As the wedding feast began in the evening, Renly was still thinking about the cat and the dragon eggshell.

It was normal for the cat to disappear. After all, it was a moving creature, but something was wrong about the eggshell disappearing.

Renly had locked the eggshell in his "trash can" before. At the same time, in order to prevent someone from opening it without his knowledge, he also learned some tricks from his past memories that he didn't know where to lock. Put a hair on it.

This way if someone moves the lock, he will definitely be able to find it.

However, when he opened the box before, the hair was still there, but the eggshell inside was missing...

Under the triple protection of the lock, the hair, and the door he had stuck upside down, how did that thing disappear?

Renly felt that this was a supernatural event, but in addition, the missing cat and the sudden arrival of the people from the Glade looking for the cat also made him feel very strange.

It was as if something had happened without his knowledge.

So, what's going on?

With this question lingering in his mind, the black-haired boy absentmindedly cut the plate of onion cheese pie in front of him with the dagger in his hand without even realizing it. Even the ugly blond boy sitting next to him, who had been ignoring him, went out of his way to She glanced at him and hesitated to speak, but she opened her mouth several times but nothing came out.

The vast throne room was crowded with people. Long tables were spread out in all directions. Servants were busy carrying plates of dishes with different aromas. The nobles were toasting when the king stood up. They all stood up and shouted in response.

In an environment where people were drinking and drinking, top singers from all over the seven countries took turns to stand under the king's banquet table and sing. The sound of music could be heard all around, and the flickering lights shrouded the surroundings, making the atmosphere even more intense.

The table where the king sat was in the shadow of the towering Iron Throne, long enough to seat all the direct members of the families of both parties to the marriage. At this time, Renly was sitting on a chair three seats away from the king. Next to him were two Lannisters. , one is Tyrion, who is "the same age" as him, and the other is a blond young man named Jillian.

There were noisy sounds all around, and the blond young man on the left was talking softly to Stannis next to him. With a smile on his face, it was difficult to tell that he had actually been out of words for a long time. Unfortunately, the other party had always been lukewarm.

Farther away in the core area, the young king was watching with great interest the male and female acrobatic performances in the open space in front of the table. From time to time, he was talking to the people next to him. What seemed to be vaguely floating in his ears were words such as Reese and interesting acrobatics. .

The newlywed queen sitting next to him maintained a dignified and elegant look with a smile on her face, and her every move amazed many people who were observing her openly or covertly.

Of course, due to some widely circulated news before, more people, after observing her, intentionally or unintentionally looked at the side of the king's long table, where a blond man stood guarding quietly in the shadow of the Iron Throne. The figure in white robe has different emotions in his eyes.

The initiator doesn't care about these special circumstances at the moment, from the eggshell problem to Raya, from the black cat problem to himself, and he is still thinking about certain things in the future...

The environment at the banquet was quite noisy, but he had encountered so many problems recently that he couldn't help but fall into a trance.

But after a while, this kind of thinking was quietly broken by the words of the people next to him.

"I wonder, Renly."

The emotions of the voice coming from beside me seemed a bit complicated, including expectation, entanglement, loss, anxiety...

Renly looked sideways, and saw that the very famous little devil in his memory had his facial features tangled together, looking very tangled.

"What's weird?" he asked.

"In the afternoon, you laughed at them for being ugly." The ugly boy's words made Renly a little surprised, but he still nodded.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"You said you don't play with ugly and stupid people."

The blond boy stared at him and said, "But why are you playing with me?"

These words made Renly a little confused, and he didn't understand why this person would ask such questions, but before he could speak, the other person said to himself: "I'm uglier than them, and I don't think I'm that smart either. And besides being ugly, I'm also a - a deformed dwarf."

He said, his two-colored eyes carefully looking at Renly's facial expression at this time.

"According to your behavior when talking to those two guys, you should ignore people like me. Then why do you not seem to... look down on me at all? Is it because of my family? But it doesn't look like, Many people are very polite to me because of my family, but they don’t look like you, so what’s the reason?”

This sensitive and fragile boy with wrinkled features was staring at Renly with a frown, as if he was trying hard to think about a question he didn't understand.

"I've been thinking about it all afternoon and haven't figured it out yet. Can you tell me why?"

So why are you struggling with this issue? Renly was secretly surprised, but he simply couldn't figure out many of his questions, so he stopped thinking about them for the time being. After thinking about it, he said: "You are a bit ugly, but I don't think you are stupid."

His words made the boy scratch his head with a strange look on his face.

"You think I'm smart?"

"No." Renly shook his head and said under the stunned expression: "I think you will be very smart in the future."

This was basically telling the truth, but unfortunately the other party couldn't understand what he said, and felt very confused after hearing what he said.

Seeing this, Renly explained: "You like to read books, and you can still read them. This is very important, because even those adults rarely like to read books."

"Bachelors also like to read books." Tyrion shook his head after hearing this: "This is not an advantage."

"It's really not a big deal to like reading."

Renly replied: "But a boy who can take the initiative to read without being pushed is quite rare in my opinion."

As he spoke, he turned around, used a dagger to cut a piece of food that was unclear whether it was peacock meat or heron meat, and stuffed it into his mouth. He said slightly vaguely: "So back to the previous question, why do I treat you differently from others?" ?”

"Because I'm optimistic about your future."

"that's all?"

The other party asked blankly: "How optimistic are you about the future of a dwarf?"

"What else? What else could there be?"

Renly shrugged.

"Be optimistic, Tyrion. You actually have many advantages, but you don't know it, or you know it but you still lack confidence. I guess this is because of your appearance, but I think a person's appearance It doesn’t affect who he will become in the future, only the direction of his efforts and choices.”

After he finished speaking, he ignored the other person's expression, lowered his head, picked up a bowl of broth, and started drinking. However, when he saw something coming into view out of the corner of his eye, the boy couldn't help but swallow. Narrow your eyes.

It was a gray, moving chicken leg rolling on the ground.

Thank you Ban and 10086 book friends for the five thousand reward! Thank you to the book friend I passed by for the 1,000 reward, and thank you to the book friend MrSai for the 500 reward.

Thank you to the book friends of Breathe Freely and Changshan Tiger Er for the 100 rewards~

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