In the bright and fragrant garden of High Court, the bald bachelor left quietly after finishing his report, while the Duke and Duchess sat face to face at the stone table and talked.

The Duke of Mace, who had brown curly hair and was dressed in fine clothes, held the letter in his hand and was lost in thought. The silver-haired woman sitting opposite frowned and said, "I don't agree with you taking Renly with you when setting sail this time. Mace, that's too dangerous." ”

"I don't agree either." The Duke of Metz nodded: "But this is His Majesty's request. There is nothing we can do if we don't agree."

"The child is not yet seven years old!" Mrs. Ellery reminded him.

The brown-haired Duke chuckled at this: "Perhaps it is the tradition of the Stormlands to never miss any opportunity to educate children since they were young?"

The silver-haired Lady Ellery sighed.

"What a bunch of savages."

"About this..." The Duke of Metz coughed dryly after hearing this, and warned: "Spiders are not only weaving webs in King's Landing, some things are better not to be said clearly."

"When did you have to be so careful in your own garden?" Mrs. Ellery complained dissatisfiedly: "What else can we say?"

"Isn't that what happened in the Mad King era?"

The Duke of Metz sneered: "Originally, I thought that Spider would be beheaded or driven away after His Majesty Robert came to power, but unexpectedly he kept his position."

He said, shaking his head with some regret.

"such a pity……"

"I still think it would be very risky to let Renly follow." Lady Ellery changed the topic and said: "The child seems to be relatively healthy, but he was already weak and sick in King's Landing. What if he gets sick on the ship? ?”

"I'll take the Maester with me."

The Duke replied: "If the maester doesn't work, then it's not my fault."

"Write a letter and let His Majesty Robert consider it carefully, Mace?" Lady Allery suggested: "This is too reckless."

"Write a letter for such a trivial matter?" The Duke of Metz disagreed with this approach.

"And even if you write a letter, there is no time. His Majesty Robert should have left King's Landing by now - whenever there is a war, he always likes to be at the forefront."

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered that his eldest son had claimed not long ago that he wanted to follow him to see it, so he said thoughtfully: "You said, since His Majesty Robert is so relieved, how about I give Wei a Bring Lars with you so that he can gain some knowledge?"

Mace Tyrell is actually a man with a big heart, and he always hopes that his eldest son can become a top knight and an excellent ruler. As a ruler, you must understand war.

So he is also somewhat moved now.

"No, Vilas must not follow!" After hearing this, the Duchess said without hesitation: "One is enough of a risk, you want two?"

"We need to take Renly's kid with us on both sides. Why don't we ask Willas to come with us so that they can keep us company?"

"This isn't like going out hunting."

"I think we are basically guaranteed to win this battle and there will be no danger." The Duke of Metz explained.

"That's not OK!"

The brown-haired boy Vilas didn't know that his only chance to follow had been ruined by his mother, and now he was persuading two teenagers of the same age who were guests in the castle.

He obviously couldn't imagine that someone had deviated from his plan and "swept the snow in front of him".

In the quiet room, Renly sighed as he stared at the slightly reserved and thin boy in front of him.

Who would have thought that this little guy who was kidnapped with a golden dragon would be so proficient in unlocking and stealing?

Pretend to be a letter from King's Landing, then enter the maester's tower under the leadership of Renly, the spy, to listen, and sneak to the crow room on the top floor to send the bird in when the maester and servants are not paying attention...

A qualified forgery incident was successfully completed.

Although Renly could still achieve his goal without the boy named Tob, it would be much simpler this way.

"You follow me in again tomorrow morning and steal the bird back." What he was thinking in his heart did not affect Renly's words on the surface. As he spoke, he patted the other person on the shoulder and praised: "Well done. ”

The boy was encouraged and blushed a little, then hesitantly said: "Sir, can I come with you?"

He vaguely knew that this adult might be going out, but he didn't know the specific situation.

"No." Renly said negatively after hearing this: "Your task now is to stay in the castle and receive training."

"But mother said, I have to follow you closely."

"My lord now orders you to stay here." Renly replied, and the other party bowed his head and said no more.

The boy's mother is not in the castle at the moment, but is active near the High Garden. The reason is that being a female guard is too eye-catching, and being a maid is too restrictive, so it is better to be the eyes and ears outside, so that nothing can be done. Notify Renly immediately.

Renly thought what she said made sense, so he just let it go, but he didn't think he could get much help from having such an ear and eyes.

Unless someone attacks Highgarden, the hinterland of the river, or Highgarden rebels against Baratheon, even if there are ears and eyes, it will be of no use at all.

The female bandit whom Renly thought was useless was actually very useful, if she could truthfully report the gossip she heard while on the road a while ago.

Of course, even if it wasn't so, she was actually very useful. For example, at this moment, she suddenly saw a strange woman who was asking about her little master.

"Under seven years old, are you sure?" In a deserted hotel four or five days away from High Court, a woman in a black cloak was talking to the hotel owner with a hoarse and strange voice.

"I'm not sure about this. I just said that the little duke should be less than seven years old." The fat owner replied.

"Blue eyes, black hair?"

"Yes, those eyes are beautiful."

The fat proprietress sighed: "I have seen many children, but this is the first time I have seen a child with such beautiful eyes. You don't know, ma'am, he even greeted me politely. He said, may the warrior bless your health - ma'am, to be honest, this is the most sincere blessing I have ever heard in my life."

"Where does he live now?"

"Where else can it be?"

The proprietress of the inn replied: "Of course he lives in our Lord Tyrell's castle. Let me tell you, ma'am, such a beautiful and polite child should live in such a beautiful place. Ordinary people like us, how can we have the qualifications?"

The woman nodded, raised her hand to leave a few copper coins, and turned to leave.

She had a black hood on her head, so her appearance could not be seen clearly, but when she turned around, a strand of shining silver hair was revealed.

Wenda in the corner narrowed her eyes when she saw this, then got up and followed her out.

Although she didn't hear any specific purpose, since this person wanted to inquire about her master, it was obviously not a casual question.

Wenda was ready to follow and stare at him. If he asked her or followed her, she would just act accordingly.

However, when she walked out of the hotel, she suddenly found that the strange woman had disappeared.

"How is this possible?"

Frowning and scanning the wilderness dirt road in front of the hotel, the female bandit was secretly stunned, but before she could think about it, she suddenly felt a huge impact behind her head, and then her eyes went black, and she knew nothing.

Thank you KNIGHT7 book friend for the 200 reward, thank you xiaotang24ight book friend for the 100 reward~

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