence in Sanctuary. This is a tool for middle and low-level occupations. But the only trouble is that you need to carry enough fuel.

Sands City is a very important city in the dwarf territory. It is rich in fine gold and is also one of the most strictly managed cities in the dwarf territory.

Thorne is an ordinary guard guarding the gates of Sands City. Thorne is also a dwarf. Although the dwarf is stingy, arrogant and arrogant, the dwarf is very dedicated to his work.

Along with Thorne is a small group of dwarf soldiers, and a cavalry unit is stationed tens of meters away, but the cavalry of the dwarf clan is a cavalry unit that drives magic puppets.

Ryan carefully observed the people entering the city while watching the surroundings vigilantly. More and more people in the dwarf territory are using cars produced by the Freedom Kingdom. Of course, for some dwarfs who have time, they can make one by themselves. Cars or buying some accessories to assemble them by yourself is also a rare and good way. Thorne assembles them himself, in the dwarf territory, although the high-level officials have issued restrictions on the sale of things in the Freedom Kingdom.

But the dwarf who is very fanatical about machinery does not care about your high-level struggles, so auto parts and even car drawings appear in the underground black market. No matter what the demand is, the black market is not enough.

What Thorne lacks most are rubber tires. When Thorne saw a car stopped, he stepped forward to check it.

The car is very beautiful, with gorgeous lines. Thorne knows that this line can reduce the resistance in fast driving. There are also large pieces of artificial crystals and silver-white paint that make the entire car look more like a work of art. The huge magic crystal lamp is like two eyes.

"Where did it come from?" Thorne asked routinely, looking into the car.

"We are from Volcano City." A dwarf drove inside, and the dwarf shrugged.

"A few people." Thorne continued to ask. In Sanctuary, this is already a very strict interrogation system. Of course, as for how useful it is, I don't know.

"Three people, two adults, and one child," the dwarf who drove replied.

Thorne took a look and found that the back seat of the car was actually a human, and there was a human child beside him. Seeing this scene, Thorne felt a little weird, but it was just weird.

Thorne glanced at it and waved to let him go. The car drove slowly into Sands City, and Thorne continued to work, but the strange feeling made Thorne a little confused.

But soon Thorne knew where the weirdness was. When the second car drove up to Thorne today, the second car was full, and the children on the car followed the car. Driving and yelling.

Thorne knew where he felt weird, that is, children in cars shouldn't sleep, because Volcano City is not too far from Sands City, Thorne tightened the weapon in his hand and wrote down this doubt.

After the shift in the evening, Thorne hurriedly came to a tavern. Thorne was familiar with the basement of the tavern. There were already dozens of dwarves in the basement, and a small auction was being held in full swing.

It was a human being auctioned off. Behind this human is a lot of car parts. Thorne looked at a few swollen car tires, his eyes were straight. Compared to the wheels made by the dwarf race, this pitch-black tire gives people. The feeling is simply great.

But Thorne first came to the auction house and said to a human who issued the number plate: "Cole, didn't you say that a child of one of your distant relatives was cheated away, I saw a human child today~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's Thorne, thank you very much for your concern, I want to know the specific situation." Cole said with a smile.

"It came from Volcano City. At that time, the children slept in the car. This is very strange, because the children can't sleep in the car, and neither can I." Thorne explained in detail.

"Thank you, Mr. Thorne, if it were my relative's child, then I would thank you very much." Cole handed Thorne an auction number plate.

"Oh, that's great, but if I can, I want rubber tires." Thorne said very much.

"Haha." Cole said, watching Thorne participate in the auction, Cole recorded this information, and then left. Then the two humans in the tavern left the tavern and went to the motel. The motel was driving. A place where people must go, because there is fuel in this place, and there are corresponding things. The two big guys checked the motel and did not find the car. This was considered abnormal, so the information was again submitted to the personnel above , The night in Sands City began to not calm down.

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