A Unique Hunter

Chapter 951: Come back home

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"It's you bastard, bastard."

"If it weren't for you, I would have gotten the main artifact, big brother, I'm going to beat your big brother today." The shadow god's attack was overwhelming, and the gods opened up and suppressed the **** of conspiracy, the more the shadow **** thought The more angry.

The main artifact was discovered by himself, and this operation was organized by himself. Although the God of Shadow expected that the Goddess of Wealth would not deal with him, the God of Shadow did not expect the God of Conspiracy to calculate himself, so the God of Shadow made a comparison. Heavy once.

The **** of conspiracy has lost the domain and his position has fallen by two levels, so facing the stormy attack of the **** of shadow, the **** of conspiracy has to resist hard, and even self-protection is dangerous.

God's Domain is actually an element memory plus a damage sharer. God's Domain is a domain controlled by God with independent laws. This domain is already independent of the world. This domain contains the laws of a god, so the gods absorb the law. The energy of domain transformation is easy.

As for the **** servants in the gods’ domain, they are even more humanoid element storages, and when they are hurt, gods can also share part of the damage they receive, so the battle between gods depends on the power of the gods.

And the **** of conspiracy has lost the domain of the gods, so the **** of the shadow gods is like a big stone to suppress the **** of conspiracy, and the **** of conspiracy has to face the attacks of the servants in the gods of shadow, which is miserable for a while Endless.

"The **** of shadows, stop, stop, you still want the master artifact." The **** of conspiracy was beaten up miserably, the **** of conspiracy only now knows that in some cases, clever minds are of little use.

"Hey, the **** of conspiracy, my lord artifact wants it too, but I'll beat you up first, and I'll talk later." The shadow **** said with a sneer, and then attacked again in the consternation of the conspiracy god.

"Ah,, you are shameless." The **** of conspiracy screamed violently.

Somewhere in the God Realm, in a large hall, a few people are sitting together, and in the center of the sitting there is a mirror-like thing, and what appears in the mirror is the appearance of the **** of conspiracy being beaten by the **** of shadow. , The difference is that these people are wearing masks.

"Everyone, I think we can breathe a sigh of relief. The **** of conspiracy has been broken and the **** level is lowered. There is no ability to detect what we are doing, so we can speed up the implementation of the plan." I thought the hoarse voice came from sitting around Uploaded in a person around.

"Hey, don't rush for a while, the four old guys in the God Realm are not friendly." A feminine voice giggled and said, obviously disagreeing.

"Hmph, we have prepared for hundreds of thousands of years, how could those four old guys know." Someone objected.

"Yes, hundreds of thousands of years, what a long time, but hundreds of thousands of years have been waiting, is it still a little bit short of time." Someone said again.

"Well, we are here to discuss things, the plan remains unchanged, but we should also pay attention to this Cook, the main artifact, if it is true, I think our plan needs to be changed." The figure in the main seat spoke.

"With the master artifact, what plans need to be changed? Just challenge the four old guys directly." Someone grunted dissatisfiedly.

"Well, the goddess of wisdom in the gods sleeps for a long time due to congenital soul reasons, so it has no effect on our plans. However, although the **** of conspiracy has been lowered, his brain has not become an idiot, so the **** of conspiracy must Death, and the godhead of the **** of conspiracy will also set off a storm in the **** realm, which can even cover up our plans, so our next goal is to solve the **** of conspiracy, and then investigate whether the main artifact really exists." The person in charge said afterwards, everyone around nodded, apparently agreeing with this person's statement.

Then the person on the theme continued: "Everyone, the reason why we are able to get together is because someone is unfair to us. We also have credit for things hundreds of thousands of years ago, but what rewards us is massacre. , A merciless slaughter, so I hope you can do your best to implement the plan."

"No problem, hehe." Several people around nodded and smiled.

Cook, Linasia and others moved forward quickly in the Sea of ​​Storms. Cook now has a feeling that he is familiar with Sea of ​​Storms. Cook knows how to go, and that direction is the mainland. This feeling makes Cooke I am very excited, because in the sea of ​​storms, what I see are fierce storms and boiling seas. It is impossible to tell the direction. But in the eyes of Cook, these storms and these seas are different, as if they are different. The people are average.

Anna was very surprised by Cook, because even Anna could not tell the direction in the storm sea, but Cook was able to tell the direction, and Anna also found that following Cook, the resistance of the storm had disappeared.

Not only disappeared, but the storm also gave a lot of help. Anna felt that several people were sliding fast in the air, and they used very little power. Anna still didn't understand why this happened. You must know that there is no Cook's. At that time, it was very difficult for a few people to move.

Cook closed his eyes and carefully felt the storm around his body. The current storm is no longer tyrannical in Cook's perception, but replaced with another soft but powerful feeling.

Cook had this feeling for a long time, but Cook didn’t realize it carefully. Cook quietly felt the power of the storm. The reason why the storm of the storm sea is so strong is because there is no fixed direction, sometimes here, sometimes that By the way, this is also the reason for the danger of the storm sea. In this extreme environment, anyone will be in great danger.

Cook penetrated deeper into his spiritual power, and Cook felt different. When Cook just entered the sea of ​​storm, the energy contained in the storm was tyrannical. Now Cook feels that this energy is soft and completely different. .

"Cook, I think we have to hurry back soon, I am worried about the Freedom Kingdom." Lina said palely.

Cook also knew that Lina was hurt, but this kind of injury only weakened Lina for a period of time. Cook was feeling that after being interrupted by Lina, Cook woke up. Lina and others have been fighting for a long time. In addition to being hurt, Cook also wanted to rush back to the free kingdom, so he ignored Lina a little.

"Sorry, I'm too anxious about home, so I'm a little..." Cook looked at Sia, who had a big belly, and Lina, who was pale. Manli and Anna were much better.

Xia knew what Cook was going to say. After Cook spoke up, Xia stopped him and said, "Cook, we can understand you."

"I'm sorry." Cook apologized again. Cook was really guilty. Lina herself was hurt and she ignored it.

"But then we will let Jin Guangyan take us back." When Cook saw what Lina was about to say, he raised his hand to stop it, and then took Jin Guangyan out.

Cook mentally scanned the natural ring and found that Jin Guangzhen was being pointed at his head by Windsor and taught what is meant by one thing falling one thing. Jin Guangzhen is a rascal and a shameless rascal, but against Windsor, Jinguang Yan is as honest as a pupil facing the teacher.

This is because Windsor has enough good wine in his hands. Of course, Windsor's winemaking skills are not in vain. Jin Guangyan, who regards wine as his lifeblood, has to be obedient and obedient.

"Xiaozhen, go home." Cook said with Jin Guangzhen suddenly.

"Roar." Jin Guangyan couldn't stand the nagging of Windsor. After being picked up by Cook, he immediately roared happily.

"Xiaozhen, remember what I said." Windsor also came out afterwards and asked Xiaozhen with her mouth open.

"Roar..." Jin Guangyan saw Windsor and patted his forehead with his paw, as if I was about to collapse, but had to answer Windsor's question.

"Well, Windsor, let's get out of Stormwind first." Cook didn't expect that some stubborn Windsor would have such a mother-in-law side. Cook also had a headache for nagging, so he said.

"Huh, children need to be educated well, otherwise they don't know how to be bad when they grow up." Windsor looked like I was very reasonable.

"Well, let's go back and talk, go back and talk." Cook said bitterly.

"Roar." Then Jin Guangyan led Cook and his party to fly quickly in the storm sea.

Even at the speed of Jin Guangzhan, it took a full half a month for him to fly before seeing the land. After seeing the land, Cook lost his huge perception ability. Cook knew that this was the result of his approval of the Dapeng.

Even on land, Cook also needs to determine his position. It took Jin Guangyan five days to find the traces of humans. Fortunately, this is a human territory, and it is not very far from the city with the teleportation array, of course, even if it is far away. Some Jin Guangyan can also arrive quickly.

But what Cook didn’t know was that in the Freedom Kingdom, a long brewing storm was gradually taking shape, and the components of these storms were the Strategic Security Alliance formed by Cooke and the Pan-Continent Machinery Chamber of Commerce, Connie’s Archon, and the army of the free kingdom.

Cook was punished by God ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then disappeared. At the beginning, the Strategic Security Alliance was very worried, but as time goes by, the huge wealth of the Freedom Kingdom has gradually become visible. in.

When Cooke hadn't come forward, Anna, Lina and others disappeared one after another, this kind of people who looked at it took action. First of all, some members of the Strategic Security Alliance requested a meeting to re-elect the president.

There is also the Pan-Continent United Machinery Chamber of Commerce itself is under the jurisdiction of the Security Association, but several directors of the Machinery Chamber of Commerce saw that Cook is missing, so they also have some ideas. Some people in the Pan-Continent Chamber of Machinery are seeking to leave the free kingdom and re-select their headquarters. Where.

Moreover, the director of the Machinery Union Chamber of Commerce is a member of the Security Alliance. As the governor of the Free Kingdom, Connie has no jurisdiction over the Security Alliance and the Pan-Continent Machinery Chamber of Commerce. In fact, this is because Cook has ignored this point. After Cook disappeared , Connie was at a loss for these two huge organizations, because Connie's own identity determined that she did not have any right to speak within these two huge organizations.

"Damn it, it's all villains." The Beastmaster slapped the table and cursed loudly when he heard the appointment of the president.

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