A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 123 The dog that broke into the party

There seemed to be thousands of people participating in the banquet in the wide throne hall, but the long table under the iron throne at the innermost end could still clearly see most of the situation here.

This was not only because the surface of this table was higher than other places in the hall, but also because there was a large enough open space in the center of the banquet hall. Some acrobats or singers took turns to perform in the open space, and soon many noble men and women would jump in and dance.

However, just as two short dwarfs dressed as clowns were performing a funny dance here, a gray chicken leg suddenly rolled out from the dense tables and chairs and "fled in panic" towards the depths of the hall.

Following closely behind was a dog.

It was a white-haired pet dog with long ears. Its ears jumped when it ran on its short limbs, and it barked at the same time, but the sound was drowned in the greater noise of the banquet environment and seemed very weak.

At the edge of the open space, a middle-aged nobleman who was sitting there and chatting with someone beside him was the first to notice the white dog running past him, and then he saw what it was chasing, and he was stunned on the spot.

Several people who heard the noise and looked over also screamed in surprise, and an old man with a crow emblem embroidered on his chest rubbed his eyes in disbelief, muttering in confusion.

"What is that?"

No one answered his question, because the running puppy had already rushed to the two clowns. One of them was a dwarf with ketchup on his face, holding a pig bladder and dancing on one leg. He was spinning around, but was scratched by the dog and fell to the ground with a plop, uttering a cry of pain.

Many viewers who didn't know what was going on thought it was an entertainment show prepared by the dwarfs, and laughed loudly at it, but some people who found out the truth were either confused or terrified, or stunned.

Duke Tyrell of the Reach, who was near the chief seat, was originally chatting and laughing with the Duke of the North beside him, but suddenly saw a dusty thing jumping onto his table, and then it jumped into a bowl of bacon and mushroom soup on the table, and the boiling soup splashed all over Duke Tyrell. Although this situation would usually make him look gloomy, he swallowed his saliva unconsciously and stared blankly at the thing rolling in the soup bowl with an increasingly terrified look.

But before he could shout out, the thing that should have been dead suddenly knocked over the soup bowl with a bang, and rolled quickly to the side of the table.

Eddard Stark, who was next to Duke Tyrell, was also shocked at this time, but he did not just watch, but held the dagger and stabbed it quickly when the thing passed by, but the thing rolled around as if it had eyes and quickly flew away.

The sound of plates colliding and screams came from the long table. The dark yellow chicken leg that had "taken a bath" finally rolled into the arms of Duke Tully of the Riverland, and then fell to the ground and rolled away quickly while the old man was frightened.

Seeing this, the puppy wandering under their table immediately ran after it.

"Gods, what the hell is this thing!?"

Under the table, on the table, in the open space, in the aisle... There were waves of chickens and dogs flying and accompanied by shouts and screams of fear. The throne room was in chaos at the moment. Even some people who didn't see the real situation were attracted. The increasingly panicked atmosphere made many people leave their seats in a hurry to avoid it, but many people also approached.

The young king, the chief, naturally would not ignore this. He stared at the dog and the chicken leg moving back and forth between the legs of the banquet crowd with wide eyes. The new queen beside him also covered her mouth with horror. Two little boys not far away stared at the familiar thing without blinking, and their thoughts were completely different from others.

The farce was finally stopped by a foot.

Stannis, who had left the table at some point, quietly walked to the path where the chicken leg was bouncing, and then "took advantage of its unpreparedness" and stepped on it at once. Feeling the waves of struggle coming from his feet that he should not have, he couldn't help but frown.

However, before Stannis bent down to pick it up, he suddenly felt his feet loosen, and then he saw that the strange thing actually used the method of "taking off its skin" to break free from his trampling and quickly fled. However, the strange thing did not roll over a few times, and the little white dog who was whimpering and staring at it had already reacted quickly and pounced on it, and couldn't wait to bite the thing in its mouth and chew it quickly.

It seemed so impatient, as if it thought it was a delicacy. The chicken leg kept struggling in its mouth and front paws, but it couldn't get rid of it. In the end, it was quickly eaten by the dog without leaving any bones.

The noisy banquet hall became quite quiet at this time, and hundreds of eyes stared at all this. No one went to stop it, not even Stannis next to the dog.

And the dog itself did not turn around and run after achieving its wish. Instead, it fell to the ground and barked a few times as if it was drunk, and then hugged Stannis and moved under the stunned gaze of many nobles.

This situation was so absurd, yet so strange.

After a moment of silence, the crowd broke the silence in the throne room with unbearable laughter, followed by various hilarious noises.

The person involved was very calm about this, lowering his head and observing quietly without moving, and when he found no additional changes, he kicked it away.

Unexpectedly, the puppy whimpered and howled as it flew backwards. After landing, it did not give up. Instead, it rolled up with red eyes and approached a drunken red-robed figure who was closer.

"Whose good puppy are you? Why are you so enthusiastic?"

The red-robed figure looked down blankly, obviously not seeing what happened before, but the words caused a burst of laughter around him. Several dukes and even the young king began to laugh.

However, behind this laughter, a group of doubts always lingered in people's hearts-

There was no matchmaking, no external force, and the light in the banquet hall was not strong, but that did not prevent people from seeing the truth.

A chicken leg that can move and avoid obstacles?

It seems to be cooked?

This is the first time in everyone's memory.

"You are so popular with dogs, I will call you a son of a bitch Soros from now on, hahaha." The young king laughed with ease, but his brows were unconsciously frowned, and someone beside him smiled and agreed.

"The gods must have been impatient and sent this dog to urge our king to end the banquet."

It was not known whether this was a joke or a self-consolation. Anyway, the banquet continued, but many people became absent-minded.

The dog was taken away by a Frey family member in the riverlands soon after. It was obviously a pet of one of their family members.

But few people noticed that after kicking the dog away, Stannis bent down and picked up something that was still moving under his feet. After thinking for a moment, he handed it to the horrified Grand Maester Pycelle.

There are many awkward paragraphs in this chapter. Please make do with it. Qidian can't even write about a dog in heat now. It has been changed to pieces.

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