A Unique Hunter

Chapter 949: Mighty Thunder Fang

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Sure enough, after Lina finished speaking, the space in front of Cook and others began to slowly collapse in. The entire space was covered with cracked spiderweb patterns. These patterns kept getting bigger and the dense cracks gradually getting bigger.

"Rumble." Lina didn't say anything at all. Raising her hand was a space blade, and the space blade hit the cracked space directly.

"Attacking this place, I am most afraid of being affected when I travel through space." Lina Lina said loudly after Lina's space blade hit the cracked place.

Sia, Anna, and Manli are constantly releasing powerful magic. Sia’s raising his hand is a Forbidden Curse-level rainstorm. Every drop of this rainstorm is like a bomb, carrying huge power. .

What Anna releases are fist-sized gray-white shadow arrows. The magic of the goddess of the night is a very rare shadow magic, which can control the shadow of others, and then use the shadow to kill people.

After the gray-white shadow arrow hit the cracked space, the entire cracked part actually slowly healed. This is the weirdness of the shadow system, and no one knows what kind of attack this shadow arrow has.

Manli’s attack was the most beautiful. The soil thorns with thick arms shot into the cracked space like raindrops, but these soil thorns were directly bombarded by the power of the cracked space before they got close to the cracked space. Disappeared.

"Space interference." Lina saw Cook drink a bottle of potion every ten minutes. Lina knew that Cook could no longer care about this side, so she took out the staff and began to sing. Lina is now The peak of the sanctuary, and the magic that needs the peak of the sanctuary to sing, you can imagine how powerful it is.

A group of gray light directly disappeared into the cracked space, and the cracked space shrank for a while, and the cracked space seemed to be blurred in an instant. This is the unique space system, magic of the space magician.

Space interference is a kind of magic that interferes with positioning, and when Lina displays it at this time, it can at least delay some time. After all, sea lice are not space-based creatures. Sea lice rely on strong mental power and powerful force to directly destroy Open space.

Although the sea louse is powerful, the different space is a very strange place. There are no elements in that place, and some are only violent space powers. Only the space magician can survive in the different space for a long time, like sea lice. In fact, the consumption of creatures in a different space is much more intense than in a normal space battle.

"Roar." The roar of the double-headed sea lice came out from the crack in the space. The sound was full of anxiety and threat.

"Puff." Lina saw the space crack again. The head of the double-headed sea lice had passed through the space. The surrounding space was made of mud under the powerful force of the sea lice. Lina saw this Circumstances, he patted his chest vigorously, and a mouthful of blood came out.

"Take my blood as a guide, the ubiquitous space element, please listen to my orders, and space transfer." Under Lina's singing, Lina's blood turned into a strange rune, which was full of The **** light, the whole rune seemed to have life.

After Lina finished singing, the whole rune flashed, and then rushed directly into the cracking space.

"Boom." The rune burst in an instant, and the entire cracked space was enveloped by a blood-red light, and then the cracked space disappeared in an instant accompanied by a blood-red light.

"Boom." And thousands of meters away, a red light flashed, and a cloud of space burst open.

"Puff." And Lina seemed to have received a heavy blow, spewing out a big mouthful of blood, and then her whole face was pale, as if she couldn't stand still.

"Roar." The double-headed sea lice appeared suddenly, but the appearance of the double-headed sea lice was very miserable, and the whole body was **** and bloody, as if it had been brushed by countless iron brushes.

"Tsk tusk, tusk tusk, although it hasn't reached the law of space yet, it's already very powerful, but it's better to use this secret technique sparingly in the future." Anna sighed when she saw the appearance of double-headed sea lice.

"Cough cough." Lina coughed twice. This was the space secret technique Lina understood by herself.

Lina itself is the pinnacle of the sanctuary, and the peak of the sanctuary is already practicing law power. Lina’s blood contains huge elemental powers. These elemental powers chant spells in Lina. In fact, chanting spells is to input soul power. Use the huge soul power to activate the elemental energy in the blood, urging out huge power, this is the secret technique.

The blood itself is the essence of the human body. Such secret techniques are extremely harmful to the body. This blood does not mean that it can be repaired automatically, because the legal power contained in the blood cannot be repaired automatically. It requires huge energy and The huge life force can only be born after constant tempering, so in the next period of time, Lina's cultivation level will definitely decrease for a while, which is one of the reasons Anna warned.

"Hoho." The double-headed sea lice was angry. The double-headed sea lice just broke through the space forcibly, but I didn't expect the space to be transferred by Lina. It was like a person preparing to knock open a door, but I did not expect it to be two The door was opened, so the double-headed sea lice was seriously injured in the process of forcibly breaking through the space.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho." The rest of the sea lice also roared angrily.

Countless sea lice soared into the sky, and the densely packed basic leaves were innumerable, covering the sky and the sun.

"Damn it." Although Cook can't do anything, Cook understands what's happening around him, but Cook now uses all his mental power in Lei Fang. Cook dare not draw out his mental power, and he can't get it out now. .

Cook’s current mental power has fallen into Thunder’s internal control core. It’s not impossible for Cook to get out of Thunder’s teeth and cut off his mental power directly. But Cook’s current mental power cut off may be affected. Backlash, the consequences at that time are hard to predict.

But Cook has got some information, that is, this thunder tooth is indeed the teeth of the ancestor dragon, and it is also one of the longest fangs, and one of the sharpest and strongest parts of the entire dragon.

The ancestor dragon did not know how huge, and the mother of the earth who fought with the ancestor dragon was also extremely tall. The battle of two giant monsters made the whole world tremble, countless mountain peaks were razed to the ground, countless lakes were destroyed by two giants. The battle of monsters rushed into the mountains, and countless rivers changed course.

And this is not a battle between Ancestral Dragons and Titans, but between giant dragons and Titans, countless hundreds of meters high Titans, and thousands of meters long dragons fighting together, Zhen Gege is very fought. Tragic, countless dragons were pierced into a sieve by Titan's spears, countless Titans were torn into pieces by the dragon, and the whole land was stained into blood red.

Scenes like this flashed in front of Cook's eyes. Cook hasn't seen the result yet, and the screen flashed another scene, a huge tooth, hundreds of meters long, and the tooth was kept white by a person. Flame calcination, and add something from time to time.

When Cook saw this scene, he immediately became energetic, because this is basically the process of refining Thunder Tooth. The screen flashed scene after scene, and countless materials that Cook knew and did not know were added.

And the figure who refines Thunder Tooth is always fuzzy. This figure has been refined for a long time, and Cook can still hear the figure murmur from time to time. Although it is just a few words, Cook has benefited a lot from it.

This figure is constantly portraying strange runes on the huge teeth. These runes are not known to Cook, and this person added his own blood when portraying. After seeing this scene, Cook was very concerned about this Have a certain understanding of methods.

Obviously this figure cannot control this huge tooth, and adding its own blood to the material is to improve the control ability and the fit after the refining is successful. Cook also knows this method, but Cook does not even bother to use this method. .

The disadvantage of this method is that it has an impact on the spirituality of weapons after adding their own blood. In the view of a true alchemist, every weapon is a work of art, with its own spirituality and its own characteristics. And adding one's own blood is tantamount to forcibly changing these spirituality and characteristics.

The silhouette of this tooth-refining figure is very simple, and it goes without saying that Cook also knows that this person is not simple.

However, as the time for refining teeth prolonged, this figure made Cook feel more and more weird, as if he was a little weak and a little overwhelming. Cook didn't understand it at the beginning, but gradually Cook understood. Weakness is the consequence of consuming a lot of blood, and the aura is because the figure has gained some gains from refining this tooth, but this is spiritual.

"Hey." Cook sighed in his heart.

Cook understands a truth from the beginning of cultivation, that is, the body is the root of everything. Although some magicians have extremely powerful magic power, their bodies are extremely weak, while Cook focuses on being his own body, because there is no good body. , The rest is no good.

After countless years of refining, the tooth finally became like an ordinary dagger, but when Thunder Fang was successfully refining, the refined figure was suddenly attacked. Seeing this, Cook was surprised. Because the person who attacked this refining Thunder Fang was someone who often appeared next to the refining Thunder Fang, who was obviously a student or relative of the refining person.

The refiner was attacked and died, but this refiner also relied on the control of Thunder Tooth, and through the final mental power control, he used Thunder Tooth to strangle the person who attacked him, but the person who attacked had a godhead, and the godhead disappeared instantly. , And Thunder Ya also lost the control of the refiner, and disappeared as a stream of light.

The image is over here. Cook hasn’t reacted yet. The huge teeth have undergone abnormal changes. There are lines and traces on the surface of the teeth. But in an instant, the light on the surface of the teeth disappeared and shortened to It's only a few hundred meters high, and it's still shrinking.

"This is a natural rune." Cook said with surprise when he saw the lines on the tooth surface through his mental power.

"Asshole, asshole." Cook cursed, because the Ancestral Dragon's teeth are an extremely powerful weapon without refining at all. However, after Cook finished the scolding, he also understood that the person who refined Thunder Fang did not understand, but did not. It will be refined only by means of control.

Cook understands this because Cook's ghost bow has a naturally formed magic pattern on it. Such a thing is unavoidable. Cook has only obtained such a thing for so many years.

At the moment the tooth became a real tooth, Cook felt that the tooth was like his own arm.

"Is this your body." Cook felt a glimmer of joy in his teeth. Cook opened his eyes and looked at the huge teeth hundreds of meters in the distance.

The teeth seem to be very ordinary, but the teeth that are hundreds of meters long are themselves an extremely powerful threat. As soon as Cook’s mental power moves, the entire tooth flies towards Cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wait until the tooth flies to the library. In front of Ke, it was only more than two meters long, a very natural arc, and traces of broken teeth under the teeth could be seen, just like they had just been broken.

"Boom." Cook saw the double-headed sea lice thousands of meters away, as well as the struggling support of West Asia and others around him, besieged by countless sea lice, Cook gently held the lower part of his teeth , And then Void stabbed the double-headed sea lice, and with a bang, the space in front of Cook was directly pierced.

"Puff." And the double-headed sea lice inexplicably protruded a sharp object thousands of meters away, the double-headed sea lice looked back at something strange appearing on his body in shock.

"Boom." With the double-headed sea lice as the center, thousands of meters of space burst open, and the double-headed sea lice disappeared without a trace.

"God." Anna looked at the broken void in shock, and there was a tooth in the broken void, and in Cook's hand there was another part of the tooth, which means that the weapon in Cook's hand was broken directly. Void, and then attack the enemy thousands of meters away, this is already very strange, but even more strange is that the strong defensive power of the double-headed sea lice seems to be non-existent, and it is unclear to death.

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