A Unique Hunter

Chapter 941: Domain of life and death

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() When Cook saw the power of the storm, he thought of space magic, but Cook thought of it, but Cook can’t use it. Cook regrets it now, because Cook has always had Lina this space magic The teacher is here, so Cook has not prepared space magic scrolls.

And now looking at the power of this storm, Cook also knew that Lina wanted to locate her position. It was definitely not an easy task. Perhaps she could not perceive her position at all, and Cook raised the ghost bow again.

"Shoo." The fine iron arrows made a squeaking sound.

The speed of the arrows was extremely fast. When Cook heard the sound, the arrows had been swept away by the storm, and the two magic arrows disappeared within two meters of the storm.

Cook was stunned. Cook couldn't help but be afraid of his boldness. At the beginning, Cook made a breakthrough. At that time, he simply didn't see this. Cook was also glad that he saw the opportunity quickly.

Cook doesn’t know how wide the range of the storm is and how big it occupies. If the range is small, Cook can pile himself up with equipment and rush out quickly, but Cook uses his toes I want to know how broad the storm in the Stormwind Sea is.

"Remember, only your own power is yours." Dapeng's words appeared in the inexplicable Cook's mind.

"Own power." Cook bends his arm, then muttered.

Cook's power is extremely powerful in the entire human race. It can be said that it is stronger than the general power of monsters. Cook thought for a while, and then some understood.

"Power." Cook repeated again.

Cook closed his eyes and felt every strong cell in the body, the power transmitted by every cell, the power of every cell is extremely small, but when millions, tens of millions of cells are under the command of the brain , The huge power formed is showing several multiples.

"Power." Cook continued to repeat.

"Power." Cook repeated again, and Cook felt the surging power in his body.

Cook looked at the huge storm. The speed of the storm was not directly so fast, but slowly added up. This requires a process, a process that needs to be continuously accelerated.

"Power stacking." Cook was puzzled.

Cook felt the tremendous power in the cells, and the power of these cells was continuously transmitted and superimposed, finally forming a huge force.

Under the command of the nerves, these cells are superimposed with tremendous power, and the continuously superimposed power forms a considerable force.

Each vein conveys a huge force, and the entire force is combined by countless veins, and finally forms the huge force used by Cook.

"Storm, storm." Although Cook felt the transmission of cell power in his body, he didn't realize any clues at all. Cook knew that this was an extremely advanced natural law.

The human body is actually a huge treasure. There are so many laws contained in this treasure. This is also the reason for countless monsters. The beast finally transformed into a human form. Of course, no one understood the secrets of the human body from the beginning to the end. As long as humans understand one thing, humans themselves are the greatest treasure trove.

"Fighting vortex." Cook muttered about the storm. Looking at the storm, Cook immediately thought of the fighting vortex in his body.

Cook immediately controlled his mental power in the vindictive vortex. The vindictive vortex continued to rotate automatically. Cook had neglected it for a long time. The vindictive vortex brought great benefits to Cook in the past. It can continuously nourish the body, but later As Cook's body became stronger and stronger, Cook couldn't feel the benefits of the vindictive vortex.

Cook only realized today that he had ignored this point. Cook's mental power gently pushed the grudge vortex, and the originally slowly rotating grudge vortex burst out in an instant, forming a huge force in an instant.

"Power." Cook felt the tremendous explosive power in his body.

This kind of power has caused earth-shaking changes in the entire cell. The cells now are stronger than the cells just now, and the bursting power of the cells is also greater than before, just like different cells.

"Boom." Cook's mental power was pushed up again, his mental power was like a catalyst, and the entire grudge whirlpool was getting faster and faster.

"The power of the vortex." Cook understood that the power of the vortex is the power of continuous movement, and the storm on the entire sea of ​​storms did not form all at once.

Power, Cook’s mental power is constantly pushing in, and the power erupting out of the vindictive vortex is getting bigger and bigger. This power is different from Cook’s power. Cook feels the law of destruction contained in natural fighting qi.

For Cook, the Nature Department is peaceful, and it was the first time that Cook felt the power of destruction contained in the Nature Department.

The emblem of destruction may feel the power of destruction, and the entire coat of arms emits slight fluctuations.

Scenes flashed in front of Cook's eyes. This is nature, but the nature shown in these scrolls is completely different from the nature that Cook understands.

What Cook understands is natural vitality, an environment full of vitality, but what appears in the picture scroll is a litter of cubs. The big cubs directly swallow the weak ones.

The powerful monsters slaughtered the weak ones, and ignored that this was a pregnant mother. Numerous people of the same race were fighting against each other. Numerous tall trees snatched the living space of weak plants. The weak and small plants were squeezed to death by the big trees, and Cook saw so many.

Cook knew it before, but without the shock that came this time, Cook didn't expect that the peaceful nature would cover up so many **** scenes.

"Naturally is life and death." Cook understood this.

At this moment, Cook sensed the tremendous changes in his body, and the entire vindictive vortex stopped instantly, and a trace of gray continued to spread in the vortex. Cook was not surprised.

Because Cook didn't feel any bad changes in his body, this gray color carried the power of destruction, and the force of destruction gradually merged with the life force of the nature system.

The entire whirlpool slowly recovered again, but this time the whirlpool had undergone a fundamental change, and the whirlpool gradually divided into two colors.

The huge green vortex represents the power of life, and at the bottom of the green vortex, an inverted gray vortex is slowly formed. Compared with the green vortex, the gray vortex may be only one tens of millions in size.

And this green vortex provides huge energy, and the power of the destructive vortex is provided by the green life vortex.

"Coming together." Cook suddenly thought of two words.

"Boom." Cook's body burst open in an instant, and his whole body turned into a huge green vortex. The storm of the entire storm sea stopped for a moment, and then the storm continued in an instant.

A green vortex and a gray vortex form an hourglass-like appearance. The two ends of the hourglass are huge green vortex and gray ruined vortex. Cook can clearly know his current state.

"Sheng." Cook spit out a word.

Countless creatures popped up in the sea within a few hundred meters of Cooke. These creatures and plants continued to multiply, and it seemed like a few thousand years.

"This is the realm." Cook's figure appeared in an instant. Cook looked at everything within a few hundred meters around him. Cook felt that he was a **** within this range, and he could control the lives of creatures in this area. Or die.

"Dead." Cook uttered another word.

Countless creatures within a few hundred meters of Cook died instantaneously. There was not a single creature in the sea, not even the smallest creature, and the entire sea was silent, like a silent void.

"Domain." Cook understood, this is his own domain, and this also means that Cook has officially entered the sanctuary level.

"The realm of life and death." On a huge mountain in the God Realm, a handsome middle-aged man opened his eyes instantly and appeared in a tall prismatic mirror in front of the middle-aged man's eyes, but there was only a huge group in the mirror. The storm, but there was a gray and green shadow in the storm. The middle-aged man frowned and said four words.

"The realm of life and death actually appeared." More than one person was meditating at this moment.

Cook was overjoyed. When he entered the sanctuary, Cook understood more, but Cook understood his cultivation direction better. It can be said that although Cook knows that the laws of the sanctuary need to be understood, how do he understand and how to go? Practicing, Cook's mind is blank.

But after experiencing this time, Cook also knows that simple comprehension is not enough. Comprehension can only be said to be the most critical step. Before comprehension, you must first have enough energy to support your comprehension.

Otherwise, comprehension is useless. After stepping into the sanctuary, Cook feels that the power contained in his body is more powerful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the realm of life and death is like an hourglass in Cook's body.

Cook's mental power can manipulate this hourglass at will. Of course, the law of attacking Cook has not yet been realized. This also requires a process.

"But this realm of life and death seems to have no effect on this storm. It's wrong. Could it be that this storm is alive?" Cook looked at the unexpected storm and thought with some confusion, but Cook realized it instantly. There is no life.

"Nature, nature." Cook wondered whether the storm had life or not, and then Cook chanted the word nature again, because storms exist naturally.

"Does everything in nature have life." Then a deeper question surfaced again.

As soon as this problem emerged, Cook felt a little numb in his scalp. This problem was so profound that Cook's brain was in a mess.

"Idiot." Barry's voice rang again.

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