A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 150: Remarks on the release (with update time)

It’s been almost three months since I wrote it, and it’s finally on the shelves.

The first thing I felt was that it was a bit hard. After all, people put it on the shelves for 200,000 yuan, or even put it on the shelves for less than 200,000 words. It took me 400,000 words to reach this goal.

But then I thought about it, my last book seemed to have 367,000 words on the shelves, and I felt that this might still be my problem...

In fact, I didn’t want to write this book at first, because the movement in July was a bit big and the impact was wide-ranging, so it felt very dangerous to write a fanfic.

However, I thought later that I couldn’t prepare for this in vain, and since I had already promised in Laoshu that I would start writing a fanfic later, I gritted my teeth and started writing this, which may also be my last fanfic.

In fact, the desire to write this book is actually very simple. It is to make up for some regrets of the previous book. I also wrote about Game of Thrones in the previous book, but the writing was always the kind of floating at the top, and it did not integrate into West at all. In the world of Luo.

Therefore, the identity I set for the protagonist in this book is a soul-transportation rather than a physical body. At the same time, I wanted to write about the growth, education, and experience of a noble child from childhood to adulthood, so the age was set relatively young, and at the same time, I didn’t want to write about someone who came from a subordinate lord family and was loyal to others, so I raised this identity to the top.

Thinking about it now, this decision really made me feel uncomfortable. Some of the highlights that should have been at the top of my status were suppressed to the minimum due to the age limit. At the same time, the status brought by the high status would not allow anyone to come up to find trouble for no reason. So the book looks very bland in many places, but this also has a lot to do with my personal writing techniques.

It seems that I had a problem with my last book, that is, I didn’t know how to write in detail. I even had to take a close look at something when I grasped it. I always felt that if I didn’t write this, it would be impossible, and if I didn’t write that, there would be something missing... But in fact After I finished writing, I found that some things were unnecessary to write, and instead slowed down the pace. I hope I can improve this in the future.

Then let me talk about the key points. Today’s update plan is for nine chapters. After publishing, I will scan the webpage to re-check and refine it, so I will not publish them all at once. I will publish them one after another in the afternoon. The best time to watch them is It must be night.

Originally I planned to have ten chapters, but recent dental problems have caused me to suffer from severe procrastination, so I didn’t save that much. Think about it, nine times out of ten, ten updates and ten updates are so vulgar, and how can things be perfect? You think so, ahem.

At the same time, I have to mention piracy. I do not reject piracy, because when I had no money, I also watched piracy. Later, I gradually became more serious after working, but I still hope that friends who have the conditions can come to Qidian to support it. It must be genuine, I dare not say anything else. The genuine experience of this book is definitely better than the pirated version, because I will refine it again after publishing, while the pirated version is only the first draft.

Of course, to be honest, the refinement is only about the text. What the plot looks like is a matter of reading experience.

Friends who have followed the last book should know that I have had this habit for a long time. I did not mean to write it badly, but I refined it again based on the final draft. I hope this can give readers who support the genuine version a better reading experience, instead of spending money but feeling no difference.

Not much to say, it’s on the shelves today, thanks to the Qidian platform, my old editor Yuanzheng, my new editor Lu Ming, the behind-the-scenes staff of Qidian, and those who should be thanked.

The most important thing is, thank you, thank you to those who liked this book in the past, who like this book now, and who will like this book in the future.

thank you all!

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