The atmosphere in the small bedroom in Maegor's building was extremely quiet. The two boys on the balcony were lying in front of the window and looking down. They didn't speak for a long time, and the expressions on their faces seemed to be frightened. generally.

They finally looked at each other.

"Why are the chicken legs you brought moving?" the black-haired boy asked the other party first.

These words made the already shocked blond boy even more confused. He replied blankly: "I don't know, it, it is ripe, but why is it moving?"

"Is this castle really haunted?" Renly said thoughtfully.

Tyrion couldn't help but feel tense when he heard this. He couldn't wait to look out the window, and at the same time stuttered: "Do you want to call the guards?"

"It's best this way."

Renly nodded, his face serious: "But I don't think they will believe what we saw."

Tyrion nodded in agreement, his face pale.

Then he became a little restless as he sat back down, his eyes always glancing at the remaining half of the roasted capon in front of Renly. His expression seemed to be full of fear, but there was also curiosity brewing in his eyes.

Under this situation, Renly had no intention of eating more, so he moved the stool under him a few steps back, pointed at the food on the table and said: "This chicken is weird, I think we need to send it to the pie." Maester Seal, maybe he can figure out why its legs move."

"I'll just take him out." The blond boy suddenly said, "Then I'll ask our bachelor. Grand Bachelor Pycelle is currently busy with the wedding, so he won't be free."

"That's fine, but you have to be careful, maybe the remaining half of the chicken will come back to life."

Renly kindly reminded.

Tyrion gritted his teeth and nodded, then stood up, picked up the plate with some trembling and prepared to say goodbye, but Renly suddenly thought of something at this moment, so when he saw him off to the door, he said: "I hope the warrior will give you courage, Tyrion." Leon.”

The expression on the other party's face became more serious when he heard this, but his slightly trembling hands suddenly stabilized. After nodding hard to Renly, he walked quickly down the corridor.

Renly watched the other person's back disappear thoughtfully, then shook his head and closed the door.

Then he looked at his left wrist.

The cooked chicken legs just ran away. This seemed to the little devil to be a point worth studying, but Renly couldn't help but suspect that it was because of himself.

Because he was grabbing the chicken leg with his left hand, and on this left hand, there was a "tattoo" called the Mark of Chaos.


Frowning and observing the mark on his wrist, Renly was not sure for a moment what the situation with this thing was. He raised his hand and touched the door and wall, but nothing special happened.

He was unconsciously in a trance.

The girl's intimate smile was still vivid in his mind, and Renly could no longer hold back some of the questions he didn't dare to think about before.

What exactly are Sons of Anarchy?

This question seems to be a fog.

At first Renly thought that this title meant that Raya was related to him, and that he was Chaos.

Although there are many puzzling points in this suspicion, it is barely justified. After all, according to the original history, his series of actions after entering the dungeon did lead the history to another trajectory, which can be called chaos.

Moreover, the girl involved seems to be able to get along with him regardless of her appearance or background.

But now looking at his wrist, Renly suddenly no longer thought about it that way.

What exactly are Sons of Anarchy?

Is he really his "child"?

Or some other creature formed from forces he couldn't understand?

What does Son of Anarchy mean? Is it Son of Chaos, or Son of Chaos?

What does the so-called chaos represent?

The extended question is, what exactly is a historical copy?

Is it another parallel world?

Or is it a past of the world we live in?

Being a simple Dan was enough to make Renly feel strange. Although he had comforted himself with the fact that this was a fantasy world, the appearance of this mark, a mark that did not exist in the system information, made him suddenly confused.

The contrast between this so-called reward and the tone of many rewards given in the past, the eggshells eaten by insects, the similarity in appearance to the Dornish people, the talent of being able to learn words despite knowing nothing but inexplicably...all kinds of inconspicuous but crucial Important clues emerged at once.

Obviously Raya couldn't just be a freak born from an egg, the girl who had a lot to do with dragons, nor could she just be his "daughter".

So what is she?

What is the so-called right path?

What is happening to her now...?

He stood there and thought for a long time with a gloomy expression. He finally sighed and felt that his thoughts were in a mess. So he tried not to think about these things, but his eyes couldn't help but glance at the books in the corner of the balcony.

After being stunned for a moment, the black-haired boy walked over, tied it up and put it back on the table. Then he sat on a chair on the balcony and looked at the castle and sea outside the balcony. It felt familiar yet unfamiliar.

Renly was in a bad mood, but not because of those problems.

After experiencing time-travel reincarnation and traveling through dungeons, he was actually used to not being able to understand many problems, and he didn't have the idea of ​​​​resolutely trying to figure it out. After all, he knew too little, and he could never figure it out when he was trying to figure it out.

He just regretted that he left too quickly and didn't have time to say goodbye.


I saw Tyrion again the next morning after the chicken leg moving incident, which was the wedding day of Robert and Cersei.

Because he entered the dungeon during the gap before his brother's wedding, Renly had no time to rest and relax as soon as he came out, nor did he have much time to study his new abilities. Instead, he had to devote himself to various busy events.

At this time, King's Landing was extremely noisy. The common people were talking about the wedding that was about to begin today, and the noble lords were busy wearing various decent dresses and dressing up with servants, and preparing their own gifts.

The venue for His Majesty Robert's wedding was in the Cathedral of Saint Baelor on the top of Visennia Hill in the city, but on the eve of the wedding, a breakfast banquet was held in the Red Castle.

The participants in the banquet were mainly the family members of the newlyweds and their respective lords and knights. At this juncture, they presented gifts to the king, including exquisite jewelry, gorgeous belts, gold spurs cast in pure gold, and various practical or impractical daggers.

The new king was crowned not long ago, but his hobbies have long been widely known. Apart from drinking and fighting, Robert Baratheon especially likes to collect daggers, so there are a lot of these things in the gifts.

Although Renly is small, he also wants to send a gift. He originally thought of finding something random in his "trash can" and sending it up. After all, no one would care what he gave.

However, the court steward thought about it for him first, so the gift Renly sent became a pure gold cloak buckle, which was not very expensive, but not cheap either.

However, sending gifts was not the only thing Renly had to do today.

The middle-aged court steward with a big nose kept nagging in his ear, constantly reminding the boy of his tasks in the upcoming wedding.

In fact, it was nothing, just holding the cloak for the cheap brother and scattering flowers for the newlyweds.

Even though it was so simple, the royal butler still seemed uneasy, which made Renly feel impatient.

So when he saw Tyrion mixed in with a group of blond Lannisters, he suddenly walked towards him, ignoring the nagging butler behind him who treated him like a three-year-old child.

"Good morning, Tyrion."

He greeted the other party after approaching, and the ugly boy in decent clothes also returned the greeting in a formal manner. Then, after negotiating with a blond man holding his hand, he and Renly ran to the corner of the breakfast banquet.

For some reason, this little devil of the Lannister family seemed a little wilted.

Renly asked curiously, so he glanced at Lord Tywin who was talking to His Majesty the King not far away, and whispered: "Father took the chicken to feed the dog."

His tone was gloomy.


"Because he said that the chicken looked like a beggar seeing a gold dragon."

"Didn't you send the chicken to your maester?"

Renly asked "strangely".

"I wanted to send it, but then I wanted to see if it would come back to life, so I didn't."

Tyrion said, as if he was afraid that Renly would blame him for not keeping his word, so he changed the subject and said, "Then my father found out, and then, I argued with him a few times."

It seems that the last chicken leg incident brought them closer together. The little guy in front of him looked a little more cheerful, but also quite depressed.

He glanced at the bald middle-aged duke father again, and it was obvious that he was still frightened by some of the situations he faced before.

Seeing him so cowardly, Renly found it hard to believe that he would talk back to his elders. This reminded him of what he had said to him yesterday when they parted ways, so he couldn't help but ask, "Why did you talk back? Was what he said too much?"

"Not too much..."

The other party hesitated and said, "Father just wanted me to throw away the chicken. I didn't want to, so he ordered me to do it, and then I... I didn't want to talk back, but I couldn't help it."

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