Magic seems to have suddenly turned into theology, but when it comes to magic, Renly can still be considered to have a general concept. After all, among other things, various fantasy novels in the past life have always described magic, all kinds of , there are all kinds of ideas.

But God...

Renly scratched his head at this.

In the past, when he was at Storm's End, he had asked Maester Cressen about magic. The man replied that this was a useless knowledge. Even those in Oldtown were proficient in it. There were only a few maesters who chose this course to study. Being laughed at.

Oldtown is already the center of knowledge in Westeros, and even there there are few people who master this knowledge, certainly not in the castle of Highgarden.

But he couldn't understand it just by reading the book on his own.

I originally thought that by learning this knowledge and combining it with the special power of my left hand, there might be some strange chemical reaction, but now it seems that this path is not feasible at all.

If he doesn't understand, even if he can understand those books, he can't go and believe in some god...

Renly finally gave up and began to focus his attention elsewhere.

Learn knowledge, etiquette, perform and play, and occasionally activate your left hand to see if you can stimulate different experimental materials. The days in High Court were dull and fulfilling, but after living here for nearly three months, he suddenly heard a piece of news that made him feel quite strange.

It was a gloomy afternoon in the government hall outside the castle. A scout was reporting the news to Duke Tyrell who was sitting on the oak chair in the hall. His words made the young Duke touch the ruby ​​ring on his left hand. He couldn't help but pause, and then asked repeatedly.

"How many Ironborn longships attacked Fairy Isle?"

"Yes, sir." The scout, who was wearing a leather armor and worn by the weather, replied: "But there were not many of them. They just took advantage of the chaos and robbed some property and women before retreating. They did not cause much damage to the locals."

Fairy Island is a fiefdom of the Farman family in the West. It is not too far away from Casterly Rock of the Lord Lannister family. It is naturally protected by the Lannister fleet. However, at this time, the people of the Iron Islands dared to launch an attack... …

The dozen or so people in the tidy hall looked at each other in disbelief, unable to understand why this behavior occurred.

"That's so presumptuous!"

"Do those iron bastards still think that the current era is three hundred years ago?"

"I really want to see how that lion handles this..."

The knights and retainers under his command were talking a lot, and the Duke, who was at the top of the list, was also brooding over this, unconsciously recalling his mother's words a while ago and his subsequent actions in his mind.

But that shouldn't be the case...

"How could they be so crazy?"

He couldn't help but ask: "Does Balon have a rebellious heart?"

"Our insider is here to report. This should be the private decision of the attacker's captain." The scout replied: "It is said that King Balon is also very angry about this."

A retainer with a black beard nodded when he heard this and said: "Balon Greyjoy has just sat on the throne of Seastone not long ago. He has not yet consolidated his position, and it is impossible to provoke him at this juncture due to emotion and reason. "Western Territory."

"But since His Majesty Robert came to the throne, no one from the Iron Islands has come to swear allegiance." Another person pointed out: "Balon should have gone to King's Landing and bowed the knee to the new king, but he just didn't."

"Maybe he really has a rebellious streak?"

Garth, the steward of the high court standing beside the Duke, said: "Those iron bastards think about restoring their ancient ways all day long, but they don't know that the current era is different from the past, with that kind of lawless robbery. There is no possibility of existence, provoking the unified Seven Kingdoms? It’s just—ouch.”

Before he finished speaking, he couldn't help but let out a loud stinky fart, and the entire meeting hall suddenly became silent. Everyone reacted quickly and closed their mouths tightly, or suppressed their breathing and looked up at the ceiling.

Garth, the steward of the High Court, is the uncle of the young Duke. He is nicknamed Chubby. He has a round face, rosacea, and a fat belly. He has a bad stomach and can't help but fart. Everyone has become accustomed to this, including the person involved. Smiling without any embarrassment.

As a result, the atmosphere remained dull and tacit, and no one continued to speak until the wind blowing from outside the hall swept away the stench.

"If he has that intention, I'm afraid he doesn't have the energy to spare."

Blackbeard's retainers said: "A group of crazy Drowned Men have suddenly appeared in the Iron Islands recently, claiming to be the holy warriors under the Sons of the Drowned God. They believe that succumbing to the Iron Throne is simply a shame for the entire iron race. They surrendered to Tanger during the Conquest War. The Greyjoy family of Lean is even more disgraceful, so they are calling on the Ironborn to resist the rule of Greyjoy and the Iron Throne. Under such circumstances, it is unlikely that Greyjoy will become rebellious."

"Son of the Drowned God?"

This title made everyone curious. Although not everyone studied history, and few knew the history of the Iron Islands, as the saying goes, the people who know you best may be your enemies, and the nobles of the Reach are exactly the same. The Iron Islands belong to a thousand-year feud.

"That was a character from hundreds of years ago?" the fat steward of the High Court said funnyly: "No matter how old the iron bastard is, it is impossible for him to still follow the liar who died more than two hundred years ago. Are they crazy? ?”

"Maybe you are really crazy, otherwise why would you attack Fairy Island?"

"Ironborn are all lunatics."

The black-haired boy did not listen carefully to the subsequent discussions. Instead, he stood quietly on the right side of the Duke with the brown-haired boy and bowed his head in deep thought.

Although a long time had passed, he had only experienced three copies in total, so it was impossible for him to forget his first time.

It can even be said that he personally "erased" the son of the Drowned God who deceived people.

In the original history, the son of the Drowned God was also beheaded during the reign of King Aenys, and he also died a miserable death.

But that was nearly three hundred years ago. How come he, or his followers, have appeared now?

"Did the original plot also have such a thing?"

Renly carefully recalled his past life memories.

Apart from the education and experience after reincarnation, he probably only knew about a eunuch and a psychopath in the Iron Islands. Through the eunuchs of the Greyjoy family who were raised in the North, he could barely remember that the Iron Islands seemed to have once launched a rebellion against the Baratheon Dynasty.

But he didn't know how the rebellion happened and the process during it. Obviously, his golden finger was not Baidu Encyclopedia. Due to the vague memories of his previous life after reincarnation, he even recalled sulfur, nitrate and charcoal for a long time before he remembered them (and then failed to develop them), not to mention the world background setting of a bad TV series.

He didn't get the answer to this question in the end, and could only classify it as something that would happen in this world. However, for some reason, Renly always had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu in his heart, as if something was wrong.

"Where..." He pondered and thought hard, but couldn't figure it out.


In the days after the attack on Fairy Island, the situation on the entire continent was undercurrent, but it had no effect on someone in the castle. After nearly a month, he accidentally heard a related news.

It is said that King Balon of the Iron Islands wrote a letter to King Robert on the Iron Throne, claiming that the civil strife in the Iron Islands prevented him from fully controlling his vassals, but he had personally beheaded the captain and crew who plundered Fairy Island. King Balon claimed that he would do his best to quell the strife and then give a satisfactory explanation to the Queen's family.

At the same time, he also claimed that he would do King Robert's order to go to King's Landing to swear allegiance as long as the rebellion was suppressed.

It seems that the new Iron King is quite honest and does not seem to want to rebel against the Iron Throne.

However, in the fifth month after Renly arrived at Highgarden, a piece of news that everyone did not expect spread like a stormy wave and quickly spread throughout Westeros.

The huge fleet of the Iron Islands took advantage of the cover of night to sneak into the coastal territory of the Lannister family in the West, raided the important city of Lannister Harbor, and burned a large number of warships anchored outside the port!

The Western Navy was therefore abolished, and large tracts of coastline were left without armed defense, leaving the door wide open. The Iron Men began to use their ancient ways at will, and the smoke of war swept over everyone catching them off guard!

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