A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 117 The Trial of the Seven Sons (End)

The dark yellow scaled dragon rushed over at high speed, still without making any roar, but the wind wrapped by its wings was quite violent.

For some reason, it seemed to be only interested in the seven knights in the trial field, or in other words, it was only interested in the three people who participated in killing Maegor, so that no matter the large number of people fleeing in panic around it, or the knight Owen who was shouting and shouting in grief and anger over there, they did not attract its attention.

In the chaotic scene, Renly, who noticed this, looked at the girl who was dragging him with concern, then broke free from the other's palm and ran quickly in another direction.

Unfortunately, his speed could not match the pursuit of the dragon. After a while, a gust of wind came from behind him. Renly, who felt that his death was imminent, sighed, and then stood on the edge of the grass without resistance.

However, after several seconds, there was no burning sensation behind him. Instead, there was a roar of heavy objects falling to the ground. He could not help but turn his head to look. A petite and thin figure was blocking him with his arms wide open. The earthy yellow dragon covered with spikes had already landed on the ground. It tilted its head and stared at the thin figure in white with its deep dark red eyes. Its violent emotions seemed to have eased, and it did not attack again.

This situation made Renly stunned, and then he thought of something unconsciously, but he did not have time to think about it, because when he turned around, he clearly saw that the dragon immediately looked at him over Raya, and at the same time, the violence in its eyes that had originally calmed down grew again, bloodshot appeared, and fire began to flash in the slightly opened dragon's mouth. Obviously, Raya could no longer stop it.

Discovering this, Renly gritted his teeth and ran in another direction, and the dragon turned its neck to face the direction he was running, with its mouth wide open.

Seeing the dragon's neck change position, the thin figure in white hurriedly ran a few steps with her arms outstretched, and stood in front of Renly again. She didn't show any expression, but her back looked extremely stubborn. However, Renly couldn't let the girl stand in front of him. Seeing that the dragon had opened its bright mouth and was ready to spit out dragon flames, he suddenly threw her to the ground.

Renly wanted to imitate the action of dodging dragon flames before, but unfortunately this time the dragon stood on the ground. Due to the angle, the dark red surging sea of ​​fire did not spray vertically, but it also poured on the broad back of the blond figure like violent boiling water. The silver mail made of countless rings quickly became hot and red. The muffled screams that could not be suppressed made the thin body blocked below struggle desperately, and waves of anxious screams were born here.

The scream was extremely harsh. The dragon that was spewing dragon flames seemed to be stimulated by something. It suddenly restrained its breath, hissed, turned around and ran away, as if it had sensed the breath of some flood beast.

However, there was nothing unusual at the place, except for a tall body whose mail armor on the back melted and mixed with flesh and blood, and whose wounds were slightly glowing with white light.

The white light seemed to bloom from the flesh and blood, as if it had a healing effect, but this effect seemed very weak and kept flickering, and the horrible injury did not seem to improve much.

The thin girl who was pressed under him had her robe burned away at her calves, revealing a pair of slender but intact legs, which obviously proved that the protection made of her body was not strong. However, the tall figure whose thoughts became extremely blurred due to the pain had no spare energy to think about this problem. His internal organs seemed to be burned, and the whole person was on the verge of breaking.

A patch of hair on the back of his head was burned away by sparks, but most of the front looked intact.

The girl who was pressed under him was so anxious that she stared at the face that was drooping and facing the ground in the narrow space formed by the human body. She pulled out the arm that was supporting her chest with great effort, and carefully waved her hand in front of the other's gorgeous eyes, while mumbling something in her mouth.

"What are you talking about..."

The confused murmur was weak and could not be heard by the other party at all, but the trembling lips made Laya happy when she saw it, thinking that he was fine.

But then her expression suddenly froze, because after that sentence, the ice blue color in the other's eyes quietly faded and slowly turned into a dead green.

The girl was stunned.

The situation outside did not stop because of this. Without her scream, the dragon that was scared away before turned back from the sky again, which made some warrior sons who were careful to approach the edge of the arena hurriedly avoid it, and a crying voice came from the empty audience seats.

"Did you do it? Make it stop! Please!"

The bald boy Ego was pulling the old nun sitting next to him and begging.

The other party shook her head and responded: "It can't be stopped, child, unless revenge is completed, no one can stop."

As she said, the dragon had already landed on the grass and crawled towards the target. Sister Ada looked at the charred body blocking the girl from a distance, and then looked at the intact girl below it, and sighed with a melancholy expression.

"I didn't mean to kill him. I just wanted to put the blame on Visennia. If you want to blame someone, blame him for getting involved in this trial. He has only been a knight for a short time, why did he have to be so stubborn? What a foolish man—"

The nun stopped talking before she finished, because she suddenly found that the charred figure suddenly turned into dust and collapsed into nothingness, which made her pupils shrink suddenly. Many details that she had noticed but had not paid attention to quickly emerged in her mind filled with hatred. Her face was uncertain, and her eyes could not help but look at the boy beside her.

But before she could ask anything, she suddenly felt a special breath coming from the venue. Looking carefully, the girl covered in dust was still lying on the grass blankly, looking at the sky blankly, her calves were exposed, and her upper body robe was wrinkled and burnt, but her whole body seemed to become very hazy.

This haziness made her look a little unreal, as if she had become a reflection in the water, and the surrounding space turned into a lake.

As the reflection swayed vaguely, waves of invisible ripples spread out from it with it as the origin, so that the ground covered with green grass shook faintly, and the light from the sun in the sky was constantly expelled, or constantly absorbed.

Invisible ripples spread in all directions. The giant dragon on the green grass not far away noticed this, so it turned around and ran away in a hurry, but it was not faster than the ripples. It even screamed and suddenly turned into a pig-headed dragon with leaf wings and fell from the sky.

The Owen Knight, whose face was dull and dead in the arena, was affected by the ripples and his golden hair quickly turned white. A group of warrior sons in the corner were full of horror, but they suddenly shrank inward and finally turned into a group of palm-sized pocket knights looking at each other, and some of them even turned into women.

The empty auditorium made a series of creaking sounds after being swept by the ripples. The wooden railings in a certain area began to turn black and shatter, but the surface of the railings in another area instead gave birth to tender green branches and grew rapidly. A hole suddenly appeared somewhere in the trembling ground, and the green grass began to collapse and shrink inward, as if a large amount of soil was swallowed up by the endless black hole.

Sister Ada in the audience didn't know what was going on, but she pulled the boy up without hesitation and ran away. However, she had just taken a few steps when a whisper-like chuckle suddenly sounded from behind.

The laughter was familiar and strange.

Thank you uncle1009 for the 14,000 reward! Thank you flying Dutch*** for the 1,000 reward,

Thank you xiaotang246, Qian Diyin, Beichen Yuxing, saynol, 160212182018889 and 20190814034225790 for the 100 reward~

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