A Unique Hunter

Chapter 950: Pervert Thunder teeth

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Just when Anna was surprised by the power of the strange weapon in Cook's hand, a huge purple net broke out from the pointed ends of the teeth that broke through the space in the distance, and the purple net was enveloped within several kilometers.

"Sizzle." After a sizzling voice, countless sea lice were smoked by purple thunder and lightning.

Cook also opened his mouth wide. Really, Cook also has a feeling that he can attack the double-headed sea lice. Cook is only a light blow, but the consequences of this blow really did not occur to Cook. Such consequences.

But after Cook was surprised, he smiled bitterly, because the attack just now had already consumed the energy in Cook's body seven or eight. In other words, such an attack on Cook could only be used once.

Cook drew Thunder Teeth back, and the entire Thunder Teeth appeared in front of Cook again. The entire Thunder Lord was like a tooth with some primitive patterns on it. Cook knew that this was a kind of nature. The pattern formed has been separated from the magic pattern and **** pattern that people have studied.

Cook stroked Thunder tooth with a strange feeling. Cook felt that Thunder tooth was like his own body. When Cook shook his body, he rushed directly into the sea lice group.

Thunder teeth don’t have to be swung by Cook at all. Cook needs to pass the sea lice gently. It stands to reason that Thunder teeth are now round and there is no sharp blade or anything, but this Thunder teeth now every time Dancing will directly cut sea lice into pieces.

In front of Lei Ya, the space seemed to be non-existent. Under Lei Ya’s wave, the space opened a series of pitch-black cracks. Cook continued to traverse the sea lice. Cook was not fighting anymore. Cut melons and vegetables.

"Spatial attributes." After Cook tried it, he has determined that this thunder tooth carries the laws of space, otherwise it will not be so easy to break the space, just like the space does not exist, and maintain this state of attack. There is no need for Cook's energy at all, because the Thunder Tooth itself carries such laws, which means that it is confirmed that Thunder Tooth is a divine tool of the space system, and only divine tools can have their own laws.

Cook stroked Thunder Tooth. Cook only saw that Thunder Tooth was relatively short and he obtained it from the Lamian Thunder Dragon's lair. Cook named Thunder Tooth, but he didn't expect it to be a real tooth. .

Thunder teeth gave Cook a feeling of blood connection. Thunder teeth also passed some information to Cook. Cook already knew that Thunder teeth were spatial attributes and lightning attributes. When Cook accepted the information, he was even more surprised.

"A blood sucking attack." Cook waved thunder teeth at a sea lice that was fleeing.

A red light shot at the sea lice in the distance. After the sea lice was enveloped by the red light, it dried up in an instant, and the red light covering the sea lice suddenly became rich.

"It turns out to be the law of blood." Anna was also surprised, knowing that in the entire world, the Thunder and Space systems, and the blood systems are extremely difficult to distinguish.

The paralyzing properties of the lightning system and the suddenness of the space system are both headaches, but in comparison, the blood system is even more disgusting, because the blood system can control the blood in the body of others, even if it is uncontrollable. , It will also cause blood abnormalities. The low-level ones will speed up the blood flow, and the high-level ones will tear the wound and bleeding will not stop. So when fighting against the strong bloodline, you must not be injured, because after the injury, the blood will be It goes by like pressure.

"A tooth is so perverted." Lina and Xia also looked at each other, and a tooth was so perverted, then what kind of existence would the owner of the tooth be like.

Cook understands that Ancestral Dragon’s teeth can be said to be the most powerful weapon of Ancestral Dragon. The space attributes are already thought of by Cook. In fact, the strong have the ability to break through the space to a certain extent, but this ability It is not a theory, but it uses brute force to break open, just like sea lice shatters space with its own power, and then performs space movement attacks. This is just a simple force crushing, not a space system at all, it can only be said This ability is the most powerful use.

What surprised Lina even more was that Cook threw Thunder Fang with his hand, and Thunder Fang swayed in front of Cook, and a dark hole appeared in front of Cook. Cook was rushed back by the huge space force. A few steps.

"Boom." Thousands of kilometers away, a group of purple light burst out, and the purple light rose into the sky, reflecting half of the sky into purple.

Cook closes his eyes, Cook can clearly feel Thunder Tooth's every move. The entire Thunder Tooth is now hundreds of meters long. A dazzling purple light erupts from the tip of Thunder Tooth. There are countless large buckets. Purple lightning stretched in all directions.

Sea lice within a few kilometers were hit by huge lightning. These sea lice appeared purple lightning all over their bodies, and then stopped for an instant. This is the paralyzing property of thunder and lightning, and thunder teeth are like being moved by an invisible big hand. It looks average, hundreds of meters-long Thunder teeth swept through the sea lice swarms. The sea lice swept by Thunder teeth turned into dust or shriveled corpses, and then fell into the ocean.

"Damn, this mental energy consumption is too great." Cook's face was a little pale, because although Thunder Teeth's state does not consume Cook's energy, it needs to consume Cook's mental power. Fortunately, Cook's The mental power is relatively abnormal, but even Cook can not support it for long.

"Cook, how did you do it, how did you do it." Anna excitedly hugged Cook's arm and asked loudly.

Lei Ya returned to Cook's hands in an instant. At a distance of thousands of kilometers, Lei Ya almost arrived instantly. Cook touched Lei Ya and replied: "He told me to do this, but it was too expensive. ."

"You can be proud of it. You are only an elementary sanctuary. You must know that some gods can't control weapons like this. This requires not only strong spiritual power, but also weapons at least to reach the level of high-level artifacts. You are a junior sanctuary. You can control weapons like this, and it consumes too much." Anna looked at Cook with extreme envy.

"What does that mean?" Cook asked Anna suspiciously.

"This shows that the level of Thunder Tooth is too high." Anna even wanted to grab Cook's Thunder Tooth, but Anna knew that this kind of weapon was not just for you.

"Dang." The Destruction Crest let out a clear hum.

"Keng." Cook hadn't reacted yet, Thunder Ya also let out a clear metal-like humming sound.

Cook looked at the Destruction Emblem and Thunder Fang in surprise. At this moment, Cook discovered that the Destruction Emblem was actually like the scales on the Ancestral Dragon, but the Destruction Emblem was much smaller, and Cook was invisible. Driven by power, he weirdly brought the Destruction Emblem close to Thunder Fang.

"Keng," with a sound, the destruction coat of arms actually clung to Thunder Fang tightly, and Cook was extremely surprised.

The Destruction Emblem is at the root of Thunder Fang. Under Cook’s gaze, the Destruction Emblem melted into Thunder Fang, just like Thunder Fang grew naturally. Cook reached out and held the destruction. The heraldry part was found to be quite appropriate, just like a handle.

"This is," Anna and others were surprised, this kind of weapon fusion had never been seen.

"This is the scales of the Ancestral Dragon." Cook confirmed his guess. The material of the Destruction Emblem is the scales of the Ancestral Dragon. It can be imagined that the scales carried by a huge Ancestral Dragon carry such rules. Then the Ancestral Dragon is How powerful.

"Zulong." The voices of Anna and the others were full of surprise, full of yearning, yearning for the age of the legendary ancient powers, and yearning to live with the legendary gods.

"Yes." Cook felt that Thunder Fang is now more powerful, and the Destruction Crest is actually more like being fused by Thunder Fang.

The Destruction Emblem itself is extremely perverted, and Lei Ya is even more perverted. When the two are combined, isn't it even more perverted.

Cook felt a breeze blowing, and the storm in the distance struck again. A great battle just now calmed the stormy sea area, but once the influence here disappears, the storm will occupy it again.

"Let's go." Cook took a look at the coming storm, a flash of inspiration, some unclear things were in it, but when Cook really thought about it, there was no insight. Cook looked at Li. Na waited a glance, then waved her hand.

In the middle of the storm sea invisible to Cook, the group of sea lice fled in horror, because Cook’s attack was so abnormal that it caused most of the sea lice group to lose, and tens of thousands of sea lice went crazy on the sea. Fled.

"Tweet." There was a crisp chirp, a big mouth several kilometers wide came out of the ocean directly, and then this big mouth sucked suddenly.

"His hiss." Countless sea lice wanted to escape this big mouth in horror, but the sea lice themselves were fleeing frantically. With the huge suction power of the big mouth, the sea lice screamed in horror, but they were still caught by the big mouth. It was absorbed all at once.

"Unexpectedly, this Cook is really powerful. I feel that the weapon in his hand is very powerful. The double-headed mutant sea lice was killed instantly, and the group of sea lice was finally wiped out. These **** guys, I don’t know **** them. How many marine creatures have been lost?" On Dapeng's back, a figure muttered to himself as the sea lice disappeared into his mouth.

"The shadow god, you **** bastard, I'm going to kill you."

"Haha, the **** of conspiracy, you still want to kill me, haha, you lost God's Domain now, you still want to kill me, the **** of conspiracy, my good brother, why don't you use your smart head this time~www.wuxiaspot .com~Haha, deserve it, told you to calculate me at the beginning." After the **** of shadow fled back to the realm in embarrassment, he originally thought he was the most miserable. I didn’t expect that after the **** of conspiracy came back, not only would his god’s position be lowered, but the realm of God would be enlarged. The Peng broke, and the God of Shadow could not swallow the breath of being calculated by the God of Conspiracy, so the God of Conspiracy directly hit the door of the God of Conspiracy, and the God of Conspiracy was violently beaten by the God of Shadow and roared repeatedly, but it was not a shadow at all. The opponent of the gods.

"Haha, the **** of conspiracy, I told you a long time ago that only power is the most fundamental. What kind of brain do you want to use? Use your brain now, use it," the shadow **** laughed loudly. Beat the **** of conspiracy violently, while sarcastically said loudly.

"God of Shadows, stop me. If you want to get back the main artifact, you have to listen to me." The God of Conspiracy roared loudly.

Speaking of the main artifact, the Shadow God became even more angry, and he used his hands even harder: "Damn it is because of you, you bastard, if you hadn't calculated me, I would have got the master artifact, damn, bastard. , I want you to know why the flowers are so red."

"Ah,,,, the **** of shadows, you bastard, I am your big brother, oh..."

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