A War Between Spies

Chapter 1340: stupid

Anton ran very fast, and at least ten people ran around to contain Anton, and at this time, snipers appeared in corners that could not be easily found, especially in the high places.

The situation is very bad.

When the will of a country begins to be enforced, it is absolutely incapable of resistance as an individual. Even if it is organized, well, what organization can confront the United States.

Someone finally fired, but it was okay, not hit.

It was only the first shot that was not hit, but now there are three snipers who can shoot on Anton, and many arresters who are close at hand. It seems that Anton is in danger.

At this time, I can only abandon the car and protect the handsome. Yang Yi did not think much, and made the decision to let Anton cover him.

Anton also saw the situation. He wanted to run without a door. The result of running down was either hit by a sniper or hit by someone who caught him on the ground. So the first shot started, and the warning shot meant After a more intense shot, Anton stopped immediately. He lifted the pistol high and then slowly slammed it down.

For spies, as long as exposure is a failure, a complete failure.

The role of spies is never reflected in the level of how many people are killed, unless it is a very high-value target. Like this person who arrests Anton, even if Anton can kill them all, there is nothing to boast about. of.

As long as it can attract the attention of the arresters, Yang Yi can get out of peace. This is the best ending that Anton wants to achieve now.

A man with a pistol and a suit yelled at the passerby who wanted to run but didn't dare to run: "Don't panic, you are safe, slowly go to the side for inspection, everyone is not allowed to run, I am Repeat it, slowly come to me..."

What is professional, this is professional.

If it is the police, after the suspects are discovered, they will concentrate on dealing with the suspects. They will only evacuate the innocent passers-by in the dangerous area. Even if they are not innocent, it seems innocent and it is the first time to evacuate.

But the professional anti-spyware is not the same. The first suspect can of course not let go, but as long as there is spare capacity, then the people next to it must be screened again.

Yang Yi and Anton know that they will enter the airport one after the other, and of course those who are ready to catch them know, so as long as they are eye-catching, it is impossible to get away with it.

How to check it, it is simple to say, the two people who carry the white box are doing this.

Yang Yi was very nervous, and he did show a panic and overwhelming look. After seeing a couple being controlled and asked to check it, he quickly went over and then Waiting for the staff to fall.

Anton has been picked up, his hands have been handcuffed, at least seven or eight people around him, not only to search, but also several people pressed on him, afraid that he still suddenly burst The ability to hurt people.

Two white boxes were placed on the ground, one of them was dedicated to Anton, and the other was placed on an open space, and then a man in a suit holding a document on his hand said: "Please everyone. Concentrate here, take out your own documents and put them on your head. If you have no problem after I check here, you can leave. Don't be nervous, don't panic, don't make any action that may cause misunderstanding, madam, Please come here."

Yang Yi knows that this situation is not good.

If the check is simple, it means that as long as the machine passes through it, it can be known that this kind of quick check is obviously targeted, and there is no other possibility than radiation.

But this white box is not a Geiger counter.

Yang Yi is a little embarrassed, and he is really embarrassed now.

Why is it wrong, because the current situation Yang Yi can't understand.

First of all, the white box will not be the Geiger counter.

The so-called Geiger counter is a kind of inspection instrument for checking ionizing radiation. In short, it is the kind of thing that detects the radiation of the nuclear radiation. Of course, now that the Geiger counter has been electronically, it is not necessary to The sound can also indicate the intensity of the radiation.

But the problem is that Yang Yi has already measured it with the Geiger counter after getting the cross. The radiation value is completely within the normal range.

Ionizing radiation is still a bit more complicated. It is said that nuclear radiation should be understood by everyone. Yang Yi is not stupid. He holds a metal block that does not know the source and does not know what it is. Science fiction means such a strong thing. If you don't check the radiation value, you can't think of radiation sickness. Even if you don't satisfy your curiosity, you have to stick to it for your own life.

The Geiger counter is not difficult to find, and the result of the inspection is that the cross has no radiation, and it is not much different from the radiation intensity of an iron block.

It is not ionizing radiation, of course, it is not possible to be electromagnetic radiation. As long as there is a telephone signal in electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic radiation is ubiquitous in a city. It is impossible to find someone by electromagnetic radiation.

Yang Yi wants to cry.

According to common sense, Anton was discovered by people based on radiation, but Yang Yi has detected it himself, but it will not be discovered. So what is it?

Oh, oh.

Yang Yi stood at the end, 20 meters away from the box. Whenever someone turns, he has to go to the front of the box. Yang Yi believes that the box is the main means of detection. As for the documents, it is simply fooling. Human.

Anton has been picked up. He has to be sent away, no more measures, or no one will be rescued. Anton will definitely fold in, and Yang Yi will of course also fold in.

Within ten meters is a dangerous distance. It will be discovered when entering this range. This is the initial judgment of Yang Yi, but he may have been exposed, but the inspectors want to check one by one to get him out of the crowd. But this is no longer important.

Yang Yi still wants to figure out what happened, at least he has to figure out how Anton is exposed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But Anton has already been taken away, and there is no way to drag it.

Can't drag, then I have to do it.

Yang Yi and Anton are going to leave, but of course they have to do security measures. They dare not say that they are foolproof. At least some people have secretly escorted them.

Who can escort, the black devil who is already fine, idle what they do.

Yang Yi explored his hand and it seemed to be a very common movement, and there was no threat, but after he spread his hand, he suddenly became a gunshot, and then a continuous gunshot.

A gunshot was caused by several people firing at the same time, which sounded like a sound. Continuous firing, after hitting the primary goal, began to shoot the second and third goals.

After the gunshot, people began to fall one by one, and the first to fall down were three snipers who had already appeared.

However, the people of the Black Devil are still very measured. Their purpose is to create chaos to cover Yang Yi and Anton to get away, instead of killing them. Therefore, in the crowd, there is a mourning sound, but no one immediately dies.

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