A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 61: Return to the South (1)

"The elite riders of the clan, willing to be the forerunner of the general!"

When the words fell, the King of Xiutu fell on his knees with a thump, expression of shame, and drew the scimitar from his waist to his heart: "If the general feels that it is not enough, Xiao Wang is willing to atone for his sins with death, just to spare the son of the clan. "

Regardless of what others thought, the tribal chief who came with him to apologize anyway saw this scene and immediately fell to his knees, lowered his head, and said nothing.

Good acting.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that King Xiutu's Dugu family is advancing with retreat. After all, he didn't come thousands of miles to plead for sin, just to find a way to survive. How could he be willing to die?

As for the life of the son of the clan, it is really not that important to the royal family.

However, Lu Li looked at Pioneer Officer Song Xian in amazement, what exactly did this guy do to fool King Xiutu into this way--

First, he listened to the lord's reprimand in silence, and then he continued to defend himself like an old wolf without claws. In the end, he heard Zhang Liao's threat, and knelt directly on the ground, saying that he would send troops to help the officers and soldiers suppress the remnants of the Yellow Turban.

At the same time, Song Xian, who was standing on the side with his arms around watching the play, seemed to feel something, raising his eyes and looking around.

The two men met.

It's a pity that there is business to do now, otherwise Lu Li really wanted to ask why.

At this time, Ding Yuan took the scimitar and looked down at the opponent without a word.

Upon seeing this, King Xiutu lowered his posture, and humbly crawled on the ground, artificially using a knife to make me a fish. Now, he can only pray that the Han army leader will not be arrogant.

Zhang Liao was speechless for a while, he just quoted a piece of allusion, but didn't say everything--

Who would have thought that the leader of the Xiu Tu Department, the Dugu Department, and the Tu Department was so afraid of death that even King Guli could not match it.

"Forget it." Ding Yuan threw the scimitar away and waved his sleeves. "I will worry about the suppression of civil strife. King Tu has to worry about it. I still have the ability to join the state army. You can return to the grassland."

"No." Dugu's head looked up.

At this time, the lord again said: "In addition, you have to compensate for the comfort of the soldiers who died in Yanmen County."

Although the people on the prairie do not know how to weave and make silk, nor are they good at making money, they have cattle and sheep, animal fur, and superior war horses in their hands. Who can refuse these things?

Because of this, the generals in the tent converged and looked at King Xiutu in unison.

Suddenly, Dugu's pressure doubled.

"For every soldier killed in battle, Xiao Wang would like to give out fifty sheep as a compassion, and for every wounded member, Xiao Wang would give out 20 sheep and ten sheepskins as comfort."

Because Xiutu was located in Liangzhou and controlled a large number of lush pastures, King Xiutu was quite generous, but he never mentioned horses.

However, Ding Yuan's most fancy thing is war horses. After all, cattle, sheep, fur, and state are also productive, but horses are different. Once he can get a lot of supplements, he can expand the scale of wolf riding.

"Haha, King Xiutu really is a man of courtesy and sincerity, just do what you said."

Hearty laughter came from a high place.

At this moment, Ding Yuan had thought of a countermeasure. In fact, it was not difficult at all. It was nothing more than creating more names.

Are you still afraid that he won't agree?

At this time, King Xiutu, who was crawling on the ground, was ecstatic in his heart, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

Sheep, there are many on the grassland.

In addition, in the past few years, the weather has been smooth and there are countless cattle and sheep in the tribe. If it weren't for robbing silk, armor, craftsmen, and Dingkou, he would never have agreed to King Zuo Xian's invitation.

Now it seems that there are just a few less animals to feed their hunger, and no bones and muscles will be injured at all. In a few years, the tribe will be able to recover.

On the side, Lu Li, who served as the background with Song Xian and others, frowned slightly. Even if he was a newcomer, he knew that horses were the most precious, not to mention that the lord was a veteran of the battlefield. Unless his old eyes were dim, he would never commit such a low level. mistake.

as predicted.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lord Ding Yuan personally helped King Xiutu up, and directly held his hand to show his closeness.

However, after a few words of relief to the other party, the lord seemed to think of something annoying, and after a long sigh, he secretly said:

"It's a pity that the old lady said nothing. Although I know that you were threatened by King Zuo Xian, but the court wants to pursue it in the future, I'm afraid..."

Speaking of this, Ding Yuan paused deliberately. Seeing that he was indifferent, he simply stated clearly: "I am afraid that the emperor who is far away in Luoyang will impose an edict to conquer the young people of Bingzhou, conquer the grasslands, and build the capital to show the force. By then, The old man is also powerless and can only do what is ordered."


There is one outside the camp!

It was built with the corpses of tens of thousands of Huns. Even if the weather is severely cold, the smell of the corpses still permeates within a radius of ten miles and does not dissipate for a long time.

"Please rescue the army!"

King Xiutu finally couldn't hold it anymore. He knelt down again with a thump, cried madly, knocked his head like garlic, and became fluent in the originally blunt Chinese: "General, what do you think is good, as long as we guarantee our tribe If he is not liquidated in the future, Xiao Wang can do anything!"

In his 50s, Lu Li shook his head helplessly.

"The Son of Heaven once said: Zhang Changshi is my father and Zhao Changshi is my mother. From this point of view, these two standing waiters must be trusted by your Majesty, but you can ask them to intercede on your behalf."

The ten permanent attendants of the official Wanjue?

Lu Li knew that the lord was afraid that he planned to buckle the castration party with a **** basin while knocking on the bamboo pole.

After all, both the Romance and the official history show that after the death of the Han Ling Emperor next year, Ding Yuan, who was appointed to hold Jinwu, led soldiers to Luoyang, he was invited by He Jin to go and kill the eunuch.

If it were not for contempt and profitability, no matter how loyal the lord was to the big man, he would not lead his troops far away.

"General, Xiao Wang doesn't understand the rules of officialdom, so I can bother you to take care of it."

King Huitu is not stupid, he naturally knows the so-called bribery, but it is just a cover.

"It's easy to say, 50,000 horses, how about it?"

At this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the camp is so quiet that even the sound of breathing can be heard clearly.

In fact, due to the violent tremor in his mind, King Huitu didn't even notice, and his sniffles rushed unconsciously.

50,000 horses?

Moreover, it cannot be a pony, but a horse that can be pulled directly onto the battlefield!

In addition, which **** likes war horses?

Are they all gold and silver treasures? !

It's too ugly to eat.

In this way, I don’t know how long it took, King Xiutu’s tight old face finally squeezed a smile: "I will let the tribal warriors give up the mount, and you can make up 30,000 horses. The rest, When Xiao Wang returned to the grassland, he immediately sent someone to send it...the court, please ask the general."

When the words were over, Ding Yuan nodded in satisfaction, and casually agreed to a few words, letting him rest assured.

Not far away, witnessing the whole process of Lu Li, once again refreshed his understanding of the lord.

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