A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 110 The Trial of the Seven Sons (34)

That night, Renly told the boy a lot of things, and after ensuring that he could remember them, he fell asleep with a little peace of mind.

And the development of things did not exceed his expectations. Before dawn the next day, Renly was awakened by Nancy Tarbeck, the leader of the Warrior's Sons. After a conversation, he was sent to the city to invite Kingsguard Raymont Baratheon to discuss the trial at noon today.

What this means is self-evident.

Renly quickly found Kingsguard Raymont who was living in a hotel in the city. The two had planned to drag the church into the water, and Raymont deliberately avoided many people who were indignant and wanted to participate, so he naturally would not refuse such an invitation. Renly brought him back to the Temple of Thoughts smoothly.

"The most important thing is to ensure the safety of Sir Raymont." When the morning light gradually appeared, a total of seven fully armed knights stood in a circle under the statue in the temple square and began to discuss the upcoming trial.

Surprisingly, Renly knew all these people.

Nancy Tarbeck, the leader of the Warrior's Sons, the training officer Knight Owen, the humorous twins of the Caswell family, the serious Knight Murray, and their "two" Baratheons.

"If Ser Raymont, who accused Maegor, dies, then this trial is equivalent to declaring the other party's victory, so we must avoid this."

Leader Nancy Tarbeck spoke with a serious face, and the people around him who were listening with helmets in their arms were also full of serious expressions. The person involved, Raymont Baratheon, bowed to them and saluted to express his gratitude.

"We don't know who the enemy has summoned at present, but we can roughly guess that Witt of the Rostan family, Dales of the Darklin family, Ron, the bastard of Maiden Spring City, and Crab Claw Peninsula..."

After saying some names, Leader Nancy changed the subject.

"But no matter who it is, our chances of winning are very high, because we have what the enemy doesn't have."

As he said, he glanced at Renly, his eyes were mixed with anger and relief, and his emotions were very complicated.

The others were in a similar mood, except for Raymond Baratheon of the Kingsguard, who was a little confused about it - he didn't know about the lance stand.

"As long as there are no mistakes in the charge, we can basically determine the outcome in one round! At the very least, we can deal with more than half of the enemies, and then the other half will naturally not be a concern."

This made the people around smile.

It takes a long time to simply cast a breastplate, but if the original breastplate is melted and a small part that is not too big is added, it will be relatively simple.

So although it didn't take long, they were basically equipped with that kind of special auxiliary parts.

"But to take advantage of this, we should make sure that our weapons can hit the enemy more easily, so I think it is more appropriate to use a twelve-foot-long jousting lance instead of an eight-foot-long iron-tipped lance."

"Jousting lances are too fragile, easy to break, and cannot penetrate armor."

"As long as we can ensure that all enemies are knocked off their horses, then victory will naturally belong to us."


As they continued to talk, warrior sons gradually gathered around them, but these people did not rush to approach and disturb them, but watched from a distance.

They all knew about the trial of the seven sons today, and they all knew the meaning of the success or failure of these seven people.

The seven knights turned a blind eye to this and concentrated on discussing the battle that would take place soon, until an archbishop of the Sanctuary of Thoughts came to bless them and personally led the team to the bottom of the hill.

There were many onlookers on the roadside. Renly thought he would be criticized, but he attracted cheers and encouragement. A big man with a rough face shouted at him in the crowd, a girl in a headscarf threw flowers for him when she passed by, and many people in the crowd called his particularly simple name.

I don't know what this matter has fermented into in one night, but it is obvious that the people in King's Landing and the church have completely different ideas.

"After you get off the horse, you will die." A low voice came from the side. Turning around, the middle-aged knight Murray with a square chin was staring at him seriously with his brown eyes.

"So you must ensure that you can knock the enemy off the horse without any accidents during the charge, so that you can survive this trial. Fortunately, you have invented a good thing for yourself, which can increase your chances of winning."

Before Renly said anything, someone on the other side interrupted with a smile: "Good sir, don't look down on our Lemon Sir so much."

The speaker was the training officer Knight Owen.

"He has great physical strength and excellent recovery ability. His endurance is better than any of us. Don't underestimate him."

"Sir Lemon is also very good at drinking."

One of the twins on the other side interrupted and said, "If the trial method is this, the enemy will definitely lose everything."

"Shut up, Amman, why are you still joking at this time?" The other twin scolded.

"Damn it, Amman, at this time, you are still framing me!?" The one who spoke first stared at his brother in surprise.

"I am Almon!"

The two brown-haired twins were insulting each other, and the atmosphere gradually became lively. Even Captain Nancy, who was worried, smiled when he heard the noise behind him, but Knight Murray beside him still had a serious face.

"I don't think the enemy can give you time to recover after the battle begins." He still warned Renly.

"So what they say doesn't matter at all. Lemon, you have to remember this. You can't dismount. Even if you can deal with the enemy charging you, you can't dismount, wander around and fight against the enemy with a spear or a sword. It’s hard to win.”

His tone was old-fashioned, but he could clearly feel the worry in this man's heart. Renly nodded seriously when he heard this.

"Thank you, Sir Maury."

His thanks are genuine.

In this era, from a picked-up civilian farmer to a knight, and then to the son of a warrior, it was certainly because of what Knight Lelin did before his death, but without the careful care of the person in front of him, he would not have been able to do so smoothly. He has been freeloading in the church.

Although these help were inconspicuous and the other party never mentioned them, they were crucial and Renly always saw them.

"Sir Lelin and I are old friends. I should take good care of his descendants."

Knight Maury said, patting Renly's arm.

"The gods will bless you, Lemon."

After saying that, he kicked his spurs and started talking again next to Captain Nancy in front.

At this time, the team had reached beyond the range of Rhaenys Hills. An archbishop in brown robes was walking at the front with a scepter. Seven knights followed behind them on horseback. There were many other sons of warriors following around, and further out, It was a group of monks and nuns.

There were countless members of the Poor People's Assembly and even ordinary people who followed, so the team was huge and very eye-catching once it appeared.

Even more than that, the entire King's Landing was in a state of turmoil at this time. Looking from the sky, you can see countless densely packed figures appearing from all over the city, and then spontaneously forming ant-like rushing teams, walking through the crowded or loose roads. Among them, they rushed towards the Lion's Gate, the King's Gate and the Riverside Gate among the seven gates of King's Landing - the competition ground was on the outskirts of the city, and these three gates were the closest.

An ordinary trial by combat would naturally not cause such a grand spectacle, but the trial of the Seven Sons was rare in a century, not to mention the confrontation between the church and the Targaryen family. It was the first time in history, and no one wanted to miss it.

However, this relatively orderly movement suddenly became very chaotic after a loud and vast roar. People hurriedly looked up at the sky, or pushed and ran towards the buildings on both sides. Some of them had just gone out. He decisively returned to the house and decided not to join in the fun.

A single dragon roar sent everyone into chaos.

The seven sons of warriors who participated in the trial were shocked and confused by this, and even paused the team's progress. However, the roar only lasted for a while. They continued on their way until they passed through the gates of King's Landing and arrived at the competition venue outside the city. No accidents occurred.

All he saw were seven enemies in different attires.

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