A War Between Spies

Chapter 1339: radiation

Yang Yi and Anton went to the airport together.

Things have been shipped away, and now I am waiting to board the ship. Brian is staring at the container in secret. If there is no big accident, the cross-like thing will be shipped to one of Europe in an expensive Harley motorcycle. port.

Yang Yi and Anton arrived at the airport according to the scheduled ticket time and were ready to leave the US on the plane.

The disguise of two people, as long as they are not subject to specific inspections, are extremely detailed and must be checked by professional anti-spyers, they will never be discovered.

Therefore, when entering the airport, Yang Yi did not have any psychological pressure, but in order to be safe, he was separated from Anton and entered JFK airport one after the other.

The airport looks like peace when it is no different. What's more, this is just the door to the airport terminal, but Yang Yi has been observing it for a long time.

There is really no abnormality, but Yang Yi did not feel right after Anton had just entered the terminal of the terminal building.

This entrance door has a box that looks like a public phone, no camera and probe, no lights, it looks like a normal white box, but the problem is that this white box did not exist before, and now suddenly appears It is not right.

I can’t say where it’s wrong, but intuition or vigilance as a spy makes Yang Yi’s instinct for all strange things.

The main thing is that Yang Yi has an extraordinary brain.

Yang Yi has never seen such equipment at any airport, so the sudden appearance of Kennedy Airport is the first exception. Secondly, Yang Yi does not know what this thing is for. This is the second exception.

In Yang Yi’s mind, there are indeed many things in the world that he does not know, but at the airport, it may be that the equipment used for security inspection does not know, and this is not normal.

Yang Yi stopped and he looked at Anton.

Anton went in. There seems to be no abnormality at the moment, and the white box installed on the back side of the door has no abnormalities.

The problem is that many devices are not as good as in movies.

Let's just say, why does a hidden time bomb have to show time? If it is the kind of old-fashioned alarm clock set bombs, but a modern electronic control time bomb, why must show the time, and still countdown, prompting the discovery of the bomb has begun a ten-second countdown.

Because this happens in the movie.

It’s like a security facility in a movie that will blink and sound an alarm when someone breaks in. The question is whether the person setting up the security facility is not informed, and the intruder will be alarmed. Let them know that they have been exposed.

Unless it is the kind of intention to scare people away, otherwise, the real electronic access control will only notify the person who knows when someone finds it in.

So Yang Yi really didn't know what the big white box was doing. He didn't know what happened after Anton went in, but he found that after two people passed by Anton, they almost turned their heads and looked at the terminal. The entrance to the building.

Two people in different positions turned their heads at the same time, and the look of a person who looked at the door was also a slight movement. This explains what is wrong.

Although there is no alarm sound, Yang Yi knows that there is a problem.

Yang Yi is just looking at the six roads. He has now identified at least four people who are not quite right, so he immediately stopped and took out his mobile phone to make a look at the mobile phone, and then pretended to make a phone call. Raise the phone and stand aside.

Yang Yi’s action is to alert the police.

Anton may not have found the white box, but he absolutely knew he was being stared.

Although he didn't know what went wrong with him, Anton knew that he had already been stared, so he kept quiet and began to prepare to run out.

Then Yang Yi and Anton found one thing.

It is not only that Anton has been the focus of attention, but that Anton and the other two people who are almost at the same time have received attention.

The three people who entered the door together have been paid attention to, but there are two people who are innocent, then this shows a situation, it is the machine that is found abnormal, and what this machine found, but can not accurately judge the target Locked to someone who has just passed.

Yang Yi made a judgment instantly.

Radiation, in addition to radiation can have something.

If it is not facial recognition, nor fingerprint or iris, which can accurately lock a certain target, it is the way of identification such as smell and radiation, and it is a relatively general way, that is, when the three people pass by, the machine issues an alarm. So all three people are suspected.

Anton suddenly turned and ran out.

Anton made the same judgment as Yang Yi, so he must withdraw immediately.

This is not the case for the police to handle the case. There is no possibility of investigating it. If it is targeted, it will be controlled first. Once it is controlled, it is impossible to get out of it.

So I was found to run and there is still the possibility of getting out.

Anton’s leg ran immediately and caused a chain reaction. A passenger dressed up suddenly slid down the suitcase and handed it over to Anton.

When he was about to rush out of the door, Anton met the person who intercepted him.

Anton had no weapons, but the passenger had weapons and had already pointed his gun at Anton.

Anton's hand was in his pocket, and then he swelled up. He found this preparation after he found that the person who intercepted himself did not wear glasses.


The person who took the gun made a scream. The thing that Anton wrote out was a kind of plastic granules. It was small but never round, but it was angular. Watching it with a magnifying glass can be found to be quite vicious. Once it was spilled into the eyes and closed again, it was really terrible.

The person who intercepted Anton closed his eyes and joined loudly. When Anton passed by him, he took a pistol. www.wuxiaspot.com~No one is dealing with the screaming person. Anton turns back and chases after him. The two men are two shots.

One shot at a time, then Anton continued to run out, and Yang Yi screamed in a timely manner, and began to flee like other travelers.

"It's him! Grab him!"

Someone is pointing at Anton and yelling. The voice is not very loud, but by radio, I don’t know how many people are coming to Anton.

What orders were made by those who arrested Anton, and Anton and Yang Yi could not know, but Yang Yi felt that the form was not too second.

A lot of people started to rush, and two of them still hold the white box.

This is the detector, Yang Yi's face will not change, but his heart is suddenly jumped up. If Anton was discovered by this instrument, then needless to say, he can not escape the discovery.

Also, at this time, people who want to arrest Anton can not worry about accidental injuries. If they can shoot, they will definitely shoot.

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