A Unique Hunter

Chapter 932: Peculiar state

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"Tweet!" The group of cubs surrounded Cook, tweeting non-stop.

Cook now has an urge to hit the wall, because it is obvious that this group of cubs are milky or mothers. The meaning in this cry is obvious, that is, they still want to eat fruit. In comparison, magic fruit supplements more energy Fast.

Cook scratched his head and looked at this group of cubs with blue eyes full of expectation. These guys did not attack Cook, but kept their heads stretched and screamed, and the voices were full of begging for food. , Just like the chick following the hen.

"I'm afraid of you." Cook didn't expect another group of cubs to be almost dizzy.

There are a lot of magic fruits in Cook's natural ring. Because the natural ring produces so many fruits and the flower elves who are proficient in plant growth take care of them, the output of magic fruits has risen sharply.


"Tweet." A group of cubs looked at the fruits of various colors like the hill, and no longer had the meaning of fear. Instead, they cried in excitement, and then rushed up, and Cook continued to pour the fruits from the natural space. come out.

When Cook lived with these strange cubs in this place, thousands of kilometers away, Sia, Lina, and Manly, Connie, and Anna were nervous with thousands of them. The square kilometer-sized Dapeng faced each other.

Anna almost said in a tone: "Why is it so unlucky to meet such a perverted guy."

"Is it the legendary Dapeng who can swallow mountains and rivers?" Connie asked in shock.

"Yes, the Dapeng is the overlord of the entire Storm Sea. The reason why the Storm Sea becomes the Storm Sea is because there are a group of Dapeng living in the Storm Sea. The Dapeng belongs to the three rare beasts of the wind system, the water system, and the thunder and lightning system. In other words, the more complex the beasts grow slower, but the Dapeng is an exception. The Dapeng has another name, devouring the beast, there is nothing that the Dapeng can’t eat, and the Dapeng only needs enough energy to grow. There are almost no bottlenecks. These roc can swallow huge tornadoes, then draw food from the deep sea, and can paralyze food with lightning. The entire storm sea has become a forbidden zone for life, except for a few areas. According to legend, the center of the storm sea is the habitat of the roc, but no one has ever discovered it, even a god.” Anna explained.

Thousands of kilometers away, Dapeng glanced at Anna and several people, but after a little confrontation, he stirred the sea directly and sucked food.

Anna said, "Let's go, Dapeng generally won't attack other creatures, because they have a big belly that can never fill up. Their belly is an independent space, so they always feel hungry."

"Does that mean that the Dapeng is not dangerous?" Xia asked with a belly.

"Yes, according to the truth, but if you are accidentally sucked in, even if it is a god, you will almost fall." Anna looked at the Dapeng moving with a huge storm and nodded and said.

Lina sighed: "If this kind of creature goes to land, I'm afraid it will be a disaster."

"Hehe, in the eyes of Dapeng, land is not a good place. How much food there is on land. Look at how many powerful monsters there are. Only the boundless sea of ​​storms can give birth to such creatures. "Anna chuckled.

"Let's go, there must be no trace of Cook here." West Asia was worried about Cook's safety, and when Anna said this, she turned her head and said.

The group of people looked at the Dapeng moving on the sea with a storm of thousands of kilometers, and secretly sighed what kind of attack power such a huge creature would have if it fought.

"Are you curious about how these rocs fought?" Anna looked at the people and asked.

"Yes, such a large volume is an obvious target." Manli and Anna are familiar with each other and asked.

"Hehe, you are wrong. During the battle between gods and demons, the millions of demons were swallowed by two rocs in less than a minute. When such rocs were fighting, the storm around the body was A natural protective cover, and this protective cover is like a large net that takes care of both offense and defense. Once covered by a storm, the thunder and lightning paralysis attributes inside these storms, and the storm range of the Dapeng attack covers millions of kilometers. After the demons suffered a big loss, they dare not go deep into the storm sea since then, and the intelligent race living on the storm sea is now migrating in that time." Anna said with a smile.

Several people around took a breath of air, and the attack range of millions of square kilometers, this Nima is not only abnormal.

Anna then even said: "A group of rocs live in Stormwind."

Even someone with spatial attributes like Lina was speechless when he heard such words. For a group of such perverted beasts, Lina was not sure to escape. Lina asked worriedly: "If we are sucked into the belly of Dapeng What will happen inside?"

"Hehe, maybe nothing will be left. I didn't watch the Dapeng sucking into the ocean monsters that are thousands of meters in size. That's because Dapeng's body is an independent space, even the artifacts and equipment will disappear. , Anyway, the one that was swallowed by the Dapeng never appeared again." Anna said with a harp.

The people in West Asia were worried, Anna said with a triumphant smile: "But I feel that Cook's life imprint still exists, and it seems to be getting bigger and bigger."

When Anna and the others were looking for Cook, Cook was both painful and happy. Cook took out a lot of magic fruits. Cook didn't know the exact number. Anyway, these cubs were happy to eat.

In the end, Cook was shocked to discover that these cubs are indeed mothers with milk. Now what do these cubs think of Cook, as parents. Cook has a strange guess that these cubs may still It is true that he has never met his parents.

Why is it the best thing for a demon pet to be a beast egg or a cub? That is because the beast will regard the first creature it is born as its parent. Of course, Cook did not expect these divine beast cubs to regard themselves as parents, because Divine beasts have unique inheritance memories. These memories will gradually appear over time and the speed of growth. This is a long process.

But in the current situation, these cubs regard Cook as their parents, and Cook is certainly not the kind of guy who takes good things out to give away.

Cook was standing on a high hill. A group of cubs of Warcraft were pulling vigorously under the hillside. From time to time, a cub screamed and rushed towards Cook, and then a bone appeared in front of Cook. There is also a big head.

"The appearance is very complete, it is considered a good quality Ao Bone." Cook identified it, and then took out a lot of magic fruits. The cub who pulled out the Ao Bone swallowed the fruit in a few bites, and then went down with joy. Pulled away.

At the beginning, Cook was very excited, but when the number of bones in Cook's hands exceeded double digits, Cook was also numb. Generally, the flawed Cook didn't want it, because Cook's natural space already has completeness. The advanced bones.

"Tweet." The little cub finally lived with the brothers. This guy is very clever. Every time he digs a bone, he exchanges magic fruit wine instead of magic fruit.

Cook clearly found that the little cub's body was stronger, and Cook couldn't help but smack his tongue secretly. This creature actually grew after eating it.

Cook has a sense of accomplishment now, because the cubs in this group of cubs are thousands of times faster than him, but Cook doesn't quite understand how big this place is, he just knows how big it is.

Cook is now a foreman. The cubs below are hardworking workers. The claws of these cubs are very big, and the big ones are big pits. The eyes of these cubs are very sensitive, even if they are fragments of bones. Can't escape the eyes of these guys.

"Chirp." A green root-like thing appeared in front of Cook, and the cub made a chirp sound.

"Natural bones, my god, I finally saw it, but who can tell me what exactly is this?" Cook looked at the mess, like a tree root and a mess of mailboxes. Green tentacles.

But the cub didn’t care. He stared at Cook with big eyes. Cook raised his hand and was a pile of magic fruits, and the cub also had experience. The fruits were sucked by a big mouth before they hit the ground. Into the mouth, this is very similar to Dapeng.

Then the cub happily continued to pull things in exchange for food. Cook carefully looked at the fluffy green thing that resembled plant roots. It was green all over and there seemed to be some liquid flowing inside.

"Windsor, what is this?" Cook called Windsor out.

Windsor had just come out, and before he had time to see the surroundings, he was attracted by the things in Cook's hands. Windsor rubbed his eyes, and then asked incredulously: "Cook, where did you come from?"

"Don't you know?" Cook asked in surprise~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know, I feel that this is a kind of plant, but it doesn't seem to be. Anyway, it gives me a very kind and dangerous feeling. "Windsor said.

"Very dangerous and kind?" Cook was confused by Windsor's words.

Just when Cook was confused, the Natural Ring suddenly sent a burst of information to Cook. After Cook knew the information, he brought the strange green roots close to the Natural Ring.

At this moment, a wonderful thing happened. The root was instantly fused with the natural ring. The natural ring itself was a smooth ring, but now there was a lot of tentacles on the ring. Cook's feeling is that there should be a gem on this support, which is like a complete ring.

"I understand." Just after this green root-like thing merged with the natural ring, Cook received some pieces of information. Cook was just in a trance and understood what it was.

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