The urgent matter that Maegor mentioned was not an important matter, but to change the shoes of an old maroon horse named Red Whirlwind——

Horse's hooves are like human nails. They are prone to splitting after being subjected to a force that they should not bear. Therefore, it is essential to nail horseshoes, which is like putting a shoe on the horse.

However, the original shoes on the hooves of this tame horse bought from Lannister Port didn't seem to fit well. After a bumpy run for a while, the horseshoes on the soles of the feet suddenly fell off, making it impossible to continue on the road, so they had to go out in broad daylight. I stopped at a roadside inn to find out if there was a horseshoe repairman nearby and to fill my stomach.

Yes, filling your stomach is actually just a way of doing it, the main purpose is to get information.

Changing horseshoes is not a job that just anyone can do and requires certain technical requirements. However, even though the location is not a crowded and prosperous place, they have also heard that there is such a master in a nearby village.

So after eating all the pies, they led their horses and hurried off in the direction they had inquired about.

The woman next to her kept yelling and cursing along the way, which probably meant that she should not let her see the horse dealer again, or else she would have to break his legs.

Renly thought that this was just a small problem and there was no need to dwell on it for so long. However, it was not incomprehensible that the other party was in a particularly bad mood since his relatives had been here in the past two days.

It's just that Renly still thinks that the other party is a fool, or a weirdo.

After meeting him along the way, he seriously suspected that the guy next to him who was cursing and swearing as he walked had his brain damaged during their martial arts competition, and that he had even done something that was inexplicable to him.

For example, she could grab a passerby and rob him when she had no money to spend, but she had to go all the way to buy some horseshoes for an old horse she bought.

For example, she could snap a forest bandit's neck without hesitation like a chicken's, but she was seriously dissatisfied with Renly's behavior of digging out bird's nests in the trees to improve his food.

For another example, it was obvious that she had obtained money through robbery very quickly and had a lot of savings, but the money she robbed was so valuable that she wanted to break a copper coin into two petals and spend it on the food. She is as stingy as a fussy little old lady. If it weren't for safety reasons, she might have asked the two of them to sleep in wild hedges like those poor mercenary knights instead of sleeping in a hotel room...

Renly was really surprised by this. He felt that this kind of normal character was nothing. A guy who came from a royal family, had no worries about food and clothing since he was a child, and even became a king for a few days, he couldn't be so stingy, right?

However, she is indeed so stingy, and I don't know whether it is her original personality, or whether she was stimulated to become like this after becoming a woman.

But in general, the two of them got along quite happily along the way, and there was no conflict. On the one hand, Renly was usually very honest, and on the other hand, the other party had a weird personality, but his temper could not be called good. How violent.

In other words, she is indeed irritable and impatient, and she also has an unscrupulous temper that does whatever she wants, but these are very different from various records in history.

It may be that the female body has made her a lot gentler, or it may be that she came to the "modern" just after being crowned and has not experienced many things later, and even the character of the tyrant has not been fully "formed".

But all this did not make Renly forget the identity of the two of them, nor could he ignore the current route they were taking. Now he had basically "emptied out" everything that the other party knew he was interested in, but he had not yet escaped. There is only one reason——

That sea ghost.

Although Renly felt that he had touched this mark of chaos, he was still confused about one thing, that is, the world behind the door should be the world he experienced in his second copy. Why did he go there in the first place? Will people in the dungeon also appear here?

Could it be that Jaspie, like the followers of the Sons of the Drowned God, were all part of the second copy?

This is possible, after all, in a sense, they are all the same world.

But Renly wasn't sure about this. At the same time, escaping on land was very inconvenient, so he wasn't completely sure.

So he has been following the female kidnapper honestly, and is going to try his luck in the sea area to see if he can meet the sea ghost. If he can, it is best. If not, it will be easier to escape...

"Hey kid, what are you thinking about?"

The words coming from beside him interrupted the random thoughts in the boy's mind. He looked sideways and saw that the silver-haired "man" leading the horse had handed the horse rope to a rickety old man wearing an apron, and he came to the farmhouse. Renly was staring at Renly suspiciously from the corner of the courtyard.

By this time they had arrived at the place where horseshoes were changed.

"I was thinking about what I heard in the hotel before." Ren Li replied smoothly, secretly guessing whether the other party had awakened a woman's sixth sense. Why was it suddenly so sharp?

"The ghost of the Son of the Forest in Red Lake?" the silver-haired "man" asked with an eyebrow raised.

"No, it's that Lannister idiot who calls out his ancestors."

The boy brought up a very obvious topic: "People from your world keep coming here. If the number is small, it doesn't matter, but if the number is large - think about it, a noble man with a noble birth and all kinds of rights They instantly became paupers with nothing and no identity... Would they be willing to be farmers, servants, mercenaries, or even robbers and bandits? "

"Who would be willing?"

The other party sneered at the words: "I asked you to change from a king to a beggar to beg for food, would you be willing?"

Ren Li shrugged his shoulders and did not respond, because the question already had an answer, and the answer was the "man" opposite who sneered at Ren Li's words.

Chaos is a ladder.

He thought of a famous saying about this world in his previous life.

If you are unwilling, you must fight, usurp, or even make trouble, but this situation is bound to impact the existing ruling class in Westeros...

I don't know how effective this impact will be. Ren Li pondered secretly.

The class order in this world is quite stable. The history of many lords' families is measured in thousands of years. It is rumored that the Stark family in the North has existed for nine thousand years...It's scary to think about it.


After waiting here for most of the day, the sky was approaching dusk. Finally, they led the old chestnut horse with a new "shoe" back to the previous inn, ready to stay here for one night and continue their journey tomorrow morning.

It was just a short time before they regretted this decision.

It was dark, and just as the two were having dinner on the first floor of the hotel, a group of armed men suddenly kicked the door and walked in.

Then, the hotel owner's terrified cry suddenly rang out.

"Ironmen? You-ah!"

The last word was a shrill scream, and then shouts and screams broke out in this wild hotel on the edge of the forest, and the smell of blood gradually spread.

Thank you kylin virus book friend for the 500 reward, thank you xiaotang246 book friend and book friend 20170927151614250 for the 100 reward~

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