A Unique Hunter

Chapter 942: Familiar with Sanctuary

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Cook froze for a while, and Barry continued: "Idiot, the domain is where you absolutely control, what about in the storm?"

"Oh!" Cook cried out all of a sudden. Isn't the domain an absolute control range? No matter how strong the storm is, he can't be imaged.

But Cook still doubts whether his life and death domain can withstand the storm in the storm sea, so Cook still hesitates. Barry seems to sense Cook’s worry, and Barry replied in an angry voice: "You can't shrink the domain. what?"

"Besides, you still have two artifacts in your hands. You can't get through this storm. How can you mess with it?" Barry then said even more grimly.

When Cook was said by Barry, he understood in an instant. Since it is his own domain and an absolutely controlled environment, he can definitely zoom in and out. Cook knows that he is also a newcomer to the sanctuary, so he will not be able to adapt to this for a while. A new way of fighting.

The previous battle was a simple attack and defense. Although the battle in the sanctuary in the future was also an attack and defense, such an attack and defense were fundamentally different from the previous ones.

In the past, it was almost a point-to-point attack, defense, just like the fireball released by fireball, and the lightning strikes released by thunder and lightning, all have a target point.

The attack of Sanctuary can be said to be omni-directional and invisible, just like Cook’s domain itself covers hundreds of meters, but the enemy does not know if it is not. Once the enemy enters this range, Cook can send wind anytime and anywhere. attack.

There are too many places to attack the enemy within a range, so the future defense is not simply to defend the head, chest and other key parts.

It is precisely this defense mode that applies to magic-weave equipment. Magic-weave equipment is not simply a defense against a certain point. Magic-weave equipment can be seen as an overall defense system, while magic array equipment is just a single defense of each equipment. Armguards are defense arms, and helmets are defense helmets.

Although there are single pieces of magic pattern equipment, and the quantity is extremely large, the defensive energy of these single pieces is extremely powerful, but in the past, Cook simply regarded the magic pattern equipment as a physical defense shield.

"Rock Armguards!" Cook felt the surging power in his body. The magic pattern armguards on his hand burst out a huge magic barrier, almost covering his whole body. This is the complete form of the real magic pattern equipment. An arm has at least the protection of the triple equipment of handguards, arm guards, and shoulder guards. It is not the magic array equipment but the defensive arm. Of course, this also requires a lot of energy.

Dou Qi and magic seem to be inseparable from each other. The whole body can be said to be a huge energy circulation system. The source of magic power in the head and the source of fighting energy in the abdomen are like a huge power system. The source of fighting energy is responsible for providing surging. The source of magic power is responsible for receiving and controlling power.

At this moment, the energy utilization rate in Cook's body can be said to reach an extremely high utilization rate, and the natural energy in the body is also integrated.

"No wonder the strength of Mowu Shuangxiu is strong." Cook estimated out of thin air.

Now he is equivalent to two control points. In fact, the domain is controlled by the source of magic power in his body or the source of fighting energy. Then Cook now has a source of magic power, the source of fighting energy, which is equivalent to two control points.

Or a more accurate understanding is that when the domain is released, Cook's control and domain power are several times that of others, not twice.

It's like tying things. One rope is strong, or two ropes are strong. One rope breaks in five minutes, but you can't say that two ropes break in ten minutes.

This is a truth, maybe the two ropes go on for several hours.

"Sheng!" Cook closed his eyes, and an invisible field immediately formed around Cook.

It can be seen with the naked eye that within half a meter of Cook, some of the snow-white bones slowly became a little shiny. Cook felt it, and the bones were actually slowly growing.

But Cook also felt that in just two seconds, the natural power in his body had disappeared seven or eighty-eight, and the disappeared natural power contained less than one-tenth in the bones.

Cook couldn't help frowning, because the power consumed in this field was too different from the power acting on the target's body.

"Dead!" Cook released the domain again.

"Crack!" The bones that Cook was concerned about in the field burst into powder instantly.

"To consume too?" Cook was surprised.

Barry laughed loudly: "Idiot, idiot, do you think your death domain will absorb vitality?"

"Isn't that the case?" Cook asked.

"Idiot, you have to know that whether it is the realm of life or the realm of death, it is caused by your own strength. It is like throwing a stone and consuming power, but you can't say that the stone falls and you Catch the stone, and then the power returns to your body?" Barry said mockingly.

Cook scratched his head, and Cook understood that Cook thought about pure power issues and ignored other factors.

According to the movement of machinery, or the law of force, the power to throw a stone and catch the stone is certain, but for people, it also consumes power to pick up the stone.

After Cook understood this, he also understood that the power consumed by the release domain is not equal to the power of the target, because the domain is the law against the world, which consumes a large part.

"It seems that things are not so good." Cook sighed, because according to the current sanctuary release method, the time for Cook to release the domain is only five seconds at most, but Cook considers that he has to leave a certain amount of energy, so he can only It's two seconds.

Two seconds to face a general strong in the field is enough, but if the opponent is also a strong in the field, Cook will only lose.

"It's no wonder those guys didn't release the domain to fight when they fought." Cook finally understands that in the past, the sanctuary powerhouses still used moves when fighting, and did not use the domain. It is not that these guys don't want to, but these The guy can't afford it.

Cook two control points, which means two sources of energy, so Cook can not consume them, let alone those guys with one control point.

However, when entering the sanctuary, Cook still needs to adapt for a while. Cook did not rush directly through the storm in the sea of ​​storms. This is to sharpen the knife and chop wood. If you are unfamiliar, you may encounter an accident. Making the wrong decision, the wrong decision often leads to huge failure, or life threatening.

"Born!" Cook chanted another word again, and Cook found that it was not easy to control the scope of the sanctuary's influence.

The influence of the sanctuary has nothing to do with the scope. The influence of the sanctuary has the greatest relationship with mind control and its own energy. The smaller the scope of the sanctuary, which means that the sanctuary actually depends on its own power.

"Tweet!" Cook heard a miserable cry.

Cook looked over and saw that several roc cubs unexpectedly strayed into the storm, and the force of the storm directly tore the feathers of these roc cubs.

"These guys!" Cook saw this scene and was about to rush to rescue the cubs.

An invisible force immediately stopped Cook, and at the same time a voice sounded: "If you don't experience wind and rain, storms, or danger, how can you become a real roc?"

After listening to Cook, he found that these storms actually seemed to be alive. After being torn apart by the storm, Cook was blown back. The abnormal self-healing ability of the Dapeng cub immediately restored the body of the Dapeng.

"So perverted?" Cook took a breath, knowing that this was almost instantaneous.

After the injuries of the Dapeng cubs healed, they didn't even care about the injury just now, and several injured cubs were proud to show off in front of their companions.

"Humans, only their own power is the real power." Dapeng's words rang in Cook's ears again.

"Thank you, your Excellency!" Cook experienced the promotion and knew what Dapeng said was very subtle, but he just couldn't comprehend it for a while.

Dapeng's voice disappeared again, and Cook made an unexpected move, that is, planting a large number of magic fruit trees on the middle of this tens of millions of square kilometers of land.

Under the urging of the water of life, countless magical fruit trees were spawned, and countless bones on the entire land became sufficient nutrients for these magical fruit trees. Within a few days, most of the entire place was already lush and lush.

"Then I will find my own strength." Cook looked at the huge storm in the distance. Several of the Dapeng cubs have been able to fly to the sky with the power of the storm for a short time. Although it is very short, it also allows The other Dapeng cubs are eager to try.

Cook relaxes his body and allows every cell in his body to reach an optimal environment. Although Cook does not have the perverted power of Dapeng cubs, Cook has countless medicines and natural rings to provide strong protection. .

So Cook decided not to use any equipment to hit the storm, as it was an opportunity to find strength.

Cook watched the huge storm tens of meters away ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then slowly walked towards the storm. Watching the approaching storm, Cook felt a huge sense of oppression suddenly hit.

"Puff puff puff!" Cook's body just entered the storm, there was a burst of noise.

A green light suddenly lit up around Cook's body, and then Cook's face was instantly pale, and Cook flashed back.

"Damn it, I almost broke my domain in a second." Cook was sweating all over, because it was only a second. When he entered a huge storm, he was close to the area one millimeter around Cook and suffered a huge amount of On impact, the power in Cook's body was almost absorbed by the domain all at once.

Cook reacted quickly, and he backed away at once. Cook's face was pale and his body was soaked with sweat. Cook looked at the huge storm and felt a little desperate, because such a powerful storm was simply impossible to resist.

"Do you want to go underwater?" This thought came out of Cook's mind.

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