A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 112 The Trial of the Seven Sons (36)

A lot of things happened in an instant. The enemy's strategy was obviously to use a longer training spear to knock the warrior sons off their horses, but they met the same response.

So much so that the situation did not develop as anyone imagined.

At the moment of the confrontation, the leader of the warrior sons, Captain Nancy, avoided the charge of the enemy opposite him, and at the same time used the lance in his hand to knock the opponent off his horse. However, Knight Owen beside him was caught off guard by the attack guided by the warhorse under him because the enemy suddenly aimed at the eyes of the horse under him. Then he fell to the ground with the warhorse, and suddenly screamed, and his legs were obviously broken by the heavy warhorse.

The enemy wanted to take advantage of the situation to kill him directly, but Knight Murray, who had successfully dealt with the opponent on the side, suddenly rushed over and confronted him head-on.

One of the twin warrior sons successfully stabbed the lance at the opponent's neck armor. The huge impact seemed to directly break the opponent's neck, and he easily blocked the enemy's attack with a shield.

Unfortunately, his brother who joked with Renly before the battle was not so lucky. His lance hit the enemy's shield, and he was also thrown off his horse. After rolling and struggling for a long time, he started a foot battle with the enemy who also fell off his horse.

In the trial, the most important battle was between the challenger and the challenged. Maegor, wearing carved black dragon armor, faced Raymont, a Kingsguard wearing a white robe. Although Baratheon was very skilled, Maegor, who had been trained since childhood and had special blood, had even more amazing strength and skills. Raymont's lance not only did not hit the enemy, but he was knocked off his horse by a blow. Although he did not die, he fell to the ground panting, as if he had broken several ribs. So the victorious Captain Nancy on the other side could only rush forward to deal with it.

After a round of battle, the situation caught everyone off guard. The only active people on the side of the Warrior Sons were Captain Nancy, Knight Murray and the twins.

The enemy side only had three left.

Seemingly in an advantageous position, Nancy, the leader of the Warrior Sons, who was fighting with Maegor, was no match for the brutal and tyrannical Targaryen. As soon as the battle began, they were forced to retreat step by step, so that the twin who easily defeated the enemy had to join in and start a two-on-one battle to barely hold on.

One of the remaining two, Knight Murray, tied with the enemy, while the last twin was at a disadvantage. It seemed that the previous fall from the horse had broken his sword hand, so that he was now very passive and looked like he might lose at any time.

Fighting skills are important, but sometimes luck is also crucial. Although the existence of the lance rack strengthened the power of the charge and the mastery of the lance, this enhanced advantage was reduced to the lowest point when the enemy used weapons of the same length.

It is not clear whether the enemy was lucky to see the opportunity first, or someone leaked the news.

The vast grassland under the sunlight was full of people on both sides. Everyone in the audience was closely watching everything in the arena, and exclaimed from time to time.

In the crowd, a bald boy was struggling to pull a thin figure to prevent her from leaving the seat. There were several other nuns helping him. The noise was not small, but it did not attract the attention of anyone watching the trial.

The sound of steel clashing continued to sound from the grass. The three battles were fierce as soon as they started. The Knight Owen, who had broken his leg, took off his helmet and threw it aside, revealing a sticky blond hair. He struggled to crawl to the side of the key figure, the Kingsguard, who fell to the ground and gasped, and protected him behind him. He looked at the remaining companion who fell off the horse but seemed not to be dead not far away, and his eyes were full of expectation, but then turned into disappointment.

After the advantage of the lance was weakened, the new knight named Lemon was still able to get rid of the opponent at the last moment. The result was actually quite beyond his expectations, but the blond figure who fell off the horse seemed unable to get up.

He lay on the ground with his chest rising and falling, but he did not make any other movements, as if his ribs were broken. This made Knight Owen feel depressed, and he could not help but glance at the brown-haired twin companions who were at a disadvantage in the field.

"I told you to joke around before the start, you guys are dead, now you are getting retribution."

The panting Knight Owen murmured, with a bitter look on his face, but then he suddenly found that the arm of the tall companion lying on the ground not far away suddenly moved a little, which made him slightly stunned. After glancing at the current battle situation, he gritted his teeth and picked up a little mud from the ground and made a ball, and then threw it at the tall companion on the edge of the arena.


The helmet, which became stuffy due to panting, blocked most of the noise coming from outside, but he could still hear bursts of noise coming from nearby.

It seemed that there were onlookers cheering him up, constantly urging him to stand up, and there were also faint curses, as if the enemy supporters were angry with him.

However, facing all this, Renly felt quite bewildered, his mind was dazed, and he felt as if he was in a dream and couldn't understand his own situation. At this moment, all he could do was breathe and stare blankly.

The impact of the two horses combined with the attack of the enemy on him made him unable to react when the warhorse collapsed. After falling to the ground dully, he faced another impact, which was even more hurt.

Combined with all these situations, he felt dizzy at this time, his heart beat obviously abnormally, and his whole thinking was strangely trapped in a state similar to "dream", or half asleep and half awake.

It was unknown how long he had been in this state, when a series of knocking noises suddenly reached his ears, making him feel as if someone was knocking on the door. Renly wanted to get up and "open the door", but his "dream" instinct kept him where he was, as if this was the right thing to do. So he quietly listened to the knocking sound and was unmoved. In a daze, he thought of a very classic question - "Who am I?"

The knocking sound continued, and the question remained in his heart. He wanted to stop thinking about it, but he felt that this question seemed very important.

It was just that the ubiquitous "haze and dream" around him had always enveloped him, making Renly's thinking very slow and confused at this time, and he could not figure out the root of the problem.

It was not until a feeling of falling into an ice cellar suddenly emerged from his body, and until the color of his eyes hidden in the steel helmet quietly changed from emerald green to ice blue, that the blond knight felt his rapidly beating heart ease. At the same time, as soon as this feeling was born, the confusion in his head was suddenly blown away like fog encountering a strong wind, which made him shudder and sit up directly.

Because of the helmet on his head, his vision was severely blocked, but it did not affect Renly's clear view of the current situation.

What he saw was a vast dark green grassland, where the messy horses and the battle were fierce, and in the densely packed audience seats opposite the grassland, countless people seemed to be shouting something at him, and there were also waves of deafening noises behind him like a tide.

Turning his head, he saw an old man leaning out of the guardrail, and now he was yelling at him with a flushed face. The spit splashing out was clearly visible, mixed with the expectation of Renly, and splashed all over his silver-plated breastplate that was stained with mud and had a punctured robe.

"Stand up, Ser Lemon, stand up quickly! Go and defeat those monsters, they need you, yes, we all need you!"

"You have a really loud voice..."

Looking down at his chest, Renly murmured in response.

"What is the ser?"

The other party shouted.

The surrounding voices were too loud, and normal words could not be heard at all.

Without responding, Renly had already climbed up at this time. After a glance around, he suddenly found that both sides of the battle had already started fighting on foot, and no one was riding horses to meet the enemy.

This made him move his heart, and temporarily gave up a certain battle plan he had thought about before the battle, and instead quickly ran towards a companion horse that was intact not far away.

As he ran, the cool feeling in his body gradually spread, and the stabbing pain in his heart and the pain caused by falling off the horse gradually eased, as if he had applied ice cubes after being burned, which made him feel inexplicably comfortable.

This seemed to be the work of the mutated blood power in his body. Renly could not figure out why this power could still work when they were not in the same body. He did not want to think about this long-standing problem now. He approached the warhorse and turned over without hesitation.

The dense crowd around cheered fiercely when they saw this, and they were obviously excited about this "resurrection" drama and the changes that would be made after the blond knight joined the battle.

At this moment, inexplicably, there seemed to be an invisible force rushing over, so that the knowledge about knights such as riding horses, lances, swords and shields quickly flashed through the blond knight's mind on horseback.

At the same time, his heart, which had originally calmed down a lot, started beating rapidly again. He had not yet fully recovered from the impact of the previous charge, so when faced with this sudden change in speed, waves of stabbing pain unconsciously emerged and spread from his chest.

But then, a piece of information that had not been heard for a long time suddenly appeared -

[You have obtained the profession: Knight]

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