A Unique Hunter

Chapter 938: The end of the **** of conspiracy

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() Cook looked at the past, the goddess of wealth was wrapped in countless lightning, and almost half of the lightning displayed by the whole Dapeng was attracted by the goddess of wealth. The huge gold coin protected by the goddess of wealth was like a huge magnet that attracted countless lightning. Up

Cook can't help but feel ashamed. This gold coin is obviously gold. As for whether or not Cook is an artifact, I don't know whether the huge gold coin emits a dazzling light. Countless lightning bolts almost cover up the golden light.

"Hum" The **** of conspiracy is extremely fast, but under the double attack of thunder and lightning soul storm, the **** of conspiracy makes a muffled noise from time to time. This is to be hit by lightning.

The raindrops are getting denser and denser. Each raindrop carries immense power. This kind of raindrop seems to carry infinite gravity. Even if Cook’s body is strong, it is impacted by the immense power to make him stand unstable.

Triple Attack Thunderstorm Soul Storm Drops Triple Attack The most embarrassing thing about Cook's four people is that the goddess of wealth goddess of wealth is now a magnet that attracts thunder and lightning, and most of the power of the goddess of wealth is used in the soul storm against thunder and lightning. The protection power against the front and raindrops is much less

The Statue of Liberty is still very comfortable at first, but now the solemn and strange body of the Statue of Liberty has avoided most of the attacks. The eyes are full of wisdom. The **** of conspiracy knows that it is the goddess of wisdom that is now occupying the body of Liberty.

"God handed over our children" a sharp voice rang again

"We didn't hurt your children" the goddess of wealth roared angrily

"Huh only your God's Domain can make us not feel the breath of children" The sharp voice sounded again

"How can we use God's Domain here" the **** of conspiracy shouted loudly

"Let go of God's Domain and let us check." Dapeng's sharp voice roared loudly. There was no room for negotiation in the tone, as if it were orders.

"How **** our God's Domain can let you check?" The red light of the **** of conspiracy skyrocketed. Dozens of purple thunder and lightning were scattered by the red light.

And Dapeng did not reply at all, but the color of thunder and lightning became more and more coquettish. It looked like there was life, and huge black shadows appeared above Cooke. The huge and hideous heads were like mountains.

Cook looked at the huge eyes that are tens of meters in size. The necks are like mountain peaks. Each roc seems like a huge piece of land, but these land is suspended in the air, not on the land.

What surprised Cook even more is that there seem to be some creatures living on Dapeng’s back.

"Roar" a big Peng opened his mouth and roared

"Boom" The goddess of wealth was hit by an invisible force. The halo formed by a huge shock wave walked in a range of thousands of square meters, and the space within this range was full of cracks like glass.

Immediately afterwards, the entire space turned into pitch black and a violent alien space. The power was surging and Cook looked dumbfounded, and a roar of sound waves directly penetrated thousands of square meters of space.

"Roar" Cook hasn't had time to react. The roar just now seemed to sound an offensive horn. The countless big Pengs roared.

Within the range of Cook’s sight, cracks appeared in the space and then collapsed. The violent force of the different space gushed out of the entire space like a sieve.

"Boom" a golden light flashed across the Goddess of Fortune and appeared very embarrassed. A strange space appeared around the Goddess of Fortune, like a small independent world.

"Dangdang" and the voice of Dangdang sounded after the **** of conspiracy also appeared. The **** of conspiracy also appeared around a vast space. There are at least dozens of huge cities and countless creatures live in it.

"Hey Dapeng, I want to see how powerful you are." The **** of conspiracy smiled and waved his hand. The world behind the **** of conspiracy gradually appeared.

Cook's eyes opened wide because this is the realm of God possessed

A piece of the world seems to come out of the void like a huge puzzle. At the beginning, Cook saw that the world was still small, but for a moment the space around it seemed to be stuffed into a piece of space.

There are dozens of big cities with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers, and there is a huge clock tower in the middle of each big city. Now every clock tower is ringing with a huge sound. Countless people rushed out and crawled on the ground, singing something loudly, and more bodies. The figure in the gorgeous armor rushed out of the realm of God

Tens of thousands of "God Lords" bow and salute

"Huh, this is my **** servant" The **** of conspiracy snorted and stood in front of these **** servants. The whole person glowed red and wrapped tens of thousands of **** servants. The spirit of the **** of conspiracy rose instantly.

After watching for a while, Cook realized that this is obviously the **** of conspiracy and the power of the **** servant. Although the power of a **** servant is humble, tens of thousands of **** servants still make the power of the **** of conspiracy skyrocket.

"God never understands that your own power really belongs to you" The sharp voice sighed and completely ignored the enormous power emanating from God's Domain.

"If the Dapeng has the ability, you can take a look." The **** of conspiracy gained huge power and his body soared to tens of thousands of meters high, looking at the huge Dapeng arrogantly roaring

"Kacha" a huge black shadow with a clicking sound

Cook was so frightened by the black shadow that he almost slumped to the ground. This is a huge claw. From a distance, it looks like a huge mountain linking the sea and the sky, but this mountain is a moving mountain. The space where it passes is like paper. general

"Puff" the gods of the conspiracy **** did not stop the attack of this paw at all. The huge gods’ domain was split in an instant, and the world that the gods transformed into crashed into the storm sea, forming a land with a huge strait, and the **** of conspiracy spurted blood.

"Good stuff" at this moment Barry inside Cook's body roared and disappeared in an instant

"Rely on this guy" Cook just perceives that Barry is going at the **** of conspiracy

But when Cook secretly cursed, another guy also appeared with a big mouth and woke up. The big mouth is free to go in and out of the natural ring. This is the permission given by Cook. This guy has absorbed most of the lich transformed by the devil. Soul power, the whole body is getting darker and darker, but a pair of red eyes is like a blood-colored ocean. The big mouth was opened by Dapeng astonished by the natural ring. The huge mouth was wide open.

"I rely on" the big mouth for a long time before uttering two words and then returning to the natural ring with a sigh. Obviously this servant also feels dangerous.

Cook's cold sweat came down and the sharp voice rang again: "God remembers that only the power that belongs to himself is the real strong."

Dapeng did not continue to attack the **** of conspiracy, the goddess of wealth, and opened the gods wisely, because the goddess of wealth knew that once her gods were shattered just like the gods of conspiracy, there would be no place in the gods.

"Make people go forward but also destroy them" Dapeng commented after seeing the goddess of wealth

"You don't need to see that my child is in the hands of that human being. He has a natural space artifact," the goddess of wisdom said, pointing to Cook

Cook was embarrassed when said by the goddess of wisdom, "I am also afraid that your children are in danger."

Cook said and hurriedly released the cubs of the Dapeng. These cubs were actually scared to the ground, and these cubs seemed to treat Cook as their parents and tweeted to Cook for help, as if heaven. Dapeng is the enemy of all evil

"Go..." The cubs seemed to find that the enemy's reaction was a little slow, so they immediately rushed to Cook, and Cook was so high that a group of cubs kept backing away and Cook kept shouting.

"Roar" The Dapeng above roared

The whole world is quiet. At this moment, Cook seems to feel that he is clearly seen by dozens of mental powers from the inside to the outside.

"Humans, your luck is very good, but luck is the power of nothingness or the most important thing for yourself." The mental power shrank and the voice sounded again

Dapeng cub looked at Cook pitifully and several cubs kept rubbing Cook with their huge heads. The meaning of these guys is obviously that they still want to enter the natural ring. It turns out that these cubs eat Hesai in natural space. There are a lot of fruits in the natural ring and grow very fast

In addition, the life force inside is extremely large and the natural breath makes all creatures feel extremely comfortable, so the outside seems to be fierce, many cubs are born to need an environment that they think are safe. Compared with the extremely large Dapeng, it gives people a sense of oppression.

Cook is very guilty now. Cook is afraid that those Roc will blame him. He needs to know that even God's Domain has a claw to pieces. It is not difficult for Cook to imagine the taste of being hit by this claw.

"Chirp" a crisp chirp sounded in the sky

"Chirp, twee, twee," the whole sky is the sound of tweeting, these big Pengs seem to be discussing something

And the cub below heard this cry with big eyes and looked at the huge and hideous big head in doubt. Cook now stared at the goddess of wisdom bitterly. It was this woman who plunged herself into this extremely strange scene.

"Boom" at this moment the red light of the **** of conspiracy burst out in an instant

"Who came out for me?" The **** of conspiracy roared in terror because an inexplicable force is invading his godhead. You must know that the godhead is the root of the gods, but the **** of inexplicable conspiracy comes from this power. How power enters my body This power is very strange, but the **** of conspiracy feels like his godhead is about to lose control

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