A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 139 Setting Sail and Purple Eyes

The war that broke out suddenly left no room for buffering. On the third day after the royal letter arrived, the knights and soldiers of Highgarden, who were ready to go, boarded the large number of transport ships anchored in the river outside the castle one by one.

It was not convenient to wear heavy armor during a naval battle, but if the war went well, there would be a land battle, so the knights still wore their own plate armor.

Even Duke Tyrell was no exception.

The core team boarded the ship under the leadership of the majestic Duke of the Reach. As the "spectator" designated by His Majesty the King, Renly, the little guy, was also in the ranks, but before boarding the ship, he faced a trouble.

"You don't care about our friendship, Renly." The brown-haired boy Willas, who came to see him off, spoke with a look of resentment.

"It was obviously me who proposed it first, how could you leave me alone and go?"

His petition plan was aborted because the Duchess personally talked to him about this matter the night before, and Willas had to compromise in the end.

It's just that I failed, but the person who was reluctant to join at first actually succeeded...

"I can't help it."

Renley blinked and replied: "This is all your father's decision."

"Then why didn't you include me in the letter when you forged it?" Willas didn't know Renly's forgery process, but he knew that the sudden letter must be fake, so the result was not difficult to guess.

"It would be too strange to include you, and it would cause your father's dissatisfaction." Renly answered seriously, then tiptoed and patted the other person's shoulder: "Stay in Highgarden with peace of mind, I wish you a good time in the hunting operation in the near future. I will also tell you the details of the war when I come back."

"Don't think about me hiding this for you." Willas said dissatisfiedly.

"I believe you will." Renly replied with a smile, and then ignored the expression of this person, stepped onto the ship, and hurried towards the arranged cabin room under the guidance of the guard.

At the same time, he began to think silently about this voyage in his mind.

Soon, the transport ships anchored on the riverbank will sail along the river called the Mander River toward the west coast.

Their destination is to go to the Shield Islands off the west coast to meet with the River Bay Lords there.

And Renly's accompanying stage is limited to this, or in other words, he has no intention of staying in the fleet all the time.

His goal is just to find the rumored Jasper, not to watch the war, and the curse on him also makes him dare not really follow the fleet to sail in the ocean.

Otherwise, if the storm is really summoned, the war will really be lost.


On the stone bridge, watching the slowly receding ship, Willas Tyrell felt complicated.

On the one hand, he was depressed that he, the initiator, was abandoned in the territory, and on the other hand, he was surprised by Renly's unexpected method.

As a precocious nobleman, Willas was smart and studious. He knew what path he would take in the future, so he had clear goals. Although he had proposed to follow the army out before, it was because of the curiosity of a teenager, but the main purpose was to gain some corresponding knowledge for himself.

As for the black-haired boy, although his precocity surprised him a little, he also knew that he had no ambition and was lazy. In daily conversations, he had no mature plans and ideas for his future career as a lord. He seemed to be no different from those guys who relied on their status to get by.

But when the problem arose, the little guy who he thought was just idling away actually ran away at a much faster speed than him, while he, who thought he had mature thoughts, could only stand there and look at the other person's back stupidly...

"What's wrong with you, Willas?"

The little fat man in green clothes tugged at the corner of the brown-haired boy's clothes who was thinking with his head down, and asked curiously: "Are you reluctant to leave your father?"

"Nothing, Garland." The brown-haired boy sighed and said: "I suddenly feel that I still have a lot to learn."

This made the little fat man understand vaguely.

"You mean learning to identify the stars in the sky? There are so many stars in the sky, of course you have a lot to learn."

"Astronomy is just a personal hobby, I mean other aspects..."

As they were talking, the two brothers and the farewell team had already returned to the castle.

The atmosphere in the castle became a little deserted that night. Without the annoying guy who played the harp and harassed him every day, the brown-haired boy who practiced lance charging felt quite at a loss.

So he finished his practice early before it got dark, wiped his sweat, and walked towards the Bachelor's Tower.

It was not time yet, so he planned to read a book before going to dinner.

But before Willas could reach the Bachelor's Tower, he suddenly saw a stranger appear in his sight.

It was a woman who was talking to a maid. She was tall and slender, with her back to him. Her long silver hair draped over a black cloak reminded Willas of his mother subconsciously, but upon closer inspection, the hair color was not quite the same as his mother's...

Who is this?

A sense of curiosity rose in Willas' heart, and at the same time, as if she noticed his gaze, the woman in the black cloak suddenly turned around and looked at him.

It was a delicate yet strange face. At first glance, it looked very young and beautiful. But when I looked at it again, I seemed to see an old man who had experienced many vicissitudes of life. In the dim light, a pair of deep blue eyes seemed to be full of tough aggression, which made the brown-haired boy who had not experienced any storms nervous.

However, he was not nervous for long. The man turned around and walked away quickly, disappearing from sight in a few breaths.

"Who was that just now?" Willas looked dazed for a moment, and finally stopped the maid to ask.

"It was someone from the lady's family." The maid replied.

"My mother's relatives, why don't I know?" Willas was stunned when he heard it.


The maid looked at this blankly: "I don't know, young master, but if she is not from the lady's family, how did she enter the castle?"

Willas' heart sank when he heard it, and he hurriedly asked: "What did she say to you?"

"Ask about Lord Renly's personality, appearance, temper, and whether he has any quirks." The maid replied.

"Besides that?"

"And ask where he went."

The maid said, and asked carefully: "Did I get into trouble, young master?"

"No, maybe I didn't know someone from my mother's family was coming." Willas answered comfortingly, he didn't want to cause any panic in the castle or let some gossip spread.

The maid felt relieved after hearing this, and the brown-haired boy asked again: "Did she say what her name was?"

"No." The maid thought about it and answered, but seeing that her young master frowned, she added: "But I saw that the lady's eyes seemed to be... seemed to be purple."

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