A Unique Hunter

Chapter 943: toss

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Cook thought of the bottom of the water, and immediately moved his heart. The storm on the sea is so big, then the bottom of the water must be able to pass. This is like a storm on the ocean, and the impact is a certain depth. It is impossible to say that the seabed is like this of.

Cook thought of the seabed, but also thought that since such a harsh environment, wouldn't the creatures under the water surface be more powerful? Cook thought of facing unknown dangers, and he was a little worried.

In the past, Cook was a bit reckless and even had a bachelor character. It was forced to a certain extent, but now Cook is not only himself, but also a beautiful and beautiful wife, so Cook will think more deeply about everything now. some.

This is also a lot of maturity, thinking about problems is no longer thinking from one angle, but from all aspects.

"Tweet." A Dapeng cub actually flew up successfully, and tweeted to Cook.

Cook looked at the Dapeng cub in shock. This is the thinnest Dapeng cub, with gray skin and short wings, but this is what the Dapeng cub actually took advantage of the huge wind of the storm. Take a taxi.

Moreover, the Dapeng cub was not hurt by the storm. Cook couldn't help but his eyes widened. Cook rushed over to take a look.

"Tweet." Seeing Cook, the cubs of Dapeng fell down excitedly, cried out triumphantly at Cook, and at the same time yelled to their companions. The cubs of Dapeng immediately rushed in. In the ocean, tweeting around the thin Dapeng cub.

Cook carefully studied that the cub was actually not flying just now, but was sliding with the help of the force of the storm, and the cub did not enter the storm, but at the place closest to the storm. There is a huge wind in this place. .

It is with this wind that the cubs tens of meters high can actually fly. As Cook was thinking, the small cubs began to perform again.

I just saw the Dapeng cub slowly probing, and then the Dapeng cub began to be awkwardly blown by the wind on the sea. The Dapeng cub worked hard to grasp the direction, cutting in bit by bit and the wind gradually increased. Large area.

A few minutes later, the Dapeng cub successfully took advantage of the huge wind to leave the sea again, and the bare tail and long legs became the steering wheel to control the direction. The Dapeng cub glided for a few minutes this time.

In the end, he strayed into the storm and was battered by the huge force. He couldn't help screaming, but the force also swept the Dapeng out of the storm.

"I understand. This is what the Dapeng needs to go through to grow up. Only by successfully rushing through the storm can it be counted as a real Dapeng." Cook instantly understood that this storm is not only the defense of these Dapeng cubs, but also this. Dapeng cubs need to go through the threshold. Once Dapeng cubs can break through the storm, then Dapeng cubs will also grow up. Of course, this requires a very long process.

But seeing the actions of the Dapeng cubs, Cook also had new ideas.

"Since you can't fight, let it be." Cook had a question in his heart.

Cook In ancient Europe, scientists once judged that the maximum speed that humans can bear is 40 kilometers, but with the development of technology, the speed of astronauts sitting on the space shuttle is tens of thousands of kilometers.

This is a representative. Although it seems that the speed and power of the storm is so great that Cook's body may not be able to bear it, but when it gradually accelerates, Cook may be able to bear it.

Cook is ready. The first is the domain. Cook has released the domain to a few hundredths of a millimeter above the skin. This is also the smallest domain that Cook can control.

In this area, Cook's energy loss is extremely slow, because this area is almost close to the skin, Cook then put on the magic line equipment, the magic line equipment is activated by Cook's power.

Cook's whole person is wrapped in dozens of magic-weave shields. Of course, this consumption is also huge. Cook took the energy back into his body after experimenting. The reason for Cook's experiment is to conduct himself in a critical moment. Guarantee.

"I'm here, storm." Cook felt the huge wind.

Cook's location was more than 30 meters away from the storm. Cook even felt that his whole person was about to be blown up by the storm, as if someone around his body was about to pick him up.

Cook's body slowly cut into the area gradually affected by the storm, where the wind has almost blown Cook up.

"Not good." Cook slowly tentatively cut in again, but just after Cook moved a little, Cook exclaimed because Cook was sucked in by the suction of the huge storm.

"Ah..." Cook's magic pattern equipment was too late to react, and was directly blown into a pile of dust by the huge wind, and the huge pressure made Cook too late to activate the domain, and Cook's entire body was instantly bloody. .

"Puff." Just when Cook thought he was going to die, Cook felt the power around him loose, and then a puff came from Cook's ear.

"Ah..." Cook's injured body was instantly invaded and soaked by the sea water, and Cook cried out sternly, this is simply salt on the wound.

After a burst of green light, Cook's body healed. Cook looked at the storm in horror, and the Dapeng cub was also swept away by the storm from time to time, and then was thrown out by the storm, but this Dapeng cub was self-conscious Healed very quickly, recovered instantly, and then continued to fight the storm as if it were all right.

"Nima, what kind of law is this, it's just an injury." Cook cursed in his heart.

But while cursing secretly, Cook also breathed a sigh of relief. Now it seems that the storm is not that simple. Obviously, entering the storm will not be life-threatening. Moreover, Cook also knows that such constant tempering of the body, finally Dapeng's body is almost completely abnormal.

Of course, this is also Cook's guess. Cook didn't dare to rush into the storm again, so Cook decided to test the sea.

When Cook got into the sea, Cook knew he was wrong. A huge suction continued to pull Cook's body up. Cook felt like he was being held tightly by an invisible big hand. The eel drags on the surface.

"Ah..." Cook was injured and was once again soaked in sea water. This taste has made Cook a little scared.

"Damn it." Cook cursed, but this time Cook made sure of one thing, that is, this storm will not kill him, as long as it hurts to a certain degree, he will be thrown out by the storm.

Although Cook can imagine doing exercises like this, Cook can't stand this kind of exercise at all. It's too painful. He has to be soaked in salt water every time.

"I'm unlucky enough to be what it looks like." But in desperation, Cook had to know that this kind of fear would enter the storm.

Cook worried that since the **** of conspiracy came in person at home, and the domain of God was broken, it is hard to guarantee that the free kingdom is not involved, and the free kingdom has everything about Cook, so Cook rushed into the storm again and again, and then screamed Jump onto the shore from the sea.

The cubs of the Dapeng watched Cook's crazy behavior and moved forward, but the cubs of the Dapeng couldn't stand it only a few times, but Cook was still being thrown out by the storm.

"Damn it, I want to close my soul." Cook is already a little numb in pain, and every trace of the whole soul feels extremely painful, and the whole soul seems to be trembling.

"Puff." Cook was swept out by the storm again.

Cook is already numb with pain, and Cook doesn’t know how long he can hold on. Cook put his face in the sea, feeling a trace of pain, this kind of feeling like tens of millions of needles piercing. It is unimaginable for ordinary people.

The closed soul that Cook said is a lie, and closed soul feels extremely dangerous.

"It's okay if it doesn't fall into the sea." Cook saw that the skin on his body showed a shining light, like a metallic luster, which was the result of countless storms.

"Yes." Cook rang immediately.

So when Cook was swept out of the storm by the storm again, a group of roc cubs caught Cook. Although the whole body was still very painful, it was already within the range of Cook's endurance.

"Hey, idiot." Barry sighed.

"Who are you idiot talking about?" Cook jumped up immediately, because Cook was depressed enough, and Barry said that, it is not angry to blame.

But after Cook vented this sentence, Barry immediately made no sound, Cook was a little dumbfounded, because from what he said just now, it was obvious that Barry had a good solution, and what Cook needs urgently now is a solution. , Cook was anxious at home and didn't know what would happen to the Freedom Kingdom.

"Barry, what did you think." Cook resisted the urge to beat Barry violently.

"Arrow." Barry just dropped these two words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Arrow. "Cook really can't figure it out. What does this have to do with arrows."

So Cook took out an arrow and looked at it carefully. Isn't it just a pointed head? What's weird, when Cook didn't come up with a clue after studying for a while, he was about to give up.

"The arrow breaks through the wind, I understand." Cook's inspiration flashed, which reminded Cook of the space shuttle. The high resistance of the space shuttle in the atmosphere is not that the whole body is wrapped in high-temperature materials, just some The place to break the wind is these high-temperature materials.

Cook quickly took out the hardest, or the most advanced thing on his body, the Thundertooth dagger. This is not easy to carry, and this thing is very easy to hurt himself, the natural ring, this is impossible, and the final is the destruction badge. Although this material is special, Cook is a little bit reluctant.

When Cook saw the last thing, Cook's eyes lit up: "It's you, hehe."

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