The river named Mander River flows directly to the sea in the west and to the east into the vast land of the River Bay. The river is wide and the water flows at a moderate speed. It is the largest river in the River Bay.

The Ironmen once relied on this to take boats into the River Bay and plunder the banks of the Mander River. This trend was not curbed until the ancient River Bay royal family armed the four sea islands at the western estuary.

The four islands were later collectively called the Shield Islands. For countless years, they protected the River Bay and Highgarden from being invaded by the Ironmen. It is a major strategic location.

At dawn, before the morning light appeared, a large number of troops from Highgarden arrived at Greenshield Island, the closest to the mainland among the Shield Islands. The local ruling family, Chesta, solemnly welcomed the Duke of Mace and his party, and also prepared shelter and food.

So before dawn, the island was already noisy and noisy, with fire reaching the sky. The soldiers and knights who finally arrived at their destination were very energetic at the moment. As the leader, Mace Tyrell stood on the castle watchtower of the Chesta family and had a heated military discussion with a group of vassals around him.

Then when their meeting was over, Renly, who had taken a nap in the castle, suddenly came to the door.

Standing on the top of the watchtower, the others had already gone down the tower. The black-haired boy said to the tall Duke of Mace with a serious face: "I think my joining is completely a nuisance to you, Lord Mace."

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

The Duke of Mace, who was busy with work but was stopped by a child and was impatient, was stunned when he heard the words.

"This is obvious." Renly said while spreading his palm and turning it over to indicate.

"I'm so young, I can't stand the long journey, Brother Robert is really inconsiderate."

The boy's blunt words seemed a little dissatisfied, and the Duke who thought the same thing subconsciously nodded, then reacted and coughed dryly, and said: "Maybe His Majesty thinks that this war will not be lost, Renly, so he hopes you can learn something from it."

"But at least he should ask my personal opinion first." The boy frowned and replied. Seeing this, the Duke of Mace thought he was a little scared, so he comforted him: "Don't worry, Renly, there will be no accidents. Stay in the cabin with servants serving you, which is no different from being in Highgarden."

"No, Lord Mace."

Renly said: "I still think my existence is a trouble, so I thought of a solution."

"Solution?" The Duke of Mace was stunned again when he heard it.

"What is it?"

"Send me a merchant ship."

Renly answered with a childlike innocence: "They all say merchant ships can't participate in the war, and I see there are many such ships anchored by the island. It's better to put me on them instead of following the warships."

"Merchant ships have no resistance." After hearing this, the Duke laughed dumbly: "It's safer to be with me."

"But when the war really starts, merchant ships don't need to join the battle."

Renly looked at him hopefully and said: "You can ask this ship not to follow the army and go around near the coast. In this way, I can also participate in the war. If there is danger, we will run to the land."

"No, no." The Duke of Mace shook his head: "I can't explain to your brother if you are so perfunctory."

"Just say what I asked."

Renly said seriously: "Or I fell ill halfway and had to leave the fleet and return to land for treatment. Robert can't blame you for this, right?"

This way...

The Duke was moved by what he said.

It is inconvenient to bring a child with you during a war, and this child is the king's younger brother. If something unexpected happens, it will be troublesome.

And if we really do this, it seems to be a solution...

This child is very sensible, but his ideas are not mature.

The Duke laughed secretly and said, "I have a better suggestion, Renly."

"What is it?" The boy blinked.

"You should pretend to be sick and stay on the island. Even if you run into Lord Robert, I will have a legitimate reason to explain your absence."

"But my brother is likely to come here." Renly said embarrassedly: "I'm not really sick. When he sees me jumping around, he will be furious."

"Besides, it's not very safe here." Without waiting for the other party to answer, Renly said again: "I heard that the port of Lannister near Casterly Rock was attacked."

"If it's not safe here, then other places are even more unsafe." Lord Mace waved his hand and said: "If it's really unsafe, you can also retreat back to Highgarden. Don't worry, Renly, I will make arrangements before leaving."

This made Renly sigh, and then said: "Okay, sir, I actually want to go around, otherwise I'll be bored to death if I stay in the castle all the time."

"It's not safe to go around during the war." Lord Mace shook his head.

"It's only in the sea around a few castles along the coast. I don't think there will be any problem." Renly said, "If we really encounter the Ironmen, the worst that can happen is to run back to the land."

Does this kid really think that the Ironmen can only move on the sea?

The Duke laughed dumbly when he heard this.

"I'll think about it, Renly, and give you an answer before I leave."

"Okay." Renly sighed and said with a little disappointment, "May the warriors bless you with victory."

The Duke of Mace smiled and thanked him.

The boy then turned around and walked down the watchtower ladder. The look of disappointment on his face faded away, and he thought as he walked.

Think about it and give you an answer later... This kind of statement is basically a rejection, and Renly was actually mentally prepared for this before he spoke.

The most ideal situation is that Mace Tyrell agrees to his proposal and sends a merchant ship to resettle him, so that Renly can freely pursue his goal, but obviously the Duke is not stupid enough to send an important person to him. The guests carelessly left them aside and wandered around.

But this conversation basically achieved Renly’s purpose——

Stay on this island.

Yes, this is actually his goal, or the basic goal.

Due to the existence of the curse, Renly cannot join the large army, so this step is necessary.

But at the same time, he didn't want to give up the original purpose of going out this time -

Find out about the sea ghost Jaspie.

So he still has to find a way to escape from the island. Renly doesn't have any idea about this yet, but he feels that it is not difficult.

As for other things, such as his own safety, he was not worried at all.

On this trip, Renly was only concerned about the curse. Regarding this war, or this war taking place in the ocean, he did not think that his safety would be threatened.

In a sense, the ocean is his home field.

Here Renly was thinking about his own affairs, and over there in the island port area, a short-haired woman who was woken up and walked out of the cabin, with an impatient face, narrowed her eyes unconsciously when she saw this large group of people coming, and then if Thinking.

Thank you to book friends Heath Ice Tea, Tokisaki Love and My Favorite Rem-chan for the 500 reward. Thank you to xiaotang246, Changshan Tora and Li Ping Li 303 for the 100 reward~

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