A Unique Hunter

Chapter 944: Out of trouble

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What Cook touched out was a brown bag. Although this bag is inconspicuous, it is something that Cook hasn't figured out so far. The material of the brown bag is extremely special, and the high-level space artifact like the natural ring can't fit in , It can be seen how high the grade of this bag is.

Cook rubbed it a bit, but still didn't understand what kind of material it was, and the mental power couldn't penetrate it, let alone understand what material it was.

The storm was as fierce as ever. Cook first simulated various scenes in the storm in his mind. The speed of the wind was not raised all at once, but it was also a process of gradual acceleration.

What Cook has to do is to use this extremely special material bag to resist the violent wind direction as a vertex to offset the huge force of the storm during the process of continuous acceleration.

But Cook is a human being, not a flying bird, so it is extremely difficult for Cook to grasp the direction in a storm. Cook simulation is a simulation, but what is actually going on needs to be tested again.

"Boom!" Cook rushed into the fierce storm.

The immense power carried by the storm suppresses Cook’s mental power to an extremely low level. The power of the storm is simply too large in front of human spiritual power, not to mention that this kind of power runs through the entire storm sea and carries a huge The storm of power.

The power of law is a power that is independent and outside of any power system. The reason why a law is called a law is because of independence and another rule outside this big world.

The storm that carries the power of the law can be said to be a huge monster for Cook. Even if Cook has a domain, he cannot resist such a huge force. Therefore, Cook needs a special item to resist the power of the storm.

"Rumble!" Cook was surrounded by the sound of a rumbling storm, as well as the sound of thunderstorms. The huge force carried by the water droplets made it difficult for Cook to grasp the direction in the storm.

"Zzizi!" Lightning flashes around Cooke, and the sound of the lightning strike made Cook very nervous.

"Huhuhuhuhu!" The speed has reached a very high speed. In the storm, Cook can't distinguish the direction. Cook feels like he is in a whirlpool.

Dizzy, Cook only has this feeling. With the huge sound of storms, the sound of thunderstorms, and the huge power of water droplets, Cook's whole person is like a kite.

"Puff puff!" When Cook continued to spin in the storm, when the huge force reached an extremely high speed, Cook heard a burst of pop noise around him.

The whole space seemed to become extremely slow to Cook, and everything around it seemed to stop, storms, thunderstorms, and water droplets.

There are also grains of sand, countless small grains of sand, and Cook knew immediately when he saw these grains of sand, why the power of this storm is so powerful, these storms with countless grains of sand are like a huge grinding wheel, huge The speed makes each grain of sand carry extremely huge kinetic energy, even the magic pattern equipment will be worn out and disappeared completely.

This is why Cook saw his equipment slowly disappearing.

When Cook understood it, Cook suddenly felt the surrounding scenery to one side, and then Cook saw a touch of green quickly approaching.

"Boom!" Cook fell to the ground fiercely, making a dull noise.

"Human, congratulations on passing the test of the Dapeng clan. You will be our Dapeng's friend in the future." Standing in front of Cooke, a person looked at Cooke and said with a smile.

"Dapeng!" Cook looked at the person in front of him in astonishment. This is obviously a good person, how could he belong to the Dapeng clan.

"Hehe, our Dapeng itself is a wise race." This person said with a smile.

When Cook stood up, Cook was surprised to find that he was not on a piece of land, but on the back of a huge creature, because Cook saw a huge and hideous head.

"Our Dapeng clan is the royal clan of the flying race, but our Dapeng clan has existed in this world since ancient times. This stormy ocean is the territory of our Dapeng." Dapeng opened his mouth again and explained to Cook.

Cook was so shocked that after a while Cook asked: "Then these big guys?"

"This is our tribe, but the blood of these Dapengs is impure, so we can't cultivate like us." The Dapeng in front of Cook said.

"Orc!" Cook opened his mouth and said two words.

"Yes, our Dapeng itself is an orc. In fact, the beast is the oldest race in the world." Dapeng nodded and replied.

Cook was silent. It was really hard for Cook to digest what he heard. In Cook's understanding, Dapeng was just a behemoth, but I didn't expect Dapeng to be a kind of orc. One of its powerful orcs.

"Human, you are already a friend of the Dapeng clan. Storm Sea will always welcome your arrival. I think your friends should also be anxious." The person in front of Cook is very tall, seven or eight meters tall. The appearance of the whole person is very burly, and it feels like being made of rock.

However, this feeling gives people a sense of stability and firmness, not the kind of cold feeling. After Dapeng finished speaking, a huge water mirror appeared in front of Cook, and there were several women in the water mirror. .

"Lina." Cook exclaimed, because it was Lina who appeared in the water mirror, but now Lina is a little embarrassed, and Lina is caught by a group of weird creatures that are millions of meters in diameter. Continuously chasing and killing, these creatures kept jumping in the storm sea, and then constantly impacting the defense formed by Lina and others.

"What is this?" Cook looked at millions of powerful creatures. Unless these creatures were hit by Lina and others head-on, ordinary attacks would have no effect on these creatures.

"This is a group of pests in the Sea of ​​Storms. In fact, the lice themselves grow from our people. However, since these lice have no enemies in the Sea of ​​Storms, the more they grow." The person in front of Cook replied with a wry smile.

"Lice!" Cook looked at the lice with a diameter of several meters, but only tens of millions of square kilometers in size can grow such abnormal things on the bodies of creatures.

"Cook, remember, your own power is yours." Dapeng said this to Cook last time meaningfully.

"Thank you." Cook said thank you very sincerely.

"Well, you go, you will have a very happy life in the storm sea." Dapeng waved to Cook and said.

Cook's heart is eager, Lina and the others obviously have nothing to do with the lice on this Dapeng. These lice are swollen and have a very smooth skin. The huge and sharp claws can tear the space. .

"Puff puff puff!" The air was puffed by the lice's paws, and the entire space wafted in circles.

"It's amazing." Cook was so shocked. When Cook saw the true face of the giant roc, he knew why this guy was in the storm. The roc was simply a giant bat. general.

What shocked Cook even more is that Cook’s perception in the sea of ​​storms is extremely strong, almost reaching a hundred thousand kilometers, and the surrounding storm wind is like a huge radar. Cook can also see it at one hundred thousand kilometers. Inside, there is this huge roc unceasing predation, and on the back of the roc are a group of majestic mountains and some strange creatures.

"Space blade!" Lina waved a space blade angrily.

A huge gray crack rushed towards the herd behind Lina. Lina and the others were in a panic. Lina's space blade was extremely powerful, but when confronted with these monsters of several meters in diameter, it was not at all. effective.

"Zizizi!" The skins of these monsters are very tough, and what the space blade left on these creatures is just a scorched black mark.

"Water Dragon!" Xia held a big belly, and then summoned several water dragons. These water dragons were not used to attack the beasts behind, but to let Xia and others escape.

Several water dragons rolled up several people in West Asia and quickly moved away in the storm, while the beasts behind them hissed, and then kept jumping towards West Asia and others.

"Anna, what are these things?" Lina asked with a very ugly face.

Because these beasts have been chasing West Asia and others for a few days, these creatures are extremely fast, and their attack power is extremely powerful, and defense can become abnormal. Fortunately, West Asia is a water system domain, and there are many bonuses in this storm sea. In addition, West Asia has integrated the core of the gods, and there is no shortage of energy to release the law of attack, so West Asia and others can chase and kill this huge herd. The herd is very strange, strong in defense, and very sharp in attack, but these beasts are not. The group pursued Xia and the others, which annoyed Lina.

"This should be good." Anna's smile was also a bit bitter.

"Okay? Could it be that there are other abnormal marine creatures in this stormy sea?" Lina knows Anna's identity~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Anna said so, how could Lina not be surprised?

"Well, the Sea of ​​Storms is called the forbidden land of gods in our God Realm." Anna took a deep breath, and then replied.

"God's forbidden place, is there a place that your gods dare not go to?" Manli asked with his mouth wide open.

"Hehe, gods are not omnipotent, gods are not invincible, even the main god, some places will let the main **** fall, otherwise you think that the number of gods in countless years has not grown too much?" Anna replied with a smile. But the smile is a bit bitter.

"God, didn't you say that God is omnipotent?" Xia asked in shock.

"This is relative. To you and you, our God is omnipotent, just as you are omnipotent to ordinary people. This principle is the same." Anna has a very appropriate metaphor.

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