Chapter 153 Unstable Factors (39)

"Brother Balon thought that there would not be many lords in this green land who would respond to the call of the usurper. Who would have thought that he would have such prestige? Alas..."

"But it doesn't matter. The key to a war at sea is not the number of people. My brother Victarion set fire to the Lion's ship a while ago, and now I - hiccups - now I -"


The first sentence seemed lost, but the second sentence became high-spirited. Under the bright moon and sparse stars, a group of ironmen sat around a campfire in the forest. The black-haired young man in the lead seemed to be a little drunk, so much so that his tongue was tied while he spoke.

"Now that I have captured the Highgarden heir, I will use him to threaten Mace Tyrell. Let's see if he dares to go against us!"

"That's right, Chief Aeron, you have done a great deed!"

"What do you mean by me - mine? It's us! We have done a great deed!"

"Hahaha -"


Over there, more than 20 ironborn gathered together to eat and drink the looted food, while here two captives were tied under two oak trees and were exposed to the cold wind. Shrouded in dim light, the silver-haired woman not far away kept struggling to break free from the ropes on her body, but the previous injuries made her physically weak, and the ironborn's binding skills were also very superb, so she struggled for a long time but to no avail.

"Sly boy, if I get the chance, I will kick you to death!" She finally glared at the boy under another tree not far away.

"Forget it, you'd better pray that no drunk ironborn will come to you later." The boy answered absent-mindedly.

He was very depressed because he failed to escape in the stables of the inn. Although his life was not in danger, his situation was not very good. Renly had no mood to talk to the dead demon beside him.

"You deceived me so badly, don't even think about letting me forget this!"

"Then how are you going to repay me for helping you out?" the boy asked, and the other party fell silent.

Renly claimed that she was indeed a hired kidnapper, and her route was always towards the Iron Islands, so the half-believing and half-doubting Ironmen finally suppressed the plan to deal with "Tyanna" on the spot, and instead prepared to wait until they returned to the Iron Islands to find out the reason.

Of course, the premise of saying this is that Renly's identity is confirmed.

In fact, no one can be completely sure about this, but no one dares to deny it either.

Renly's understanding of Highgarden and the Tyrell family made him respond without any mistakes under the continuous questioning. At the same time, he also knew that the real Willas Tyrell had never been to sea, and it was naturally impossible for the Ironmen to know his appearance.

In addition, Renly also knew the number of troops dispatched by Highgarden this time, which nobles were there, everything about Greenshield Island when it set sail, the causes and consequences of how it was plundered, and a lot of knowledge that a nobleman must have.

These will not have any impact on the war situation, but they are enough to make his identity clearer.

So although they are not 100% sure, the Ironmen did not doubt it too much. Even after the boy's identity was "exposed", these guys were ready to give up their original mission and decided to return to the Iron Islands immediately with him, an important captive.

This is a normal reaction, because if the boy's identity is true, it will inevitably have a crucial impact on the entire war-

There are not many naval forces in the Seven Kingdoms, and there are only a few of them. The largest of them is the fleet of the Redwyne family on the Arbor Island in the River Bay, which is also the main enemy of the Ironmen in this war.

In the past, the fleet of the Lannister family was also large, but the raid of the Ironmen basically abolished this fleet.

In addition, there are only some scattered warships that are pieced together, and the new royal fleet that Stannis Baratheon once formed to deal with the Targaryen fleet, but that fleet was formed not long ago and is not large in scale.

This is also an important reason for the Iron Islands to launch a rebellion. Otherwise, if the navy of Westeros is really strong, how could they rashly launch a war between the islands and the mainland based on the assumption that the new king's appeal is not strong?

That is simply a suicidal act.

So, if the heir of Highgarden can be used to contain the fleet of the Redwyne family, then the balance of victory in this war will inevitably tilt towards the Iron Islands.

Of course, this is the most ideal situation. There will definitely be many unsatisfactory aspects in the actual operation, but even so, it is enough to make this group of iron people excited.

"Do you have any ideas, boy!?"

A group of people over there cheered and celebrated, and the woman here asked again in a low voice.

"I'm still a child." Renly sighed, "What ideas can I have?"

"You are not a simple child." The other party snorted coldly when he heard it.

"It's rare to see a child as cunning as you."

"If I wasn't a little more cunning, you would have been killed by them long ago." Renly "reminded" him, and the other party fell silent again.

The boy didn't pay much attention to it, because the conversation of the group of people not far away attracted his attention.

"Brother's cooperation with that group of people will not last long." The leading ironman named Aeron was a little unrestrained after drinking too much, and his words became more and more unscrupulous.

"They said that the Greyjoys killed their son of the Drowned God, so they wanted to kill us all, haha, son of the Drowned God... I really hope that was me."

"The guy who killed the son of the Drowned God has been dead for more than two hundred years." An ironman reminded the other party.

"Don't they claim that they were sent to us by the Drowned God more than two hundred years ago?" The old ironborn who captured Maegor continued: "I don't think those people are simple."

"It's just to fool people."

The leader, Aeron Greyjoy, sneered: "If those guys don't say that, how can they get the support of those idiots? They are pretending to be gods... Let me tell you, the Son of the Drowned God they talk about is probably a liar."

"Of course he is a liar. Would the son of a god be beheaded by people like us?"

Renly, who had a loud voice and good ears, heard a lot of information that was useful to him. For example, he was now very sure about the origins of the aliens in the archipelago. For example, the internal situation in the Iron Islands did not seem to be so stable.

For example, the black-haired Aeron who claims to be from the Greyjoy family seems to be a complete idiot, and this can obviously be exploited...

After just thinking about it, Renly did not think deeply about this situation.

He has decided to find an opportunity to jump into the sea and escape as soon as he reaches the sea. Whether the other party is stupid or not has nothing to do with him.

That's right, just run away.

Although there was no danger to his life, he noticed that there was an obvious difference between the Ironborn and the female robbers around him, that is, they were very addicted to alcohol, and they lost their temper after drinking.

Nothing can be seen at this time, but if these people get drunk on the way, who knows if they will do something extraordinary?

Renly didn't dare leave his fate in the hands of a group of unpredictable and unstable people, so he prepared to make a decisive escape.

As for going to the sea to look for the sea ghost, he simply gave up——

Although the original goal was this, the understanding along the way has relieved many of Renly's doubts. It is a pity not to find the sea ghost, but it is only a pity.

Besides, he can talk about it later when he has a chance.

However, Renly planned to give up this original goal, but the target came to the door shortly after.

Because they were not sure whether the silver-haired woman was an enemy or a friend, the ironmen did not cause any trouble that night. In other words, none of them who decided to return actually drank too much (except for the leader). After all, they were in the enemy's territory. People will be truly reassured.

Early the next morning, they set off early, and for a period of time they continued on the road. Finally, the ironmen took the captives to a seaside cliff, took out several small boats, and began paddling towards the depths of the sea.

However, on the afternoon of their voyage, a wet, rotting corpse suddenly emerged from the surface of the ocean.

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