The screams were left behind as they ran quickly. The people who were chatting in the hotel were either screaming and running away or howling in anger. A large group of leather-armored ironmen holding axes, bows and arrows suddenly rushed in from outside the door, and then inexplicably The killing started.

Those who were looking for weapons, those who were wearing armor, those who were hiding under tables, and those who were escaping upstairs. They came so suddenly that everyone was caught off guard.

The owner of the hotel here obviously didn't lie when he said it before. There was indeed a group of ironmen in the woods outside the hotel, but he didn't seem to expect that the group of ironmen would suddenly rush into his home. So when the killing occurred, he was the first to be killed. An ax wiped away half of the head.

In such a chaotic situation, the two people sitting in the back seat, one large and one small, were running away towards the second and third floors of the hotel. Because the boy's legs were short, he was suddenly picked up and held on his shoulders. The big man The woman quickly climbed the wooden stairs with a tense expression, and the jolts made Renly feel sick.

Fortunately, the wooden staircase of the three-story hotel was not as long as the castle tower. After a while, they reached the top floor of the hotel and rushed into an open room.

There was a sleepy-eyed middle-aged businessman in the room at this time. When he saw a man with a child breaking in outside the room, he hurriedly asked.

"Friend, what's going on outside?"

Maegor did not answer, but punched the opponent to the ground, and then kicked him unconscious. After a series of actions, he put Renly down.

"Hide here for now, I'll find a way to break out." She said.

"Aren't you going to give me to the Ironborn?" Renly reminded the other person "kindly": "There is a group of people outside right now."

"Shut up, kid, now is not the time to joke!"

The other party glared at the boy, then closed the door tightly and locked it from the inside.

The sudden group of attackers outside were large in number, and they also had bows and arrows. She was not sure of breaking through, let alone carrying a burden. At the same time, although she had the idea of ​​​​trading with the Ironborn, she did not want to talk to those guys who only knew how to follow orders. Moreover, if she contacted them without any preparation, it would be uncertain whether they would trade or be robbed.

Renly on the side remained calm, as if he was not afraid that the current danger would endanger his own safety. The main reason was that his identity was a "protective umbrella". No matter who was in the hands, he could not be killed casually. .

And even if those ironmen captured him, wouldn't they still have to go back to the sea? The difference between him and the person next to him is just relative familiarity and unfamiliarity.

However, Renly did not wait and do nothing. He glanced around and found that the house he was in was a square wooden room. The log beams above his head were simple and dirty, and the corners of the wooden floor were paved with straw mats. It was a bed, and there was no furniture. There was only a narrow curtained window on the innermost wall, and now the curtain was rippling slightly with the breeze blowing outside the window.

After squinting his eyes, Renly turned his head and looked at Maegor.

"What's your plan?"

"Wait until the group of people go upstairs and disperse." The woman replied, "I will break out."

"You're not wearing armor."

Renly reminded her: "And it's different from the last time you captured me. There are no hostages for you to threaten them now."

"A bunch of bastards can't do anything to me." His unruly voice was full of arrogance, but Renly didn't comment.

In addition to being good at naval battles, the people of the Iron Islands are also famous for their personal strength in the Seven Kingdoms. Without others, the folk customs are like this. The living environment of the Ironmen has been very cruel since they were young. It is said that the women there are very cruel during the war. Can wield an ax to defend against foreign enemies.

"I have a proposal." Listening to the increasingly loud screams and wailing outside the door, Renly said: "This window is so small, even if they surround the place, they can't guard it. I plan to follow this window Climb out, hide here first, and then look for opportunities to break out, and we will meet in the stable."

"You want to take the opportunity to escape?" The other party looked at him suspiciously.

"Where can I run in this situation?"

Renly asked back: "Or are you sure you can break out of the encirclement with me as a burden?"

"That's not okay, I think-" the other party said, but her words stopped, because she obviously heard the sound of killing approaching the corridor outside the door, so she changed the subject and gritted her teeth: "That's it, kid. ! But I have to remind you that you are too young to escape on your own."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and stared at the door. Renly didn't hesitate at all, turned around and ran quickly towards the unblocked window.

The dirty curtain seemed a little sticky when picked up. After opening it, I looked outside to see. The dim moonlight shrouded the backyard of the hotel. The night breeze was gentle, the weeds were swaying, and the many clothes drying on the clothesline were full of life. The smell, but everything that happened in the hotel obviously didn't smell of peace at all.

There were two strong ironmen wearing rusty silver mail and standing on the door handle holding blood-stained axes. There were several corpses at their feet, but other than that, they didn't see anyone else outside. People exist.

However, the two gatekeepers were not staring above their heads at this time, but looking inside the door. They were obviously paying attention to whether anyone ran out from the door and used it as a breakthrough, but they did not think about the narrow window at all. A child will emerge from it.

In fact, the small window on the third floor of the hotel was a difficulty even for children. The forceful movement of squeezing it out made Renly's face turn red, but fortunately, he managed to climb out without making much noise.

He carefully stepped on a protruding log outside the window, looked at the two people who were unaware of this not far below, took a deep breath, and then moved slowly with his back against the building.

Although his young age limited his strength, it also made him light and agile. At the same time, his special bloodline also gave him much more strength than normal children. So although the surface of this building was not full of stepping stones like a certain game in his memory, he still gradually moved away from the sight of the two ironmen guarding the back door below.

His tense nerves made him extremely focused. He followed the window parallel to one similar window sill and wooden sill after another, and finally turned a corner dangerously, and he completely left the backyard area of ​​the hotel and came to the side.

The various panicked sounds inside the building behind were very obvious, including women's screams, children's cries, adults' roars and screams, and the ironmen's grim laughter when they killed...

All the sounds eventually disappeared quickly as the black-haired boy jumped off the building. He landed nimbly on the top of a mud wall, then ran a few steps on the wall while maintaining balance, and finally jumped down along the corner into another yard.

This is a backyard next to the hotel building, where the stable is located. The shouts and killings behind are so weak at this time, but the neighing and panting of horses can be heard faintly. Looking around, the long thatched roof building is at the end of the yard, which is the main body of the stable.

However, when Renly rushed in from the back door of the stable, he suddenly found that there were two young ironmen inside!

When Renly ran in, the two of them also looked over.

It will be on the shelves tomorrow

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