The crowd that came for the wedding was like an ocean in the night, filling the magnificent church hall. Compared with it, the breakfast meeting in the morning was just an appetizer.

At this time, Renly was standing under the statue of the god in the center of the hall, holding a heavy golden cloak in his hand, performing the "exclusive" task of being the king's younger brother.

In front of him were the two parties to the marriage, the black-haired king wearing a golden and black silk coat and a velvet cloak, and the slender golden curly-haired girl wearing a crimson silk dress. They were standing in front of the statue of the Father and the Mother of God deep in the church, receiving the blessing of the Archbishop of the Church.

The fat Archbishop wore a huge crown made of gold foil and crystal. The sun was shining in from the high window behind him. The crystal crown continued to emit colorful rainbow light as the Archbishop's big head swayed slightly.

The words from his mouth echoed in the sea of ​​people without even a cough, and they seemed particularly sacred. Renly focused on his thick, intestine-like lips opening and closing. He seemed very serious, but in fact his thoughts had already diverged.

A discovery at the breakfast meeting suddenly aroused his interest in the church, or the gods behind the church——

The results of a single experiment were not very convincing, but the system had already explained it.

Since the characteristics of the son of a warrior can allow him to get a response from the warrior, does it mean that the gods of this world must exist?

If they exist, in what form do they exist?

And what is the relationship with the historical copies he traveled through?

The characteristics obtained in the historical copies can now be responded to in reality. Does this prove that history and reality are actually the same world?

Or are the so-called gods just some existences like program machines? As long as Renly has a special "power", the wishes he speaks out can be responded to?

This characteristic itself does not seem to have much effect, and it seems to have a duration, but the meaning behind it makes Renly have to ponder it.

However, the schedule was tight, and Renly was faced with many busy things as soon as he came out. Renly did not have time to experiment carefully for the time being.

To what extent can it do?

Can it satisfy all wishes? Or is it limited to warriors?

How long does it last?

As long as you say it, it will respond?


The ceremony is very cumbersome.

Because the church's god is seven-faceted, the number seven is very important in Westeros, and has long been infiltrated into customs, laws, daily life, etc.

So the newlyweds in front of them not only have to make seven vows, but also accept seven layers of blessings and exchange seven promises.

After a series of procedures, Renly thought a lot of questions, and his arms dragging the cloak were a little sore, but when the choir sang the wedding hymn around him, he immediately cheered up.

"Do the people watching the ceremony have doubts about the legitimacy of the marriage of the newlyweds in front of you?"

The majestic voice of the Archbishop spread throughout the church and echoed.

This kind of questioning is an inherent procedure of the wedding ceremony. Under normal circumstances, no one will stand up to make trouble, and there is no accident at the moment.

Then the cloak exchange ceremony, which represented the marriage into the husband's family, officially began. The majestic Duke Tywin Lannister stepped forward to take off the cloak that his daughter was originally wearing. As the younger brother, Renly walked closer with neat steps and presented the heavy golden cloak in his hands to his cheap elder brother.

The other party took the cloak and shook it off, wrapped it around the bride and tied it on her personally. Then when the bride and Robert kissed deeply, the High Bishop spoke on the side and declared.

"Here, in the presence of the gods and the world,"

he said loudly, "I solemnly declare that Robert of the Baratheon family and Cersei of the Lannister family are married. From now on, they are one body, one mind, and one soul, forever. Anyone who interferes with their marriage will be ruthlessly cursed!"

After speaking, many nobles who watched the ceremony applauded, and the wedding ceremony officially ended.

However, the end of the ceremony does not mean that the wedding is complete. There are still a series of procedures to go through, such as the newlyweds standing outside under the statue of Saint Baelor to receive the blessings of the people and nobles, and holding a wedding dinner in the evening, and finally making trouble in the bridal chamber.

Renly acted as a companion and a flower-scattering boy during this process. He felt that this task was somewhat boring, and he was also worried that the flowers in his hand would suddenly come alive, or something else.

Fortunately, until the end of this task, he got on the carriage and returned to the Red Castle, and nothing happened.

"Your task is basically completed. Some noble ladies will invite you to dance at the banquet in the evening. Before that, go back and practice to avoid making a fool of yourself."

A faint voice echoed in the carriage, and Stannis, dressed in a golden and black costume, was telling his absent-minded brother.

"Are you sure?" Renly glanced at his cheap second brother who spoke harshly.

"I am so small, and I want to dance with others?"

He also wanted to say that others would have to bend over and jump around?

But the other party obviously had no intention of answering this question, and instead continued to speak: "No matter what other time it is, you must attend breakfast tomorrow. Don't make excuses like you did yesterday. This is polite, otherwise the new queen will have a problem with you."

It was normal to hear this from someone else, but it was a bit strange for Renly to hear it from this person, because in his impression, this cheap second brother has never had much emotional intelligence...

"After the wedding, Mace Tyrell will be leaving King's Landing, and you will go to the Reach with him."

Looking at the boy with a blank face, Stannis said, "I am against sending you to be an adopted son, but Robert insists on doing so. He is the king now, and I can't quarrel with him."

Renly nodded, thinking that there should be more to follow this sentence, such as some instructions, so he pretended to listen attentively.

But after the other party said this, he stopped talking, but sat there quietly looking at the boy, looking outside the carriage from time to time, and occasionally with a thoughtful expression, and it was unclear what he was thinking.

Renly was speechless about this, but he was used to this weirdo, so he didn't care and turned to concentrate on his own affairs.

About the present, about the past, and more about the future...

The banquet will not start until tonight, and there is nothing he needs to do during this time. After the carriage returned to the Red Keep, Renly was sent back to Maegor's Holdfast.

But before he walked into his little room, he suddenly saw someone who shouldn't be here--

the weird Swamplander whose dagger he "stolen".

Thank you for the 2,000 reward from the book friend Buhaoying, and thank you for the 100 reward from the book friend Xiaotang246, the book friend Lu Ren Tufei Pang, and the book friend Yunshang1992~

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