A Unique Hunter

Chapter 937: Was attacked

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After this clear, stone-like chirping, the gods of conspiracy shocked all over as if they were hit by an invisible force.

"Fluttering" Cook was surprised when the ground made a fluttering sound

Cook looked at the ground as if it was hit by a huge invisible hammer. The whole ground sank hundreds of meters to a high level. The ground was extremely flat. The original huge bones were forcibly pressed into a whole piece.

"Haha, break it." The shadow **** was shocked and he vomited blood, then looked at the three people of the conspiracy **** and laughed loudly and then screamed

The gray light on the God of Shadow suddenly swelled up to form a huge gray space with a radius of several thousand meters, and this space seemed to be independent from the outside of the big world, as seen from a mirror.

Seeing this situation, the **** of conspiracy roared: "Second, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing, just stay in the sanctuary slowly." The voice of the shadow **** is a little strange, as if it is very laborious.

"Not good" The goddess of wealth yelled immediately, a dazzling golden light pierced directly into the gray mist

"Puff puff puff" countless golden lights pierced the gray space. The gray space is like a balloon pierced by countless golden lights.

But in the gray fog, there is no shadow **** at all, the shadow conspiracy **** also reacted with extremely ugly face, because the space channel that just descended was opened by the shadow god, and the shadow **** just now must use some kind of secret technique to forcibly open the space The channel then returned to the God Realm

The **** of conspiracy was so angry that he almost vomited blood. I didn’t expect that he was smart for a lifetime and was the master of the conspiracy. He was calculated twice in one day and fell into despair.

"Tweet..." At this moment, a very high-pitched chir came over.

Cook was shocked to find that there were countless cracks in the entire sky, like a ripple on the surface of water

The whole space is like a pregnant woman with a big belly, bulging out like huge creatures in the space.

"Boom" The entire space swelled to a certain extent, suddenly a huge hole burst out in the space

"Damn" a figure cursed in the hollow

This is the voice of the shadow god, the **** of conspiracy, and the goddess of wealth are shocked because the shadow **** is hit by a huge force and is constantly being pushed out of the entire space by the huge force.

"Boom" in full view, a huge gray mist erupted from the shadow half of the arm. The huge space was expanded again by the huge power. The God of Shadow took advantage of this power and turned into a stream of light to rush into the depths of the space.

Cook saw that he took a breath of air-conditioning. The **** was forced to explode with one arm before he escaped. The **** of conspiracy and the goddess of wealth are both gloomy and the **** of shadow. The price paid this time is too great.

"Tweet Tweet" hasn't waited for everyone to react, and a very loud chirping sounded again

A huge head with the size of several tens of kilometers appeared above Cook and others. The head is like the head of a tortoise. There is a huge blue-black unicorn on the head. This unicorn is at least several kilometers long.

The space above the unicorn seems to be distorted. A blue halo flashes from time to time on the unicorn. The whole unicorn has three halos. The three halos are all golden, but there are strange runes-like ones on these halos. Symbol flashes

"God, you have violated the agreement between us." A loud voice resounded throughout the space. Cook and several people were surprised that this Dapeng could actually speak.

"Agreement" The **** of conspiracy and the goddess of wealth are dumbfounded because the two of the two people don't know the agreement that Dapeng said.

"Tweet Tweet Tweet Tweet Tweet" makes the face of the **** of conspiracy even more embarrassed because every tweet represents a big Peng

The long-lost feeling that the **** of conspiracy feels cold all over does not make the **** of conspiracy sigh, but more fear

"Kacha" series of huge buckets of thick purple lightning continue to form chains of lightning in the sky

"God you violated the agreement, do you want to go to war with our clan?" Dapeng's voice sounded again

"Hey God just violated the agreement, what do you want to do?" The **** of conspiracy did not speak but Cook spoke.

The **** of conspiracy and the goddess of wealth, the goddess of liberty is irritating at Cook, and now she dare not act rashly because if these big guys misunderstand, then the **** of conspiracy does not want to fight against this legendary ancient creature

"If this is the case, then our family can also go to the God Realm" the voice not only was not angry, but also asked with excitement.

The **** of conspiracy hurriedly said: "Your Excellency, we didn't intend to offend the nobles' territory. We broke in accidentally."

"I didn't mean that the joke broke in. You don't mean to break out now." Dapeng didn't say anything, but Cook first opened his mouth and said with a sneer.

"Idiot don't want to die, shut up for me" The **** of conspiracy can't wait to slap Cook this **** to death  exclaimed coldly

I don’t know that Cook saw this situation and shouted loudly: "I just want to die, come on, maybe you die before me."

"Hand over our children and then we will talk about your violation of the agreement" Dapeng's voice was as loud as ever.

"Children" The Goddess of Wealth and the God of Conspiracy. I remembered that there was a group of strange and ugly guys on the ground just now. This is the children of Dapeng. The two felt a little scalp tingling. Whether it is a monster of beast or a beast, it is very important to future generations.

After the **** of conspiracy yelled, he felt bad. Sure enough, Cook spoke at this time: "Your cub was taken away by this guy's accomplices and you want to go to the God Realm even though I agree very much."

The **** of conspiracy can't wait to kill Cook hundreds of times, the goddess of wealth wants to tear Cook's mouth because this guy is obviously a pick

"What our cub was stolen? Damn despicable **** ready to accept the anger?" Cook's answer made Dapeng roar and curse loudly.

"Boom boom boom" The whole space seemed to be a purple ocean, countless buckets of thick purple lightning, and they were bombarding the **** of conspiracy and others.

Cook didn't expect Dapeng to attack like this and watched at least five or six buckets of thick lightning strike him. Cook was struck by lightning before he could react. Cook felt that he had lost control of his body, even his soul; Seems to be paralyzed

"I'm going to die" Cook cried out in horror

But after shouting, Cook realized that he was okay. Cook touched his body and breathed a sigh of relief. But at this time, at least a dozen buckets of thick lightning struck Cook.

"Oh my god" Cook blamed to dodge, but how fast the lightning is. I haven't seen the **** of conspiracy. The lightning behind the goddess of wealth has gathered tens of meters thick lightning. The two gods are like infinite attraction. There are countless lightnings. Keep gathering

And the Statue of Liberty did not attack the Statue of Liberty at all, as if being ignored by thunder and lightning. Cook felt a sense of numbness throughout his body and was very surprised because Cook was hit at least thousands of times in just a few seconds. At the beginning, Cook was still terrified but When Cook realized that he felt some numbness, only Cook reacted

Cook looked at the yellow halo around Thunder Fang. Numerous lightning and thunder and lightning rushed into Thunder Fang like fish seeing bait. Cook was only hit by some power attached to the lightning.

"Damn it is another artifact" the **** of conspiracy looked at the scene on Cooke's side and cursed secretly

The goddess of wealth even shouted in her heart: "Too rich, too rich, there are actually two main artifacts and a rare thunder artifact"

Thunder tooth was originally gray, but under the constant thunder and lightning, the luster of the entire surface became brighter and brighter, and it was almost made of purple gemstones, but it was not finished yet. The purple became more and more dense, and the purple slowly faded away. The dagger presents a colorless state

Cook looked at Thunder Tooth's change and his heart was shocked, but Roc's attack had just begun.

"Huhuhu" a weird wind blew

Cook felt inexplicably dizzy. At this moment Cook seemed to feel that his soul was about to leave his body.

"Soul Storm" Cook took a breath

Soul storm Soul storm is different. Soul storm attacks the soul from the inside, while soul storm attacks the soul from the outside. The legendary soul storm can blow a person's soul out of the body. There is no way to stop it.

And after Cook took a breath of air-conditioning, the Destruction coat of arms gleamed inexplicably, Cook couldn't feel the slightest wind, as if the wind just didn't exist, Cook shivered. Obviously, the soul storm almost blew his own soul. gone

But when Cook looked at the top of his head, he immediately understood that it was not the soul that was blown away, but was sucked away. Two huge black holes are hundreds of kilometers above these two black holes. Nostrils of Dapeng

"The soul storm is actually the soul storm" The **** of conspiracy was tranced by the soul storm, and thousands of lightning behind him instantly hit the **** of conspiracy. The **** of conspiracy trembled.

"Shoo!" At the same time, drops of rain fell from the sky and made a scream

"Boom" Cook looked at the huge ground that was just hundreds of meters down by the huge momentum and was hit by drops of rain. It was like being hit by countless shells. Large pits hundreds of meters deep appeared. The whole ground becomes very soft

"Boom" The **** of conspiracy was hit by thunder and lightning just now, this time he was hit by rain, the whole person was hit directly on the ground, the **** of conspiracy couldn't take care of so many body flashes and seemed very embarrassed.


"At this time, the screams of the goddess of wealth attracted Cook's attention.

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