A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 116 The Trial of the Seven Sons (40)

"Blood and fire?"

Blood and fire is the motto of the Targaryen family. Although the boy could not hear it clearly due to the surrounding noise, he was still very familiar with the pronunciation of this sentence, so he was stunned after hearing it.

"We conquered Westeros with three dragons, now we have thirteen."

Sister Ada looked down at the boy with a strange expression. There was an unforgettable hatred brewing in her slightly turbid blue eyes, as well as the joy that the great revenge was about to be avenged.

“In the future we may have twenty-three, thirty-three, or even one hundred and thirty-three.”

She was more talking to herself than to the boy.

"Your brother was assassinated and your father was forced back to Dragonstone. The whole kingdom was laughing at him. I could bear it and didn't care about it. After all, Aenys was too soft-tempered. But Visenya, how could Visenya To be so cruel...she will pay the price, yes, everyone will pay the price, and today is just a starting point."

"What are you talking about?"

The boy stared at the other person in shock and asked, with a vague premonition of something bad.

"I say, the show is about to begin," the nun replied softly.

[Successfully completed the Seven Sons Trial mission]

[You have gained the characteristic - Son of a Warrior]

As the sweat dripped and the gasps intensified, Knight Murray's fists hit the struggling black-armored enemy under him again and again. The steel fingers with lobster gauntlets were covered with blood, but even if the enemy's face was beaten, Fuzzy was not completely dead, but was struggling very fiercely.

However, this intensity did not last long before he slumped and lost all his strength. Knight Murray punched a few more times uneasily, and finally collapsed to the ground and laughed. Captain Nancy, who had been suppressing the enemy's right hand, also fell down. There he was smiling foolishly, sweat dripping from his forehead to the grass next to him.

The enemy's last struggle was very powerful, and it was unclear why it was so powerful. Even Renly, who was restraining his legs, was exhausted at this moment. After seeing that the enemy was no longer moving, he lay down and hugged his legs and completely relaxed. He came down, turned over, and lay on his back on the grass, breathing heavily.

The sunshine in the sky was so intense that it was dazzling, and the surrounding environment was filled with countless noises. They were the shouts of the onlookers from all directions. They were extremely excited about everything on the field. The difference was that some were angry and some were excited.

Soldiers rushed toward the entrance area of ​​the competition venue, but they were blocked by a group of warrior sons. From the corner of the eye, they could be seen clashing.

On the judgment seat in the other direction, the old brown-robed archbishop of the Church of Thought was sitting on the ground, while the old lady beside him stood up and shouted something to him, but she was too far away to hear it. Unclear words.

She might have given up, otherwise no information would have emerged, but Renly didn't think too much about the newly born information and the meaning behind it. At the moment, he was tired and panting, and there was still a constant sound coming from his heart. Painful, the brain instinctively wants to empty out, want to lie down and rest, and is unwilling to think about anything else.

Unfortunately, his rest was interrupted after a while. When his light ice blue eyes, which had quietly replaced the original color, were staring blankly at the sky, there was a sudden sound of footsteps beside him, and then he felt someone kneeling down. He moved to his side, and just as he was about to turn his head to look, a shaking force made his chest suddenly feel tight, and then he coughed involuntarily.

"You - why are you here?"

Renly originally wanted to curse, but when he turned his head, he found that the person shaking him was Laya, a girl wearing a white robe, so his words turned into a surprised question.

It's a pity that this person obviously didn't have the ability to answer his question, and now he was pulling his arm with an anxious look on his face, trying to get him to stand up.

This expression made Ren Li startled. Then without any hesitation, regardless of his lack of strength, he gritted his teeth and stood up with the help of the other party. Then he was just about to call his two collapsed companions one meter away to stand up. The cool feeling that blocked out the sun suddenly came, and a shadow of a beast was born on the ground under his feet, and it grew rapidly. Renly's heart skipped a beat, and he looked up unconsciously.

He saw a dragon.

A giant dragon with dark yellow scales and wings spread out as if covering the sky and the sun!

This dragon swooped down from the sky behind the competition arena, and appeared silently. By the time people discovered it, it had already reached the sky above the competition arena. The whole environment suddenly became silent, and then panicked and screamed like a tsunami. Pass a wave.

Chaos suddenly emerged. Women, children, old people, monks, and even bishops... everyone rushed to the exit of the auditorium in a panic. Some civilians standing on both sides of the audience turned around and ran away without hesitation. From a bird's eye view, the entire competition ground is like a high-rise building that was suddenly exploded. Countless gravel and dust collapsed and poured out in all directions, causing ripples!

In the green grass-covered competition ground, the two warrior sons who were lying down had already hurriedly got up without Renly's reminder, and the smiles on their faces had long since disappeared. Captain Nancy yelled while crawling: "You use dragons when you lose the contest? The Targaryens deserve to go to the seven hells, you are a bunch of bastards!"

He didn't care about the image of the group leader at all. He looked like a little gangster who was not afraid of anything, but his expression was slightly desperate. However, after he got up, he did not run away directly, but headed not far away. Owen Knight, who had broken both legs, ran away.

Knight Murray also ran towards the surviving brown-haired twins who were closer, and shouted to Renly without looking back: "Protect the girl first!"

In fact, he didn't need to say it. Renly had already dragged the panicked girl to the corner of the arena. Unfortunately, after a few steps, the dragon suddenly swooped down on him!

A loud and angry roar accompanied by a dark red dragon flame suddenly gushed out. At the critical moment, Renly suddenly hugged Raya and fell to the ground. The heat wave came from the sky, and a few strands of hair seemed to be scorched, and even the smell of burning emerged, but fortunately the angle was not burned by the dragon flame.

The two people lying on the ground barely avoided the swooping fire, but some people behind them were not so lucky.

Knight Murray, who was running, reacted quickly and jumped to the side, barely avoiding the dragon flame, but the brown-haired figure not far away and Captain Nancy, who had not yet run to where Knight Owen was, only had time to roar before they were completely engulfed by the flames.

The heat wave surged, watching the horrible sea of ​​fire falling from the sky in the distance and the hazy struggling figures in it, the broken-legged Knight Owen's eyes were bloodshot, then he looked at the two surviving companions behind the dragon flame, gritted his teeth, picked up the long sword beside him and threw it hard at the dark yellow dragon that was leaning over, roaring and shouting.

"Monster, come to me!"

Unfortunately, his sword did not hit the target, and the dragon ignored him, but turned in the sky and rushed back to the way it came.

"Go to hell, you monster!" At this time, Renly had just climbed up, and a familiar voice suddenly appeared from the side and back. He couldn't help but look back. Knight Murray was struggling to pull a spear picked up from the ground in his hand and threw it at the dragon swooping in the sky. Unlike Knight Owen, his spear hit the belly of the dragon flying at low altitude, but did not cause any damage.

"Take the girl away from here!"

After shouting desperately at Renly, Knight Murray, holding a shield, stepped back and turned to run. Unfortunately, the giant dragon in the sky just sneezed, and a dark red flame directly wrapped around the fleeing figure, and even the desperate and angry roar became hoarse and dull. The tall figure wrapped in flames struggled and collapsed at the edge of the audience, and the twitching gradually weakened.

Then the dragon turned again in the sky, a pair of dark red eyes glowed with cold and violent colors in the sun, and the huge body swooped towards Renly.

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