A Unique Hunter

Chapter 931: Be watched

"Are you sure there is such a thing on this. +" Cook waved a crystal-clear bone, which is an ice-type bone. Although the laws contained in attacking Cook don’t know, he also knows that this thing is extremely powerful. Great, because Cook saw that there was a bright blue flow in the snow-white bones, which indicated that the law was biased towards temperature.

"Tweet." The little cub nodded vigorously, but this guy is at least twenty meters tall, and the action of bowing his head is very funny.

Cook scratched his head and looked at the huge black mountain peak. The mountain peak was almost straight. There were no plants on it, and there was no cloud at all. In this way, Cook could not see the top.

"Pop." Cook slapped the black mountain, feeling abnormally warm and moist, just like the temperature of the human body, Cook was surprised.

Then Cook studied it carefully, but for a while, Cook can only confirm that this is a man-made substance, not a natural one, because there is a big difference between a naturally-formed substance and a man-made one.

This kind of warm black rock can block the penetration of mental power, and Cook studied for a while and found nothing.

Cook looked at the mountain that couldn't reach the top, but he cruelly gave up. First, Cook didn't know what dangers were on it, and on the other hand, it was because Cook Qingyuan dug some ready-made treasures under the mountain.

The little cub looked at Cook suspiciously. Cook ignored the little cub’s suspicious gaze, and then looked around. The ground in the middle of the storm sea was piled up with countless roc's excrement. Countless pale bones.

There are also some scales, some miscellaneous things, but no plants are seen. The large ones are several meters in size, tens of meters in size, and the small ones are some unclear residues. After all, the food consumed by the Dapeng does not enter the abdomen together.

Cook kept rummaging. With Cook's strong physical strength, it was easy to rummage. Some broken bones, complete scales, and seemingly weird things that Cook thought were precious.

The little cub was also pulling **** one side. Compared to Cook’s actions, this little cub is a huge excavator. After all, his claws are hundreds of times the size of Cook. Cook gave the little claws cheerfully. The cubs have a lot of food.

The little cubs have also learned to drink, and now they like to drink more, because fruit wine contains more energy than meat, especially the magic fruits brewed by the flower spirits. It can be said that a bottle of magic fruit wine contains thousands of energy. The energy of an ordinary cattle and sheep carcass.

Obviously, the little cub eats whatever is high in energy. After a few bottles of wine, the little cub’s body is getting bigger and bigger, and the body is no longer extremely thin and skinny. It has some muscles. Cook very much doubts if it has enough. The energy, how fast this little cub is growing.

"Tweet, twee, twee." Just as Cook and the little cub were constantly pulling and pulling, a cry continued to sound.

On one side of Cook's face, he turned his head and saw a group of cubs looking at him curiously. Only then did Cook realize that the place where he was standing was already a very deep and big pit. It must have been too attractive. This group of very curious guys.

"Run." Cook yelled, and then quickly ran out of the pit. The little cub also ran out quickly, grabbed Cook again, and ran tens of kilometers away in one breath, but Cook Suspiciously with the little cub, he discovered that the group of over-energy guys did not follow.

Cook and the little cub looked at each other, and they were very puzzled. Cook communicated with the little cub and decided to go back and have a look, and wait until Cook and the little cub returned to where they were just now.

A group of cubs are constantly dragging a large pit. The pit is thousands of square meters, and the pit is getting deeper and deeper. At least Cook saw a few suspected bones, and Cook was stunned.

This group of cubs had a lot of fun playing in the big pit. Obviously, these guys are occupying other people's playground.

"Hehe." Cook smiled, this group of cubs turned out more things, and Cook smiled and waited for the cubs to go away, just to pick the best ready-made ones.

The little cub was unhappy, but he was eager to try again. Obviously, the little guy still wanted to play with his friends, but he was a little afraid. Cook understood the little cub’s mentality, as the saying goes. ,Birds of a feather flock together.

The little cub still likes to be with the same kind. Cook patted the little cub's body. The little cub has no strength. Among the rest of the same kind, he is a bullied guy. The little cub also knows his status, so It's just looking hot.

This group of cubs had been arguing for a long time before they broke up. Cook rushed up. Cook kept in mind several locations for a long time. These locations have complete bones and appearance. Very good.

But the little cub was very worried, looking at the place where the group of the same kind disappeared from time to time. Cook didn't care about the little cub's mentality now, and soon a complete bone appeared.

"Good thing." Cook saw a half-person-sized skull. In the middle of the skull was a crystal-clear bone the size of a basin. Inside these bones, smoke was smelt, and scenes flashed by, like a TV. Cook guessed that this must be the magic of the illusion system, because Cook felt a little dizzy when he glanced at it, just like the feeling of playing a lot of games before, Cook couldn't help jumping up and shouting.

"Tweet, twee, twee." Then, one after another heads popped out of Cook's eyes, and his big blue eyes looked at Cook in confusion.

Cook took a deep breath. Why did these guys come back? Why didn't he pay attention? Cook slowly turned his head and saw the little cub being thousands of meters away from him. He wanted to walk. .

"Hehe." Cook smiled, then put away the skull, then Cook did not run back, but rushed directly at the group of cubs.

"Chirp, chirp." Cook's strategies are many. Cook easily ran out from between dozens of huge thighs, but what followed was a group of cubs behind him who kept chattering. Tweeting and chasing Cook.

"Boom, boom." These cubs performed their most common trick again, which was to wave their small fleshy wings, and then their slender legs jumped vigorously, like a huge fleshy bullet from Cook's head. As it went up and down, it was this huge shock that caused Cook to stagger.

A group of cubs kept jumping, some of them were bumping cars in the air, and then a group of people turned their backs on their horses, but these guys were not angry, but were extremely excited to chase Cook.

"A bunch of bastards, dull halo." Cook finally launched a counterattack. At the beginning, Cook didn't dare to counterattack, because he was afraid that the young would come to the old. This place is obviously a super nursery, in a community of social creatures. Inside, the cubs all live together.

But to Cooke's disappointment, the dull aura he displayed had no effect at all, and the cubs behind were only taken aback and did not slow down at all.

"Fuck me, I know these guys are not easy." Cook tore open a scroll of anti-gravity art, and then took a potion of wind and agility, but there are too many magic items in this place, and the magic released by Cook is great. Influence, but the speed has improved a lot.

"Tweet." Cook's speed increased, and many cubs tweeted in exclamation.

"Puff puff." A puff voice let Cook know that something was wrong.

"Boom." Cook was hit by dozens of missiles, and his body was directly hit by the huge impact and flew out.

A few kilometers away, Cook fell heavily to the ground. He was dizzy and jumped up, but then he felt something wrong. Cook found that his magicweave equipment had become a pile of fragments. Cook is all over.

"Tweet." In just two seconds, Cook was surrounded by a group of giant cubs that were fifty meters high. The legs of these guys are more than twenty meters high, which is the height of six or seven layers of arms.

Cook's face is not pale, but a little green, a huge head lowered, looking at Cook's strange body, and then making a puzzled sound.

With a clatter, dozens of heads were lowered, looking at Cook in doubt. These guys looked at Cook, looked at each other, and also looked at their bodies. Obviously they were confused about Cook and himself. Why is it different.

Cook quickly put on his clothes. Although he knew that the clothes had no effect in the face of these attacks, Cook was a civilized man after all, and Chi Guoguo's body was still uncomfortable being exposed.

"Here." Cook knew these little guys were still curious about everything, so he took out a bunch of fruits.

"Tweet." A bunch of red fruits suddenly appeared. What made Cook couldn't believe that these cubs were scared and took a big step back, watching the things that suddenly appeared vigilantly.

"Kacha." But curiosity still prevailed. A cub smashed a few red fruits into pieces with a careful mouth, but the cub himself retracted back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to eat. of. "Cook used his talents in animal language and animal language, and then picked up a magic fruit to eat.

"Kacha, Kacha." Each of the cubs looked at them in confusion. As one cub ate a fruit, the scene immediately became confused. A group of cubs scrambled with each other, and Cook took the opportunity to drop more fruits. Then the cubs sneaked away when they were snatching food.

"A bunch of idiots." Cook looked at the increasingly successful tactics, feeling complacent.

"Chirp, chirp." But not long after Cook was proud, he heard a squeaky voice, and a group of cubs rushed towards Cook again.

"What the **** is going on." Cook didn't expect to be entangled again. You know that there are hundreds of tons of fruit. If it weren't for this place, Cook would have been big. The killing was started. Although these cubs were tough, Cook had a lot of cards, but the cubs were only fifty meters tall, what about adult individuals.

Cook was surrounded by the cubs again, but Cook found that it seemed that these guys' eyes were not curious just now, but another look, and Cook's nerves suddenly tightened.

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