A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 62: Return to the South (2)

"Brother Lu, it's so **** happy!"

Song Xian crashed into the camp and saw the packed bags on the short case, and Zhao Yun sitting in the lower position while opening the food box, immediately converged his expression:

"The King Xiutu really sent five thousand war horses. The messenger said that the rest of the war horses will be sent in batches next."

The excitement was hard to hide in the tone.

In fact, after bidding farewell to King Xiutu, the generals went to the Chinese army camp with the lord again to discuss various matters. I thought the other party would shirk for a while, but I didn’t expect that only five hours later, this guy’s messenger came over. NS.

"Probably because the lord was frightened."

As the army was about to start, the lord ordered the camps to bury their pots and cook stoves, fill their stomachs before rushing on the road, so Lu Li invited Zhao Yun to come over for dinner and drink some wine, by the way, to increase his feelings.

Unexpectedly, Song Xian suddenly came over.

Therefore, Lu Li pushed an untouched food box over and invited him: "General Song, it is better to come early than to come by coincidence. Sit down and eat together."

Song Xian showed a look of movement, but finally shook his head, "Not this time."

"The lord has withdrawn my position as the vanguard officer, and changed the position of heavy generals. He stayed to manage the heavy-duty troops and was responsible for receiving the military horses sent by King Huitu."

Lu Li's eyes flickered, put down his bowl and chopsticks, and asked, "Then who will take over as the vanguard officer?"

Rather than staying with the lord as a guard, he is more willing to take the lead.

"Haha, who else?"

Having said this, Song Xian laughed aloud, no longer restrained, and said with a triumphant expression: "Not long ago, the lord asked me if there was someone in my heart, so I recommended you."

"..." Lu Li paused.

It is not difficult to understand. Before Song Xian was transferred, out of brotherly loyalty, he raised a mouth, and the lord agreed.

In other words.

If the lord feels that he is inappropriate, he will definitely not agree. Therefore, even if Song Xian doesn't say anything, this position will fall to him.

Fighting for yourself, and the lord personally ordering generals, the two represent completely different meanings.

In fact, he should have assumed the position of vanguard, but, out of the intention of the school, the lord changed the position to General Yamen.

What does it mean to reinstate officials now?

At the end of the exam, Ding Yuan had a decision in his heart!

As for what it is, it's worth guessing where.

"What's wrong?"

Song Xian was puzzled. In his opinion, this was a good thing. He thought that Lu Li was delighted at the meeting, but as a result, he became extremely silent now.

As his thoughts turned abruptly, Lu Li pressed down on his chaotic and complicated thoughts, and said, "My little brother is overjoyed for a while, but I don't know what to say."

When the words fell, a thick smile squeezed out on his face.

"Hahaha, don't forget to invite me to have a drink."

Song Xian was a rough person. He didn't realize that Lu Li smiled reluctantly. He patted him on the shoulder and then walked out of the camp happily.

In fact, Lu Li didn't feel resentful, and the lord was not bad-hearted. In addition, the result was determined. It's better to calm down and think carefully about what benefits you can get from it and how you can get away.

In this way, after sending away Song Xian who had come to deliver the news, Lu Li sat back in silence, holding his chopsticks and thinking to himself.

"Why is my brother worried?"

Zhao Yun, who had been listening for a long time, finally spoke.

It was okay for him not to speak. When he spoke, Lu Li suddenly remembered his previous plan.

One is unmarried, the other is to be married, if we can be together, it would be a wonderful thing.

Of course, the matter of men and women can't be coerced at all, and at most they will be introduced to Ding Qinyu.

I hope they can see each other.

Thinking of this, Lu Li got up and left the table. He came to Zhao Yunxi. He sat cross-legged informally, holding the wine bottle in one hand and holding his shoulder with the other. He smiled and said, "Zilong, I want to ask you something for my brother. ?"

"Brother but said it's okay."

Zhao Yun thought that there was something important to discuss with him, so he immediately sat down, bowed his hands and bowed, "If Yun can do it, he will not refuse."


Seeing that Zhao Yun was so observant, Lu Li didn't know how to speak.

However, the arrow had to be sent on the string, and after a little consideration, "Zilong, you and me don't need to pay attention to these vain gifts."

With that, Lu Li fetched a glass of light wine for him.

"Drink this saint first."

Zhao Yun was at a loss. He didn't know why his elder brother was doing this, but Lu Li had already raised the wine bottle and could only drink it.

Speaking of which, after the two got acquainted, his brother Lu Li never adhered to etiquette and acted very lightly, so Zhao Yun let go a little after drinking.

"Zilong, is there a marriage?"

At the next moment, Zhao Yun was stunned.

"I know a good girl from a good family for my brother..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li saw Zhao Yun's face flushed for a while, then he took a long breath and said in a solemn voice: "No, Yun has not yet reached the crown, so it is not suitable to marry a wife."

It wasn't from a serious noble family after all, and coupled with limited thinking, Lu Li didn't expect that his own suggestion would make people react so much.

Fortunately, Zhao Yun knew that he was a human being, otherwise he would only take that sentence as an insult. After all, the words of his parents' matchmaking, brother and sister-in-law are there, such as marriage, other people do not want to dominate, including himself.

And Lu Li also noticed that he was acting a bit Meng Lang, so he should be more euphemistic.

It's a pity that Zhao Yun was wary and couldn't talk anymore.

In this way, the two began to talk about trivial matters, and the atmosphere gradually returned to the original.

Not long after, a guard next to Lord Ding Yuan hurried over, saying that there was something to discuss, and Zhao Yun would also go with him.

The two looked at each other.

Lu Li threw away the food box, wiped the corners of his mouth, stood up and said, "Zilong, the lord is thirsty for seeking talents, I'm afraid I can't help it."

A thousand troops are easy to get, but a general is hard to find.

Now King Huitu has promised that as long as there are all the horses, he will be able to pull up 20,000 cavalry.

In addition, Lu Li once said that Zhao Yun was best at riding and fighting, and he was a rare horseman in the world.

It is not difficult to foresee what will happen at this meeting.

The same is true for Zhao Yun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Brother, Yun once said that we must start from the place of loyalty and righteousness. At this time, he has made a decision in his heart. "

at the same time.

Inside the Chinese army camp, there is a solemn faction.

"Grandson: Virtual Reality Chapter": Therefore, where you know the battle, you can fight for thousands of miles.

Unlike crusades against foreign races, at that time, we were going to the border with unknown circumstances, and we could only act on the occasion. It is different to go south to suppress the Yellow Turban thief. Although the Taiyuan County area is chaotic, the government still has a certain eyeliner, and even a part of the area. Still standing by for help.

The most important thing is that all the elites of Binzhou are deployed in the south, led by Lu Bu. He can't go out due to orders. However, if you send scouts to investigate the situation, these basic tasks will definitely be done.

Therefore, if you don’t fight with the Yellow Turban thief, as long as you come into contact, it is a decisive battle. To be precise, it should be called a battle—

Meet and fight with the enemy at the expected time and place, and the round will be determined.

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