"Hand posture should be relaxed and natural, not stiff like a piece of wood, yes, relax, that's it."

"Don't raise your head too much, and crossing your legs is absolutely forbidden. Your eyes... Don't always stare at other people's eyes, it will make people nervous. It's best to do this when you express your opinions or listen."

"The most important thing is to keep your clothes clean at all times, and never sit on wooden railings or dirty places! Servants can wash your clothes, but you have to pay attention to your image yourself!"


A rigorous female voice sounded from a bright and spacious room. The black-haired boy honestly corrected his sitting posture according to the words of the silver-haired woman opposite. That focused look couldn't be better at learning.

After just more than two months of contact, the Duchess basically understood the laziness of this person's character - every time he learned etiquette from her, he seemed to be very perfect, but in fact, when he really left the course, he was casual as if he had never learned those things at all, which made people feel helpless.

Of course, due to the fact that this boy is less than seven years old, this situation is actually very normal, or the boy has performed well enough, but Lady Ellely feels that her husband's adopted brother can do better, but she doesn't think about it.

"I understand how you feel, Renly. It's very tiring to maintain a polite sitting posture at all times, but as long as you get used to them and turn them into your own habits, then everything will be natural. You should try to do this, and I believe you can do it more easily."

Except for the serious female voice, there was no other sound in the spacious room. The autumn wind outside the window blew in with the withered yellow leaves, and it made a trivial sound when it hit the nearby paintings.

A man and a woman stood in the Myrish-style portrait. The man was Mace Tyrell, the Duke of the River Bay, who was dressed in a gorgeous dress, and the woman was naturally the Duchess in front of him. With silver hair and a short dress, the lifelike portrait was hung on a large light green feather bed, and the surrounding furnishings were casual and natural.

Obviously, this is the residence of the Duke and Duchess.

In the past, Renly would come here with Willas, the heir of Highgarden, and his younger brother to learn the etiquette of the nobility. Now that he was being taught a lesson alone, he was the only one left.

The teaching lasted for a long time until it was getting dark outside and a big-breasted young nurse came hurriedly with a crying baby girl in her arms.

“Madam, please think of a way quickly. Miss Margaery has been crying non-stop and I can’t comfort her no matter how hard I try!”

The nurse’s anxious voice accompanied the sharp cry of the baby girl, causing the Duchess, who had been serious before, to suddenly run over with a nervous look on her face. Renly, who was standing next to her, also came closer and curiously raised his feet to look at the pink baby in the swaddling clothes. At first glance, he felt that the baby was a little ugly.

“The voice is not small.” Muttering secretly, Renly bowed to the Duchess appropriately and left. Then, when he walked out of the room, he met another person who was also closely related to “him” in his memory.

The beautiful child with big eyes and thick brown hair was led by a servant to stand outside the door. When he saw the black-haired boy step out, he greeted him in a baby voice.

"Brother Nanli."

"You should call him uncle." Renly corrected.


The child asked blankly, as if he didn't understand the meaning of the word uncle.

Renly rubbed his forehead, causing him to laugh foolishly. As a result, the Duchess, who was worried about her daughter crying in the room, happened to hear it, so she looked over.

The child was so scared that he quickly shut his mouth, and the black-haired boy didn't want to tease this little gay anymore. After a dry cough, he turned around and left in a hurry.

Many servants in the corridor greeted him respectfully when they saw him, and occasionally they could see members of the Tyrell family, who were also quite polite to him.

Renly responded in turn.

Life in Highgarden is simple but fulfilling. After getting up in the morning and having breakfast, he goes to the Maester Tower to learn languages ​​and history, and then goes to the Duchess with two companions to learn noble etiquette. In this way, the morning tasks are basically completed.

In the afternoon, Renly occasionally goes to the government hall at the front of the castle to listen to the Duke of Mace dealing with government affairs related to his vassals and knights, and spends more time practicing his bard profession.

If there is a dinner party in the evening, he will attend the dinner party. If there is no dinner party, he will hide in the room to read books. The gloves are very useful. The occasional accidents on his left hand can basically keep him calm at this time, and more often he is at peace.

Last month, his sixth name day came quietly, and he didn't tell anyone, but the people of the Tyrell family seemed to have known it for a long time. The celebration dinner personally arranged by the silver-haired Duchess was grand and warm.

Master Cressen of Storm's End also wrote him a letter after his name day, congratulating Renly for growing one year older and asking about his academic problems. The old man is now assisting the acting lord of Storm's End in managing the affairs of Stormlands, while Stannis, the Duke of Stormlands, has been in King's Landing and has not returned.

In Renly's territory, Dragonstone also sent a letter by raven to report the basic situation. A maester named Cance wrote it personally. Cance was a new maester assigned to the Citadel after Renly was knighted. I have never met him and have never heard of this name, but the letter he wrote was concise, sharp and decisive.

In general, there is basically nothing to worry about in the outside world. Now he only needs to concentrate on staying in Highgarden, the first castle in the river bay, to grow and learn, or do experiments.

This is in line with Renly's expectations.

Life in the castle is also uneventful, except that he always has trouble sleeping every now and then, because he always feels that someone is sleeping next to him, but he suddenly wakes up several times to check but does not find any trace of anyone. After a while, Renly feels that he has encountered a haunted incident again...

He has not made much progress in the left hand experiment, because he is still worried that the secondary release will affect himself, so he has been hoping that there will be a situation like the last time with the grass, but it didn't happen.

This may be because wearing gloves limits the use of that energy, or it may be that the mark has been emitting replacement energy during this period, rather than mutation. In short, there is no progress in related experiments.

After more than two months of study, his etiquette has been improved from the original LV1 to LV2. Long-term historical learning has not allowed him to acquire any historical skills, but one day he quietly gained a legend and anecdote LV1.

The language aspect is a big project, and there is no progress for a while. Putting aside the obvious studies, the magic he is studying on his own at this time also makes him confused.

There is not much information about magic in Westeros. If it weren't for the huge library of High Court, he might not be able to find even one related book.

However, even if there are professional books, he still feels confused, because they contain various professional terms and a lot of paragraphs with difficult meanings.

After looking around, the only thing he can be sure of is that in this world, there is no supernatural energy such as magic elements, and the wizards arrange rituals and cast spells, which are not connected to some power in nature.

But God.

R'hllor, the Lord of Light, the Three-Headed God, the Black Goat, Simothy and Sisso, the Lord of the Sky, the Lady of Waves, the Stone Bull of Pharos...

Renly is unfamiliar with all the names except the Lord of Light. These gods do not exist in Westeros. The belief in the Seven Gods occupies this ancient land, and the only heresy belongs to the old gods of the north.

Thank you to yunzhongyue1981 for the 500 yuan reward, and thank you to xiaotang246 for the 100 yuan reward~

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