A Unique Hunter

Chapter 946: Vs. sea lice

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Cook heard Lina's exclamation. Surprised and asked: "Have you seen the Dapeng?"

"How is it possible? That's a super monster." Anna widened her eyes and looked at Cook. You must know that Dapeng is a taboo existence in the God Realm. The Gods of the God Realm will not talk about Dapeng, moreover. Not to mention entering the sea of ​​storm, Anna now only enters here through someone else's body.

"Mythical beast, haha, haha!" Cook laughed as soon as he thought of Roc's true identity. Who would have thought that the true Roc clan would be an orc clan.

"Isn't it a beast?" Sia and Lina looked at each other, wondering Cook's expression.

"Nothing, what do these sea lice want to do, go and not go?" Cook waved his hand, there are some things Cook can't say.

Lina looked at the sea lice in the distance with disgust, and then said: "These damned guys have been following us all the time, chasing us constantly. It's really annoying."

When Lina said so, Cook felt a little fire in his heart, and Cook said coldly: "Hmph, these **** guys, I think they are looking for death."

Cook's figure flickered, and his whole body rushed towards the sea lice like a stream of light. There were a lot of sea lice, and all the densely packed ones were floating on the sea. These bulging guys with big bellies looked very ugly and skinned. It is a grayish brown with eight long legs under the huge belly.

"Hiss!" Seeing Cook rushing over, the whole group of sea lice hissed.

The head of a sea lice is like the head of a tortoise, but it is much larger, and this head is a one-eyed head, the head is very small, it looks very funny, the sea lice looked at the figure of Cook, one after another roared, a sea Although the sound of lice is small, the sound of thousands of sea lice is very loud.

"Bang!" Cook didn't launch a domain attack, but used the devil's bow. After the arrow left the string, it emitted huge kinetic energy, and the air exploded.

"Boom!" The arrows hit the body of a sea lice directly, but the body of the sea lice seemed to have huge elasticity. The arrows were bounced out with a bang, and the sea lice was not harmed at all.

"Damn." Cook cursed inwardly. Although Cook wanted to get rid of sea lice all at once, Cook also knew that this was a bit unrealistic. Sea lice have a very strong defensive power, even if they attack, they are parasitic. The creatures in Dapeng are tough.

"Thunder teeth!" Cook took out Thunder teeth again, but when he looked at Thunder teeth, Cook smiled bitterly. Even if these sea lice lined up for Cook to use Thunder teeth directly, Cook estimated that it would be choking.

Cook felt a bit tricky for a while, but Cook made up his mind that the sea lice must be eliminated, because the sea lice were like wolves, falling far behind his group.

"Sigh!" Just as Cook thought about how to deal with the sea lice, the sea lice on the water immediately calmed down, and a small sea lice in the sea lice group floated strangely.

"Double-headed sea lice?" When Cook saw the appearance of the sea lice, he knew that the sea lice was not simple, because the sea lice actually had two heads and the color of the body was darker.

"Hiss!" The two-headed sea lice hissed at Cook, and the threat was already obvious.

"Threat me, what are you!" Cook looked at the sea lice and replied with contemptuous mental strength.

"Puff puff puff!" After Cook's mental energy answered, countless sea lice under the entire sea lice flock immediately moved, followed by a puff of sound.

The entire sky is like being hit by countless rain, with countless ripples.

"Boom!" Cook was taken aback, because the sea lice's attack actually penetrated the space, and the area around Cook's body was naturally aroused. Cook just felt like his domain was hit by countless huge hammers. People fly upside down dozens of kilometers away.

"Cook, are you okay." Just when Cook stopped, Lina asked anxiously.

Cook also looked at Lina and found that they were all horrified. Obviously, they didn't even know this attack on sea lice.

"Are you all right?" Cook also asked Lina.

"It’s okay. Fortunately, I belong to the space department, and I am extremely sensitive to space fluctuations. I was originally in this stormy sea. My space magic was very weak. But when the sea lice attacked, I shared a huge power, so I can Use space magic instantly." Lina explained.

Cook knows that Lina is talking about the extreme environment of the storm sea, and it is also the extreme environment with rules. This environment has a strong suppressing effect on any other elemental energy. This suppression The power of Lina makes Lina's space magic very weak, but when the sea lice attacked, this suppression was withstood by the attack of the sea lice, so Lina was able to teleport Xia and the others out. material.

Cook's teeth tickled with hatred, and Anna's face changed drastically at this time and said, "Here again."

Cook immediately felt it, and sure enough, the sea lice came up again, and this time it was the double-headed sea lice who took the lead. With a move of Cook's mental power, the emblem of destruction appeared in Cook's hands again.

"You wait." Cook left a sentence and flew towards the sea lice.

At a distance of tens of kilometers, Cook took advantage of the power of the huge storm in the Sea of ​​Storms, and it was almost instantaneous. Cook's face was solemn, and the emblem of destruction in his palm was shining with inexplicable light.

"Are you excited?" Cook felt the Destruction Emblem slightly shake, and Cook opened his palms, looked at the Destruction Emblem, and muttered.

"Ho **** ho ho!" After seeing Cook, the two-headed sea lice roared.

"Boom!" The huge sound wave formed a huge white mist in front of Cook's body, the air made a violent explosion, and Cook's body shone with green light.

"Sonic attack, there are so many tricks that I can't see." Cook said with a sneer.

Cook felt the strong life force around him. The whole person seemed to have infinite power. Cook's mental power gushed out. The entire Destruction Emblem was wrapped in a trace of mercury-like mental force, and the entire Destruction Emblem seemed to have life. Constantly expanding, shrinking, expanding, and shrinking, just like a heartbeat.

"Dang!" Cook stretched out a finger and tapped on the Destruction Emblem.

"Puffpuffpuff!" The realm of life around Cook's body burst out with green light in an instant, but the realm burst instantly under the attack of the Destruction Emblem, the realm burst like a bubble, but the energy in Cook's body Surging out again, the realm inspires again.

Cook has the source of magic power, the source of fighting energy, and the two control points continuously output energy, and the energy in Cook's body is like being absorbed by a bottomless pit.

"Roar!" The two-headed sea lice roared loudly, feeling the breath of destruction of the coat of arms.

A visible ripple spouted from the front of the head of the double-headed sea lice, and on the other side, the gray ripples emitted by the ruined coat of arms also rushed towards the sea lice.

The two ripples met in an instant, but the strange thing was that there was no sound at all, but there were countless small and dark cracks at the junction. These cracks gradually expanded and gradually formed a huge dark space crack of thousands of kilometers.

"Dang!" The Destruction Emblem whispered softly.

"Boom!" The space crack expanded again under the attack of the double-headed sea lice and the magic pattern badge, the majestic power of the different space gushed out, and the huge force scattered the surrounding storm.

And the heraldry of Destruction screamed again, and a gray ripple rushed to the double-headed sea lice again. The difference this time was that the gray ripple passed through the huge space crack like a phantom and swept directly toward the sea lice. go with.

"Boom boom boom!" Thousands of sea lice were hit by the gray ripples and burst into a cloud of black blood instantly.

"Dang." The Destruction Crest cried again.

The realm of life around Cook has stabilized a long time ago. Cook looked at the self-moment of Destruction Coat of Arms in amazement. The sound of these two self-commotions was not very loud, and it did not have much influence on Cook's realm. Thousands of sea lice burst directly after a self-screaming, and after the second self-screaming, the sea lice that burst into a mass of black blood were enveloped by gray halo, the emblem of destruction was like a huge magnet. Absorb the gray light from these gray apertures.

"Frequency?" Cook understood a little bit. The attack of the Destruction Emblem does not lie in the amount of energy or the power of the percussion, but in the frequency of the attack.

"Dang." Cook thoughtfully shot the destruction heraldry.

"Boom!" A gray beam of light was excited from the Destruction Emblem, like a beam of light attacking like a magic crystal cannon, the gray beam of light flashed away.

"Abnormal, this is at least the main artifact!" Anna exclaimed, because on the line where the gray beam of light was attacking, there was a dark space crack that didn't know how long it grew~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a huge group of sea lice was cut. In half, the violent storm was also cut in half.

Cook also opened his mouth wide, and Cook did not expect that he would make a tentative attack, which would actually cause such a result. The countless gray rays of light were absorbed by the Destruction Emblem, and the entire Destruction Emblem gave Cook an extremely excited feeling. .

"Hoho Ho Ho Ho!" The double-headed sea lice roared, and the whole group of sea lice was a little flustered, and the two big mouths of the double-headed sea lice spewed out a purple light.

"Zzizi!" Cook felt that his whole body was paralyzed in an instant.

"Nima, it's actually a three-line creature." Cook's realm of life was quite powerful against this lightning attack, but with this attack, Cook's realm was broken, and Cook's magicweave equipment was damaged again. Cook jumped and scolded. Obviously Cook didn't expect that the sea lice would also attack by lightning.

"Zizizi!" But the next scene caused Cook's souls to go wild, because countless sea lice burst out of purple thunder and lightning, and the storm above the storm sea was also shining with countless purple thunder and lightning at this time.

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