After all the chaos, the wedding banquet still continued, but the focus of people's discussion was no longer on the wedding itself.

Surprise, contemplation, fear, curiosity...

Some people who didn't understand and pretended to understand began to spread all kinds of unreliable explanations in a mysterious manner. Some people who really knew something were quite low-key and silent and meditated alone. At this time, people at the banquet were impetuous, and even the king himself was confused. He and Grand Maester Pycelle asked in a low voice what was going on with that moving thing, let alone other people.

People's general belief is that there are witches at work, or some mysterious people such as wizards and magicians who have disappeared for a long time are causing trouble. They are not too panicked about this.

After all, there are stories about dragons and various ghosts in this world. In daily life, many people have encountered some related people dressed in sneaky ways, but this is the first time they have encountered such obvious supernatural phenomena.

Others "blamed" the thing on the ghost of the Red Keep——

The idea that the Red Keep is haunted was spread when Renly "fell into the secret passage". Now it has been mentioned again, and in the face of "evidence", many people are more convinced of it...

In short, a wedding dinner seemed to have suddenly turned into a discussion about mysterious events, and even the subsequent dancing session did not seem to be lively at all. The red-robed monk Thoros, who was hugged by a dog, unknowingly became the focus of the party, and the drunken party was quite confused about this.

However, when the wedding dinner reached the last stage, people unconsciously turned their attention back to the wedding itself, or the most anticipated part of the wedding - the bridal chamber.

In Westeros, the final stage of a wedding is very barbaric. At this stage, the newlyweds will be stripped naked by the onlookers, and then they will be escorted into the new house.

This is a link that people love to hear and see, and it is also a link where many sneaky people can take advantage of things openly.

Renly thought this custom was even a bit disgusting. The large group of people stripping the newlyweds naked and telling dirty jokes made his eyes jump.

"If anyone dares to do this when I get married, I promise to chop off their hands."

Watching the two stripped-off newlyweds walking further and further away surrounded by the crowd, Renly, who was watching from the sidelines, said this to Tyrion.

These words made the blond boy who was looking at him glance at him strangely: "Are you engaged, Renly?"


Renly replied with a blink of an eye, and the other party snorted, feeling that this person's thoughts were a bit incomprehensible.

Not only Tyrion, but also the people next to him looked at him strangely after hearing this, thinking it was strange.

Obviously, things that seemed unreasonable to Renly had long been taken for granted by others.

Even the person involved didn't seem to care much. The naked Robert laughed and teased the women around him, not caring that his wife was being taken advantage of by men. The newlywed queen, who had always been elegant and dignified, seemed to be able to cope with it as usual. She seemed to be slightly disgusted, but she did not express any dissatisfaction.

Shaking his head, Renly simply looked away and stopped looking. Instead, he called his companions to walk out of the corridor and come to an open-air courtyard to get some fresh air.

The moonlight is deserted, but the surrounding atmosphere is very warm. At this moment, a new couple has been sent into the room. The lively day is basically over. After waking up early tomorrow morning, the Baratheon Dynasty will welcome a new man. "Brand new" hostess.

If it weren't for the memory of his past life, Renly's impression of this mistress was actually pretty good. Her attitude was kind, her personality seemed normal, and she would often give him various small gifts to show her care...

It's a pity that he is a younger brother.

Thinking about it, Renly suddenly saw another person involved in the shadows in the corner of the courtyard. Now the person was looking expressionlessly in the direction where the crowd disappeared without saying a word.

"James? Why didn't you follow?" The boy next to Renly also saw him and ran forward to ask curiously. The other party frowned when he heard this, and then pretended to smile casually and said: "There are so many people. It’s too hot, let’s get some cool air here.”

One sentence seemed to have exhausted his patience. Seeing Renly beside him, he bowed to him as a greeting, then turned and left directly.

"He looks a little strange today." Looking at his brother's back, Tyrion, whose mind is not very mature, wondered: "He used to love to join in the fun."

"People change," Renly replied with a shrug.

My girlfriend is getting married, but the groom is not me. This would not be easy for anyone else.

But thinking about it this way, who among these three people cheated on whom?

Tyrion obviously couldn't imagine what kind of bad thoughts were in the mind of the black-haired companion next to him. Sitting on the railing at the edge of the courtyard, he faintly listened to the noise outside and spoke thoughtfully. Said: "The dog ate the chicken leg..."

Renly nodded but said nothing.

"I heard that it was the pet of a girl from the Frey family in Twins City. I saw their knights got the dog back." Tyrion said, suddenly winking at Renly.

"The red-robed monk is still a little reluctant to leave."

"I hope he still feels reluctant to let go after he sobers up." Renly touched his chin.

"It would be a pity to be eaten by that dog." Tyrion said sadly: "Such an interesting thing will be gone if you don't..."

If only it was gone.

Renli thought to himself.

He felt that it was a little abnormal for the dog to suddenly go into heat after eating the chicken leg, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. After all, he was at a loss about the chicken leg.

I hope there won't be any accidents...

He looked down at his left wrist, and the special pattern made him frown unconsciously.


On the way back to the maester's room, Grand Maester Pycelle was very nervous.

Because the iron can in his arms was constantly shaking.

The noise behind him was getting farther and farther away with his footsteps, and he didn't catch up with the long-awaited wedding night.

The old man with gray beard couldn't help complaining about why Stannis gave him this numbing thing, so that he had to leave with the can in his arms before the wedding was over.

That's fine, doesn't he know that as a weathered old man, he can't stand being frightened?

"It would be good to send two soldiers."

Feeling the trembling iron can in his arms, the old man walked fearfully on the quiet road of the Red Castle, and couldn't help but imagine in his mind.

"Magic doesn't exist. This must be something we can't understand yet. Yes, it must be like this."

Muttering, he seemed to regard it as a life-saving spell, but just after the old man finished speaking, he suddenly felt that the iron can in his arms stopped moving.

With a thump in his heart, the old man felt a little bad, but he cautiously did not open the can, but still held it and walked towards the destination, preparing to write a letter to Oldtown as soon as he arrived at the place, reporting what happened today to the Cardinal, and then quickly sending this thing to the Citadel -

He didn't have the slightest curiosity to find out, and he didn't want to open the can at all.

The Citadel always has a way to figure it out.

Thinking so, the old man felt a little relieved.

At this time, a maid was walking by with a fluffy yellowish-brown pet dog. When she saw Grand Maester Pycelle, she stopped to salute and greeted him.

The old man also politely returned the salute and glanced at him.

But usually his focus was on the figure of the opposite sex, but at this time, the attention of this old man in his sixties was all on the maid.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that the yellow-haired puppy looked so handsome...

Thank you O Ouroboros O for the 500 reward, and thank you xiaotang246 and Gufanyu for the 100 reward~

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