A Unique Hunter

Chapter 945: Reunion

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Anna’s words made Xia and others understand that gods are not omnipotent. Gods are also high-level professionals. Anna’s words are also very reasonable. For ordinary people, not to mention the super powers of Xia, they are slightly powerful. People are like gods in the eyes of ordinary people.

Cook was anxious. After knowing that the creatures chasing Xiya and the others were lice on Dapeng, he was not careless, but his face was a bit solemn, because Dapeng had enough benefits, and Dapeng could not eliminate the lice, so how much Awesome.

Dapeng is not an ordinary beast. Even ordinary beasts can clean up the parasites through biting, not to mention the magical power of those high-level beasts. Of course, the beasts are powerful, and the parasites are also powerful.

What is Dapeng? It is a super mythical beast, with powerful laws to attack, but there are parasites. Then these parasites that have taken the essence of Dapeng are not powerful.

In fact, Cook also knows that his worries are superfluous, and there is no big problem with Anna, but Cook still has to worry.

"Why is this called the Forbidden Land of Gods?" Lina asked a very crucial question after listening.

"Hehe, in the sea of ​​storm, two main gods and hundreds of main guards disappeared in the sea of ​​storm, and then the gods clashed with the powerful creatures in the sea of ​​storm. This conflict caused countless gods and spirits. The rank lowered, and the gods signed a contract with the powerful creatures in the storm sea, and the storm sea became a place outside the jurisdiction of the gods." Anna said with a smile.

Lina and the others took a breath, and they were not under the jurisdiction of the gods. In the Great Thousand World, there is such a place, and the most terrifying thing is that Lina and the others are not under the jurisdiction of the gods.

"Puff puff puff!" With a rapid sound, Lina and the others looked at the creatures behind them helplessly, and these creatures rushed over again.

"Water dragon!" Xia used the water dragon again, and several huge water dragons carried Xia and sprinted out again.

Cook is anxious, but Cook feels very strange now. This storm is like life. Cook can not only perceive the surrounding tens of thousands of square kilometers, but also can use the power of the storm to quickly move through the storm.

The wind did not bring the slightest resistance to Cook, and it made Cook several times faster. This feeling is too strange.

"This is the territory of the Dapeng!" Cook sighed, and Cook knew that he was recognized by Dapeng, and at the same time he was recognized by the storm.

Cook also understands now, why Stormwind City can trade with the races in Stormwind must be approved by the Dapeng, because Cook knows that Dapeng is not independent and outside the world.

"Damn it, Anna, are the creatures behind this legendary powerful creature." The relationship between Manli and Anna can be said to be very complicated. After all, they have a man at the same time, so there is no scruples in speaking.

"No, this creature is only related to the Dapeng. According to the legend, the Dapeng is thousands of square kilometers in size. Each Dapeng’s body is an independent world with cities and rivers on it. , Mountains, and lakes." Anna shook her head.

"Tsk tut!" Lina and others tut sighed, this is really amazing.

"Dapeng's blow can easily break through a god's realm." Anna even said.

But obviously Lina and others didn't know the word God's Domain very well, Lina asked, "What kind of creature is it?"

"This is called sea louse, it is the strangest creature in the storm sea, and it is also one of the most powerful creatures on all planes. Sea louse is a parasite on Dapeng." Anna replied.

"No, it's such a disgusting thing?" Xia's eyes widened, and it was difficult to imagine a huge lice with a diameter of several meters. From this point, we can see how big the Dapeng is.

Lina sighed, "I just don't know what happened to Cook."

"Puff puff puff!" There was a popping sound.

The storm around Lina and the others seemed to have stopped. Originally, Lina and the others also used the power of the storm to advance quickly, but the stopping of the storm caused the speed of Lina and the others to suddenly slow down.

"No, this is a unique attack by sea lice." Anna called out loudly.

"Boom!" Immediately after the storm stopped, the storm blew again, but this time the storm was like the power accumulated by the pause just now, the entire space seemed to be shaken, and Lina and others had no time to guard. , The whole person was blown into the sky by a huge storm.

"Hiss!" Lina was hit by the storm and immediately used space magic, but in this extreme environment, the power of space magic was much smaller, but Lina managed to teleport to the front of West Asia, and Lina just approached West Asia. , I heard a hissing sound and a strong sense of crisis.

"Water Blade Storm." Xia saw dozens of pitch-black things with the thickness of thumbs shooting at him, and Xia's actions were a bit inconvenient, so raising his hand was a water system forbidden spell with both offense and defense.

Water blade storm is a huge storm composed of countless water blades, which can attack and defend.

"Go!" Lina saw Xia cast a water blade storm, immediately took Xia's hand, and then teleported out instantly.

"Puff puff puff!" The powerful Forbidden Curse did not stop those weird attacks just now.

Lina and Xia saw from a few kilometers away that these dark, thick thumbs were shot from the legs of sea lice, like octopus, but these tentacles were not afraid of Forbidden Curse, and they were sanctuary. The forbidden curse released by the pinnacle can imagine how powerful these tentacles are.

"Hurry up, these creatures are too weird." Anna also cried, and several people fled.

Thousands of kilometers away, Cook felt the scene just now, and Cook almost jumped up angrily, because it was too dangerous just now. If Xia was not teleported away by Lina, then Xia might be countless The tentacles were swallowed.

"Asshole, asshole, you **** assholes." Cook cursed loudly, and the magic pattern equipment on his body was activated instantly.

Cook has not activated the magic pattern equipment on the way, it is because Cook's own energy is not enough to support the magic pattern equipment for a long time, but now Cook has no scruples.

"The Badge of Destruction!" Cook rubbed the badge of Destruction with one hand.

Since Cook's possession of the dead zone, his control over the badge of destruction has increased by one point, and he has a general understanding of the power of the badge of destruction, and Cook has a curious feeling that the law of destruction seems to be in his own Below the level of the dead zone, which means that the level of the dead zone is higher, the law of destruction seems to be governed by the dead zone, but this understanding is very weak, very weak, and almost imperceptible.

"Lina, get out of the way." Cook yelled when he saw countless sea lice behind Lina.

"It's Cook!" Lina immediately exclaimed when she heard Cook's cry.

"Dead zone, open!" Cook rushed directly past Lina, and then rushed into the sea lice group. In an instant, Cook was surrounded by thousands of powerful sea lice, and Cook shouted.

A gray light suddenly emerged from Cook, and the gray light was immediately enveloped within hundreds of meters around Cook.

"Hiss!" Knowing the horror of the dead zone, the sea lice screamed, shooting out several thumb-thick tentacles on his body and shooting at Cook.

"Blast me!" Cook looked at these sea lice with a sneer, then flicked his fingers to destroy the badge.

"Boom!" Visible to the naked eye, a brown halo emerged from the emblem of destruction. This halo seemed to move extremely slowly, but it was extremely fast. Almost instantly, this grey halo expanded to a radius of several kilometers and then disappeared.

However, within this short tenth of a second, at least hundreds of gray circles of this kind emerged from the top of the emblem of destruction.

The sea lice's tentacles were like ropes moved by the wind when they started, and they only shook a few times, but this was only one. When hundreds of gray circles flashed past, the countless tentacles were still peeling off.

"Haha. Come on!" Cook was originally worried, but seeing that these tentacles had been attacked and peeled off, he immediately hit the magic pattern badge again.

"Boom!" A sea lice burst directly under the attack of the destruction heraldry, and the large body several meters in diameter instantly became countless fragments.

"Cook, any part of these guys can grow back into..." Anna exclaimed.

"Haha, die!" Cook laughed, then sang a word.

After countless pieces of sea lice were shrouded in gray light around Cook's body, the body fragments of these sea lice slowly turned into powder and fell into the storm sea.

"It's actually the realm of life and death, wouldn't it be so perverted!" Anna opened her mouth in shock after seeing this scene, and then said in an incredibly incredible tone.

"Today you are all going to die!" Cook felt that the dead zone had absorbed part of the power. This power did not disappear, but was transformed into a part of Cook's own body. This result made Cooke more confident. Go into the sea lice group.

"Cook." Seeing that Cook was taking a risk, Lina and the others immediately surrounded them.

"Don't be afraid, I have entered the sanctuary." Cook looked at Lina and the others, and he had a lot to say, but Cook still had to solve these sea lice first.

"Don't, Cook, some things are not as simple as you think." Anna also stopped.

"Not easy?" Cook looked at Anna with a puzzled look. Since it exists, there must be a reason for it. "Anna said meaningfully.

Cook was depressed. Looking at the sea lice in the distance, these sea lice obviously did not want to give up their prey in West Asia, but Cook’s attack just now was so sharp, dozens of sea lice turned into countless powder. This kind of perverted power sea lice has never been seen.

"I said you all talk like this, I don't want to say it clearly?" Cook was depressed, Dapeng said that only his own power is his own, and Anna said that there must be a reason for existence, which makes Cook very incomparable. Depressed, plus speechless.

"Haha, is there anyone else who says something to you like me?" Anna asked with a smile, hugging Cook's arm.

"Who else? The master of Stormwind?" Cook replied angrily.

"Dapeng?" Lina and the others looked at Cook in disbelief and exclaimed.

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