A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 115 The Trial of the Seven Sons (39)

The noise around the audience was very loud, and it spread all over the place along with the river breeze blowing quietly. Most people's minds were attracted by the battle scene below, but the words of the nun next to him at this moment made the boy temporarily ignore the situation below, and turned to look strange.

"You are late, Sister Ada, the good show is almost over." The boy explained.

"Not necessarily."

The nun responded with a smile, raised her hand and touched the boy's bald head. Under the other's slightly wrinkled nose expression, she whispered: "It's just beginning."

The surrounding noise was too loud, and the boy Ego didn't hear this sentence, but he felt that the nun seemed a little strange and a little familiar.

We haven't said a few words, why are you touching my head.

Secretly a little disgusted, the boy shook his head instinctively.

Originally, he just expressed his dissatisfaction, but found that the nun's hand was easily shaken down by him.

Looking up, he found that the nun with black and white hair was staring at the situation in the arena. Following her gaze, Ego suddenly found that she was not looking at the blond figure that everyone was paying attention to, but the besieged black-armored Maegor.

Although the battle was prolonged because of the tight armor they were wearing, the situation in the arena became clearer as time passed.

In the dark green lawn arena, the blond knight holding a dagger had been walking slowly sideways and staring at the three people fighting, but he never took action again.

It seemed that except for the unexpected attack at the beginning, he did not find another opportunity to intervene in the battle, and he seemed to be gathering his strength and ready to launch a fatal attack at any time.

However, the overall situation did not change because of his observation. The enemy's movements affected by the leg wound were no longer as agile as before, and there was a noticeable sluggishness every time he moved his feet.

At the same time, perhaps because he had been concentrating on the battle for too long, or because he was concerned about the existence of the man holding the dagger, the powerful warrior who was quite fierce in the Seven Kingdoms was not as fierce as before when launching an attack. His reaction became slow, his defense became slow, and he was even forced to retreat step by step by the sons of the two warriors on the opposite side.

People thought that he was about to run out of energy and had no strength. This was normal. The armor of the knights of the Seven Kingdoms was designed not to affect fighting on foot, but it was not very light.

Unfortunately, the remaining two people on the church side were also exhausted physically and mentally. There were many opportunities that came with the enemy's physical exhaustion, but they did not seize them at all. Although the enemy was constantly retreating, it seemed that the battle could not be resolved for a while--

If you don't consider the blond knight who still looked lively on the side.

Although it seemed that his actions at this time were obviously different from the knight's fighting style, except for some noble royalists, most of the people were very excited and even urged him to go forward and stab Maegor to death and not drag it on.

Obviously, the blond figure ignored the roars coming from all around, because he had been circling the battlefield without haste, but perhaps he was already angry because he was suppressed, or the noise was too noisy. Maegor, who had retreated to the fence of the arena, suddenly endured an attack from Knight Murray's armpit, just to chop the sword in his hand on Captain Nancy's forehead.

His action was successful, but he did not kill Captain Nancy with one blow, but only knocked him a little dizzy, and even staggered and his legs were weak.

Seeing this, Knight Murray turned around to defend in front of him, but at this moment Maegor ignored him and rushed towards Renly not far away, and the muffled sound under the helmet seemed particularly angry.

"Despicable guy, I'm going to skin you alive!"

The heavy footsteps accompanied by the muffled roar caused boos or cheers. Although his leg was injured and his armpit was bleeding, he seemed to completely ignore the pain and various injuries on his body at this moment, and his speed of running quickly did not seem slow.

However, Renly took off his armor for the purpose of gaining dexterity and agility. When he saw the other party rushing towards him, he turned around and ran without hesitation, causing the other party to roar continuously, but he didn't even touch the corner of the enemy's clothes.

This behavior naturally undermined the chivalry. Renly didn't care about what the onlookers said about him, but he found that when he retreated, the special blessing power in his body, which was much weaker than the initial one, weakened again, and even became imperceptible.

This gave him a basic understanding of the characteristics given by the knight profession, but this was naturally not a good time to think about it.

Seeing that he could not be caught for a while, the angry enemy turned to rush towards the distant Kingsguard, but at this time, the two warrior sons who were left behind came up again. Captain Nancy, who was hit on the head, did not seem to be in any serious trouble. Although the weapon in his hand had been damaged, he held a round shield with a border for defense, while Knight Murray was mainly responsible for attacking.

So the two exhausted people, one holding a shield and the other swinging a sword, continued to fight with the enemy who seemed to be full of energy but whose movements were becoming increasingly slow.

The sound of metal clashing continued, and it kept ringing like a special performance. Not long after, Renly, who was closely watching the battle, saw an opportunity and rushed over in an instant, which disrupted the rhythm.

The enemy had strong defense, and it was not convenient for him to follow the previous behavior of rolling and stabbing his legs with the presence of two warrior sons on the opposite side, so Renly aimed the dagger in his hand at his armpit.

But before he could succeed in his attack, the enemy who had his back to him ignored the long sword swung by Knight Murray in front of him, turned around and kicked the golden-haired figure, accompanied by a dull roar, as if he was extremely angry about Renly's existence.

The dagger in his hand could not resist this attack. At the critical moment, Renly did not retreat but advanced, holding the opponent's thigh before the kick came, and then pushed hard regardless of the impact brought by the huge force, directly knocking the man backward to the ground. Knight Murray's sword deviated and hit the enemy's shoulder, while Captain Nancy, who was holding a shield on the side, pounced at the same time, holding the enemy's right hand holding the Valyrian steel sword tightly with both hands!

This seemed to happen in succession in an instant. The few people who were entangled before suddenly rolled into a ball, one hugged his legs, one pressed his arms, and the last one saw the opportunity and leaned on the sword in his hand to stab the enemy's neck lying on the ground, but the enemy dodged it with a tilt of his head.

At the same time, the enemy's left hand, which was wearing a steel glove and not bound, suddenly raised and grasped the long sword that was deeply inserted into the ground, then roared and pulled it hard. After a creaking sound, accompanied by the opposing force of Knight Murray holding the hilt, the sword was actually broken in an instant!

Obviously, the long sword that had been attacked by the Valyrian steel sword many times was already shaky, and this violent pull was just the last straw, but Knight Murray holding the sword was still caught off guard, so much so that he stumbled and collapsed on the enemy with a bang.

The situation suddenly became three people holding down one,

Renly, who was holding his leg, was then kicked hard in the ribs by the opponent's other foot. The top of the steel-cast combat boot was pointed, and the impact brought about Renly felt a sharp pain, but this attack did not make him let go, but took the opportunity to hold the opponent's other leg tightly.

The enemy roared in a muffled voice, and the strange power that suddenly emerged in his right hand almost made the exhausted Captain Nancy unable to suppress it. Seeing this, Knight Murray, who had climbed up, hurriedly lifted the visor of Meg's helmet, then clenched his fist with one hand and punched the opponent's handsome and unruly young face fiercely, while the other hand resisted the harassment of the opponent's left hand struggling.

The fist came down, and the sound of the bridge of the nose was cracked, accompanied by the opponent's muffled screams, which also made the situation of falling to the ground and struggling more intense. The loud shouts around were like a wave, and it seemed that the whole world became a mess.

Knight Murray's second punch was blocked by the opponent's raised left hand, but it was just passive defense. Then the third punch, the fourth punch...

Although the middle-aged knight was exhausted, he gritted his teeth and burst out a fierce force at this moment. The sound of steel and flesh colliding continued, and teeth broke and dull screams were born continuously.

The surviving Knight Owen on the other side of the field was watching all this with excitement, but he didn't notice that the white-robed figure behind him had quietly stopped breathing. Almon, one of the twins who was lying on the ground next to him, was crawling towards that side, as if he wanted to go over and stab his brother a few more times, but he was moving slowly because of his injuries.

Queen Visannina, who was in the audience on one side of the grassland, had stood up and yelled something at this side, but her voice was drowned in the huge sound waves and was not noticeable at all.

"It's time."

Sister Ada, who was drowned in the audience, glanced at the figure who stood up and yelled excitedly on the judgment seat opposite, and a trace of pain flashed in her eyes, but more of it was pleasure.

The boy vaguely heard the person next to him say this, but thought it was about the victory result, so he didn't care. Instead, he was still immersed in the joy of the knight beating his usurper uncle on the field, jumping and cheering like the people around him.

The mute girl beside him sat there obediently. Compared with the surroundings, she seemed to be the quietest one. Her molten golden eyes kept looking at the golden-haired existence holding the enemy's legs in the field, with a thoughtful expression.

But then she seemed to feel something, her face was stunned, and then she lied, hesitating and saying some random syllables to the boy beside her, but she was completely drowned in the noise around her, so she stood up and ran along the aisle to the field.

The boy didn't hear the other person's voice, but saw her back standing up and running out, so he raised his hand and tried to pull her, but he didn't pull her at once. Then he stood up and prepared to chase her, but a strong hand grabbed him instead.

"Don't worry about her, she is not afraid of fire." A hoarse voice sounded.

"What are you talking about?"

The boy looked at the very strange Sister Ada beside him in confusion.

The other party didn't answer, but smiled and raised her slightly wrinkled hand and touched the boy's bald head.

"What do you think this rebellious kingdom needs, kid?"

"It needs a wise king." The boy answered smoothly, then struggled hard, but found that his strength was not as great as the old man next to him.


Sister Ada ignored the boy's impatient expression and said to him seriously: "It's blood and fire."

Thanks to Heath Ice Tea and Antarctic Researcher for the thousand rewards, O Ouroboros O and Kylin Virus for the 500 rewards, and Cat Eats That Flower for the 200 rewards,

Thanks to xiaotang246, Rain's Raw Milk, Otaku Upstairs, Soybean Round, Saber3276421 and 20190814034225790 for the 100 rewards~

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