A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 111 The Trial of the Seven Sons (35)

The competition venue is close to the King's Gate in King's Landing. It is a vast grassland. On both sides of the grassland are auditoriums isolated by fences. Now a large number of people are swarming out of the khaki city shrouded in morning mist not far away. Walking towards the auditorium, there were also many people already sitting there.

The two referees for this combat trial were sitting in the stands in the center of the auditorium. One was the brown-robed Archbishop of the Temple of Thought, and the other was an old lady who looked to be in her sixties, wearing a uniform. Wearing a dark black satin robe, he has a rigid face, slender eyebrows, and wrinkles on his face, but his waist is straight and full of fierce temperament.

Renly, who was standing at the south end of the meadow, had not seen her, but he guessed that she must be the Conqueror's great queen, the current Queen Mother Visenya. He felt strange that this old man was so old, but he paid more attention to the seven people confronting them a few hundred yards across the pasture.

At this time, on his left was Knight Moray in silver-plated armor, and on his right was one of the brown-haired twins. Like Renly, they all wore original linen robes with crystal swords embroidered on the outside of the standard armor. Some monks The dressed attendants were checking for them whether the buckles of the armor were tightly fastened, and no detail was missed.

The same is true for those on the opposite side at this time, but their armors and helmets have different shapes, some are simple, some are fancy, some are enameled to look bright and dazzling, and some are only steel-colored, quietly in the morning light. Flashing icy lustre.

Among them, Renly paid special attention to two people. One of them was facing him, a tall, middle-aged man with brown hair. He was wearing a gorgeous set of brown armor, and outside the armor, he was wearing more fancy clothes. The blouse has a diagonally divided orange and black base embroidered with a black and orange castle that looks like a burning castle.

As expected, this is the enemy he needs to face next. The distance is not close, and when he looks at it carefully, he can't see anything special, but judging from the heraldic pattern, Renly can confirm the opponent's origin.

The current ruler of Harrenhal in the Riverlands, a member of House Harroway.

This is a lord family that has long since died out in his time, but currently it is at the height of its prominence, or is about to take off - because the second woman Maegor married was from this family.

Different from the rules of the tournament, the Trial of the Seven Sons requires knights to charge head-on with lances, rather than engage in side attacks with a railing to protect them. There is no room for relaxation. The level of cruelty and casualty rate are naturally not comparable to ordinary competitions.

The opponent's physique seemed to be comparable to his own, which made Renly wary. In addition, he paid special attention to another tall man wearing pitch black armor, with a helmet and shoulder armor decorated with dragon heads. He is covered with a black-bottomed red dragon knee-length robe, and the long sword he holds in both hands is dim in color but has a special edge. He is talking to the people next to him, and his eyes glance over from time to time, but he seems not to know much about these people in the church. care.

He is Maegor Targaryen.

The third king to sit on the Iron Throne, the future most famous tyrant of the Targaryen dynasty.

However, Renly did not observe for long before he was blocked from sight. He saw Nancy Tarbeck, the leader of the Warrior Sons, stepping in front of the knights, and then said to them: "The next battle is crucial. Every day we Everyone must go all out to live or die.”

"I don't need to worry about the others. You are all already qualified knights, only you, Lemon." He said, looking at Renly, his eyes were still annoyed, but there was also a hint of encouragement.

"It's not that you have no chance of winning. The lance charge mainly relies on riding skills, and your riding skills are not bad. What you provide makes up for one of your shortcomings. The only thing you lack is experience. So you need to pay attention after you go on the field. The key is concentration, focus on all the enemy's movements, and react faster than the enemy. Only in this way can you give full play to your advantages."

Insiders of the church have always believed that it is very likely that Renly died here, because he had only become a knight not long ago, and before that he was a simple boy born into a commoner. Although he had done something amazing, But that has basically nothing to do with what the trial requires.

No matter how you look at it, in this kind of specialized knight competition, it is impossible for him to compare with those senior knights.

In fact, if possible, they would have asked Renly to give up his position. After all, this matter is very important to the church and there cannot be any mistakes.

It's a pity that someone's preemptive move left them with no choice but to hold their noses and admit the matter.

In a sense, this kind of behavior is tantamount to a bully getting on board. It’s no wonder that many senior leaders in the church are dissatisfied with Renly. The same was true for the leader Nancy before, but now he stared at him extremely seriously and said: "Your The enemy is Cole Holloway. He is a well-known knight, but has an arrogant temper. And your information is easy to find, so he may have underestimated you. This may be your opportunity, lemon, seize it. With it, you can win.”

At this time, the referee in the central stand called representatives from both sides to come forward, so Captain Nancy patted him on the shoulder and finally said: "If we can survive this trial, then I hope to have a good talk with you."

After saying that, he got on his horse and rode towards that direction with Raymont, the Kingsguard, and the leader of the other side, Maegor, did the same.

They were going for a final meeting, which also meant that the competition was about to begin soon.

The atmosphere became more solemn as a result. Renly felt that it was unlucky for the captain to raise the flag randomly. Someone around him seemed to think so too, so he asked.

"Lemon, are you nervous?"

The person asking the question was one of the brown-haired twins, who was looking at him seriously.

"A bit," Renly said honestly.

"It seems like you can't guess who I am." The other party said with some disappointment.

"I was thinking of asking you one more time before I die, but forget it now, nervous people will become stupid."

"You are Amman." Renly rolled his eyes, and seeing the other person's face showing surprise, he said, "Because Amman has bad breath, Almon does not."

The other party was so choked by these words that he even lowered his head and covered his mouth with his hand suspiciously before sniffing. The people around him looked at the worried faces and couldn't help but feel happy. The solemn atmosphere also relaxed a lot, but he still couldn't completely get rid of the influence caused by the environment. heavy.

At this time, not only the auditoriums on both sides, but also the open space to the north and south of the competition venue had been occupied. The densely packed crowd seemed to be tens of thousands. Although no one took the initiative to make a sound, countless trivial sounds gathered together, making it still very noisy.

There were too many people here, and he couldn't see anything outside. Looking around, Renly spotted two familiar figures in the stands where the clergy were, which made him frown unconsciously, but at this time, the competition was about to begin. He didn't want to pay much attention to these two people who came over rashly despite being asked to stay in the city.

After Captain Nancy and the Kingsguard returned, everyone got on their horses one after another. The attendants who served them hurriedly handed over their shields and spears. Although Renly did not bring his attendants, there were still monks who came to help, riding under him. The black war horse has also been wearing a horse headgear, breastplate and mail blanket.

So from the outside, he was already looking majestic on horseback like the others in the same row.

"Remember the plan we agreed on."

After giving the final instructions, Nancy Tarbeck, the leader of the Sons of Warriors, fastened her steel helmet tightly, held the twelve-foot-long training spear in her hand, and rode on the horse, with her back slightly bent and her eyes fixed on the opposite side.

The same goes for everyone else, including the enemy. As the two sides silently faced each other across the competition field, an invisible confrontation seemed to have begun.

When the horn sounded, seven horses began to trot towards the opposite side.

He leaned over and bent over, his body rising and falling in line with the galloping posture of the war horse. Renly held the lance tightly in his hand. The whistling wind gradually began to rise around him. The sound of the collision of plate armor and mail armor was slightly audible. His heart was beating more and more violently like a beating. Drums were playing, but other than that, he ignored other sounds in the surrounding environment, such as crowds shouting, rivers rushing, birds fluttering, horses roaring...

The running rhythm of the war horse beneath him became more and more rapid, and the initial trot gradually turned into a fierce gallop. The rumble of the horse's hooves hitting the ground combined with the tremor of the horse's body was like an earthquake. Due to the limitations of his helmet, Renly could not see his companions on both sides except directly in front of him. He could only see the knight's spears wrapped in colorful stripes pointing toward the front.

But then he no longer paid attention to what he saw out of the corner of his eye. His eyes were focused and focused on the opposite side. The enemy wearing gorgeous armor and charging at high speed became taller and more obvious.

The burly physique, the dark yellow robe that flutters in the wind, the castle crest on the shield, and the lance that is raised diagonally and does not look sharp at the front.

The most important lance...

Renly on horseback suddenly woke up. The opponent was using the same training spear as they were. It was also a twelve-foot-long training spear, not an eight-foot real war spear with a sharp tip!

But all this was discovered too late, because the moment of confrontation has arrived!

Looking down from the sky, one could see seven fully armed knights from each side rushing towards each other on the grassland like fourteen arrows. Each lance suddenly aimed at their respective targets at the right moment.

Immediately afterwards, at that moment, several loud noises suddenly sounded due to the extremely high-speed collision, horses neighed, people screamed, and there was an instant uproar from the direction of the surrounding crowd——

All kinds of sounds seemed to be born suddenly at the same moment, just like the long-simmering judgment suddenly erupted, with death and blood splashing, exclamations and roars.

At the last moment, Renly tried his best to direct his horse to hit the opponent's horse instead of avoiding it sideways. The lance in his hand ignored the enemy's precise defensive shield and instantly hit the left chest of the opponent's rather fancy robe.

The gun ring and gun frame cooperated with the charging speed of the war horse and the heavy collision. As the two spears suddenly shattered and sawdust flew, the tall figure on the horse on the opposite side was immediately lifted up and spun away by the huge impact. , then he fell down on the grass in the distance, making a violent friction sound of armor, his arms moved slightly, and then he lay there motionless as if he had lost all strength.

But that doesn't mean Renly wins.

The force of the shock caused by the collision of two fast-moving horses made him dizzy. Likewise, he was unable to avoid the enemy's attack, and his chest armor was even dented.

Fortunately, the enemy did not expect him to be so crazy, so the attack angle did not fully exert the power of the charge. However, it also made Renly's upper body lean back for a while before he reluctantly came back, feeling the blood in his body gushing out. The pain was severe, as if the whole heart was about to be broken by the impact.

What was even more unlucky was that a piece of splintered wood from the lance shaft was deeply inserted into the left eye of the horse beneath him, causing the horse to stagger and stumble, eventually falling to the ground with a howl and a roar.

The knight on horseback fell off his horse in one fell swoop.

Thank you to Heath Ice Tea Book Friends, DBG Book Friends who love reading, Su Han Z Book Friends and Feixiangdi Holland ** friends for the thousand rewards. Thank you for the 100 rewards from I am Ye Yunyuan Acri Book Club and book friend 20190814034225790~

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