A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 109 The Trial of the Seven Sons (33)

Since the last time she let her go, Raya has become particularly clingy. Whenever Renly is late for a moment, she will become anxious and even run to where he lives to look for him.

Maybe there is no concept of lateness in her mind, but only coming or not coming.

Renly felt very complicated about this. Because of his father, he always felt awkward in front of her, and he didn't really think that he was her real father. After all, this man seemed to be born from an egg, but he I vaguely feel that the person in front of me has become a little different in my heart.

It is no longer a simple but complex mission goal.

However, this did not affect his daily teachings. Although his state of mind was completely different from the past, his daily performance was no different from before, except for a hint of sadness and sadness.

It's just that the past two days have been so busy that Renly can't care about anything else.

He had given many instructions, but the other party obviously didn't listen, or didn't understand.

This made Renly feel helpless, but facing the aggrieved girl in front of him, he couldn't bear to feel angry and could only choose to comfort her.

"Lemon went to pick mint."

He wrote something on the ground that the other party could understand, and at the same time took out a few mint leaves that he carried every day and handed them to the other party. He was glad that he had started to have the habit of carrying mint leaves with him.

Unfortunately, the other party didn't take it, but just squatted next to him, staring at him with a hint of resentment.

Renly saw this and wrote: "Lemon is training."

Because the girl had been to the training ground, she could understand this word, but she still had no reaction after writing it.

Seeing this, Renly wanted to write a third sentence, but a hand stretched out in front of him, which made him move involuntarily. His eyes looked at the slender arm full of bites, redness, scratches, and the pile of blood in her palm. The dead insect was crushed into a ball and was stunned for a moment before accepting the gift.

The girl then raised her hand to rub her tearful eyes, then pulled Renly's sleeve and bumped his arm affectionately with her head.

Looking at the other party's smiling face, Renly looked slightly dazed.

For some reason, he suddenly had the idea of ​​giving up the long-planned trial qualification and dragging the other person to a quiet place to concentrate on teaching, but then he suppressed this inexplicable impulse deep in his heart. .

After such a painstaking plan, there are basically no other problems at the moment, except for the last hurdle. How could it be possible to just give up?

So he stayed there for a while, racked his brains and taught the other party a few understandable new words, and then wrote good night on the ground. The girl nodded reluctantly, and was then sent back to his residence by the blond knight.

It was getting late at this time, so he immediately returned to his house, preparing to rest and face tomorrow's trial by combat. As soon as he entered the room, he found that his servant Yi Ge was not asleep yet, and was sitting on a small bench. In a dull daze, after Renly walked in, he couldn't wait to ask.

"Sir, do you really want to participate in the trial of the Seven Sons tomorrow?"

When the news of King Aenys' death came, the boy hugged the quilt and cried loudly. But the next day, he surprisingly returned to his daily "steadiness", but he began to have the habit of being in a daze, and every time he fell into a daze His little face looked full of sadness.

"Of course." Renly nodded.

"Besides you and Sir Raymond, who else is participating?" Egg asked, with a worried look on his face.

"It's hard to tell at the moment," Renly replied as he untied his cloak and threw it onto the wooden bed. "But I guess the church will side with us."

"Because you convinced them?"

"It has nothing to do with me. It's all the church's own decision."

As Renly said this, he couldn't help but sigh when he saw the dull look on the other person's face, then changed the topic and asked another question.

"Which of you Targaryens is against Maegor?"

"Towards Maegor?"

The boy was stunned for a moment, and then replied smoothly: "Who would turn to him except his mother?"

"So besides Maegor, who can ride a dragon, there is only one Visenya?"

"The old woman has not been able to ride a dragon for many years. She is too old." The boy did not use any honorifics when talking about Visenya, and he was obviously hostile.

"So Maegor is the only one who can ride a dragon?"

"Yes." The boy replied, and then asked: "Are you afraid that tomorrow's trial will be fraudulent? I don't think that will be the case. If he wanted to use the dragon, he would not take the initiative to challenge."

Renly nodded, but what he was actually thinking about was after the trial was over.

The reason why he asked this was naturally because the victorious side in history belonged to Maegor, but after the victory, Maegor did not give up. After being seriously injured and comatose for nearly a month, he ignored the effects of the completion of the trial and rode the dragon directly. The entire Temple of Remembrance was burned to the ground, along with the seven hundred sons of warriors who were praying inside.

This behavior led to a complete explosion of conflict between the two parties, and war broke out throughout Westeros. It was not until the era of Jaehaerys, which was the future reign of the little boy in front of him, that this conflict completely came to an end.

The reason why Renly asked this was naturally because he was afraid that history would still happen as before after defeat, but he was also worried about whether the enemy would jump over the wall in a hurry if he won.

But now it sounds like the only one on the other side who can ride a dragon is Maegor, so as long as they consider killing the other side during the trial, basically nothing like that will happen.

The boy Egg didn't know what the knight was thinking about. Seeing the blond knight thinking, he hesitated to speak, but finally couldn't help asking.

"Can I ask why, sir? This trial has nothing to do with you. Why do you want to participate?"

"For justice." Renly answered.

This statement may fool others, but Egg, who knows him a little, is half-believing and half-doubting. However, he didn't ask much, but said seriously: "Anyway, thank you, sir, thank you for fighting for us!"

The bald boy's little adult look made Renly speechless, but then he thought of something and suddenly said: "If you want to thank me, promise me one thing."

"What is it?" The boy asked seriously.

"If I die unfortunately, please take good care of Raya for me." He said.

In fact, he wanted to find Sister Ada at first. After all, she was an experienced old man, more stable and kind. But she left the temple for some reason, and no one knew where she went.

"Raya? Why does the ser care so much about that mute?"

The boy was very puzzled when he heard this.

It is natural that he did not know what others knew. He even met Raya several times later and knew what Renly was doing, so the boy was very curious why Renly cared about such an annoying guy.

Shouldn't normal people hate, reject or ignore it?

"She is my half-sister." Renly did not want to tell the truth, nor did he talk about the so-called redemption words, but pretended to be serious and said: "I observed for a long time and finally confirmed that it was her. I originally came to King's Landing to find her, but I didn't tell anyone, so I asked you to help me take care of her."

This made the boy a little confused, but seeing Renly's serious look, he reacted instantly.

"No one knows this?"

"Even she doesn't know it herself, you are the first one." Renly replied.

The boy pursed his lips when he heard this, and suddenly asked: "Are we friends, ser?"

"Of course, so you must help your friends."

"I swear!"

Thank you Sanshi Yizhai book friend for the reward of 10,000! Thank you Heath Ice Tea and Liu Zhipei for the 1,000 reward,

Thank you ghiacciaio for the 200 reward, thank you I am Yeyunyuan, Yunhai Zhenren, Bionic Hardware Accessories, Qian Diyin and 20190814034225790 for the 100 reward~

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