A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 154 Jasper of Baiou Village (4/9)

Chapter 154 Jaspie of White Gull Village (49)

Under the still bright sunshine, a rotting body covered in slimy green weeds and wriggling maggots slowly floated out from the sea, blocking the path of the Ironborn boat.

An ironman who was rowing at the bow of the ship first discovered it. At first he thought it was just a dead body floating from nowhere, but when he raised the wooden oar to pull it away, he found that it was lying on the ground. On the sea, the mud-like face of the dead man suddenly moved a little, then suddenly opened his eyes, turned his head, and looked at himself with his empty, black eyes without eyeballs!


The sudden fright made the paddler's face turn pale instantly, and the wooden paddle in his hand was used as a weapon by him and slammed into the rotten cheek. However, not only did the opponent not suffer any damage, but instead grinned.

Seeing this, the oarsman turned around and ran away without hesitation.

But the boat wasn't very big, and there were many people sitting on it. He didn't move even two steps when he was stopped by Aeron Greyjoy who stood up after hearing the sound.

"Mulder, why are you crazy?"

"Dead people - dead people - there are -" the oarsman responded tremblingly, but before he could finish his words, another scream suddenly erupted from behind, and he saw someone on another boat not far away. One of the oarsmen also saw this, with a look of horror on his face.

Their reaction attracted the attention of all the ironmen on the three boats. They all temporarily put down their work and ran to take a look, and then the sounds of gasping for air were heard one after another.

The strong sunlight shrouded the top of the head, but it could not dispel the sudden coldness in the bottom of my heart. Although the ironmen each had a fierce and bloodthirsty temperament, that was only for the same kind. Facing those who were obviously dead and could no longer die, their faces They all broke into cold sweats and were so frightened that they didn't even dare to take a breath.

"Slow, slow down, let's leave quietly, yes, quietly, don't disturb it..."

The leader, Aeron, whispered instructions and swallowed as he spoke. The others nodded hurriedly in agreement, and then one by one began to paddle stealthily and hastily.

The three boats slowly sailed away from the sea where the corpse was floating. Everyone rowed fearfully while staring at the motionless corpse, fearing that it would suddenly burst into trouble.

Fortunately, they didn't encounter any sudden accidents until they could no longer see the dead body behind them.

One oarsman breathed a sigh of relief and said happily to his companions: "Bless the Drowned God, fortunately we--"

Before he finished speaking, he noticed that his companion's eyes suddenly widened, looking behind him as if full of fear. At the same time, bursts of sour and rotten smell gradually drifted from behind, which made the oarsman's heart skip a beat. , and then slowly turned his head to look.

He saw a face full of death, now grinning at him.

"Go to hell!"

The roar that was born at the bow of the ship was accompanied by a sound like an ax chopping wood. The two prisoners who were tied to the stern of the ship looked intently. The ferocious ironman with a big bald head was currently holding a short ax and moving towards A strange figure sitting on his knees in front of him was slashing and kicking him, angrily shouting some inaudible words while slashing.

His ax was very sharp. After a few chops, he chopped off the head of the strange figure. However, this did not seem to affect the "life" of the thing. After the head fell off, the figure stretched out his hands to kill it. It took it and held it, and then the head in its hand grinned at the bald ironman.

This seemed to directly make the ironman collapse. After trembling all over, the ax fell from his hand unconsciously. Then he screamed and turned around, leaping back into the sea with a pop.

The other people on the boat stared at all this, and the ironmen on the other two boats had the same expression. At this moment, no one dared to move at all, but the smell of urine gradually spread.

Until the headless rotting corpse slowly "spoke" and said a word.

"Excuse me, how to get to Baiou Village?"

The hole-like mouth on the head in his hand opened and closed, making a sound like a sea monster breathing.

"The Drowned God, save me!" After hearing this, an Ironborn screamed and imitated his previous companions, turning around and jumping into the sea. Seeing this, everyone else on the boat also jumped into the sea without hesitation. For a while, water splashed everywhere and there was a continuous popping sound. In the end, only the leader, Aeron, remained at the stern of the ship to guard the two important prisoners, trembling in response to the headless corpse stepping forward with a pale face.

"No, I don't know! Go away, we don't know anything!"

"have no idea?"

"Yes, I don't know, I don't know, we all-" Elen replied tremblingly, but before he finished speaking, a childish voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Excuse me, do you know Hal?"

The intrusion of this voice made Aeron's heart skip a beat, but he did not dare to look back. He could not help but cursed the troublemaker in his heart. However, what happened next made him unconsciously stunned.

I saw the stinking headless corpse in front of me. After hearing the boy's words, I "turned" my head with my hands to look at him. A faint blue light seemed to flash in his empty eyes.


"That's right." The boy's voice continued to sound. Even though it sounded so childish, Aeron's racing heart suddenly calmed down a lot.

"The Hal who lives in the same village as you went out to fight together. Do you know him?"

The headless corpse was silent after hearing this, and seemed to think about it. Then the head in his hands said hoarsely: "Of course, of course I know him. He was sent to the Flowing Water Palace by the great King Rhodes himself. I really envy him for having such a good life."

The information contained in the words made the boy understand - it was obvious that the channel on the wrist was only connected to the world where Raya was, and the other party was just Jaspi in that timeline.

But at the same time, he also had another doubt.

"What about you? How did you die? Storm?"

"The God of Storms can't do anything to the real iron race."

The headless corpse laughed, and the mouth of the head in his hands opened and closed, and several maggots splashed out and fell on the chest of Iren opposite, and kept squirming. However, Iren did not dare to act rashly, but stood there stupidly, pretending that he did not exist.

The people on the other two ships around also looked at all this stupidly - the boy who was surprisingly brave, and the terrifying existence who could have a normal conversation. Listening to their conversation, the fear in their hearts unconsciously dissipated a lot.

"Who killed you?" the boy continued to ask.

"Who killed me? It was a madman, a madman in a white robe..." The headless corpse hesitated, and the "expression" on his face suddenly became very nervous, and even a piece of eroded skin fell off.

"Oh, that's too scary, I don't want to - I must forget her! That's right, I don't know anything, I don't know anything - child, child! Do you know how to get to White Gull Village? Do you know? You should know, right?"

At the end of the words, it changed the subject, but compared to the initial question, he seemed a little nervous now.

"On the west coast of Old Wyke Island, south of the Stone Fort, just keep going." The boy replied: "It's not easy to find. You asked for so long and no one told you, maybe it doesn't exist anymore."

"No longer exists?" This made the headless corpse's voice suddenly rise a lot, and even the iron people who were listening around him all raised their hearts to their throats again, but then they saw this terrifying existence sighed and his voice became depressed.

"Yes, more than two hundred years have passed in a flash, and the White Gull Village no longer exists..."

For some reason, it seemed to have changed from a terrifying and mysterious ghost to a bored old man in an instant. The head held in his hands was lifted up and put back on his neck at this time. After twisting it, the thing was magically inserted back.

"I actually knew it a long time ago, I just hope someone can still remember it..." He looked at Renly with his empty eyes, and after a while, he said the last sentence slowly.

"Child, I smell the anger of the God of Storms, you'd better leave as soon as possible, yes, as soon as possible..."

A wave surged here, completely soaking the entire boat, and then when the waves subsided, the monster had disappeared.

The tide was filled, the words ended, and the tense atmosphere dissipated, but no one spoke. The iron people who jumped into the sea and ran to the other two ships looked at each other, and finally all looked at the black-haired boy on the empty boat.

Aeron Greyjoy, who was closest, also turned to look at the boy leaning against the stern, with lingering fear and full of suspicion.

"Boy, how do you know those things?" His voice was still trembling.

"I read it in a book."

The boy replied: "Hal and Jasper of Gull Village are two iron pirates from Old Wyk Island. Their ships sailed to all places in the known world, plundered countless treasures, and finally buried them all on an unknown island."

"That's it?" Aeron asked in disbelief.

"Yes," the boy nodded seriously: "I originally thought that someone made up this story, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Where is that island?" The bald iron man who swam back because the monster disappeared approached and asked, the fear on his face basically subsided, but a hint of greed emerged faintly.

"I don't know, I feel that he may tell me next time I see him."

Renly answered with a blink of his eyes.

"Does the White Gull Village you mentioned really exist?" another Ironborn who swam back asked hurriedly, "It seems to be not far from my home."

"That's what the book says, but I don't know if it exists or not, and I haven't been to the Iron Islands."

"You...you're not afraid at all?" The gray-haired old Ironborn asked with narrowed eyes.

"I've heard of it."

The boy replied, "Many merchant ships have encountered this Jasper, but it never hurts anyone."

"Heard of it? Why didn't you say it earlier!?"

"No one of you wants to listen to what I say..."


The matter was eventually left unresolved.

After draining out the story that Renly "knew", the Ironborn no longer paid attention to this brave child, and instead began to discuss the dead man just now. Each of them was still frightened and surprised, as if the door to a new world had been opened.

Only the silver-haired woman beside him looked at Renly with suspicion, thinking that he was lying.

After all, as a figure from more than 200 years ago, she had never heard of things like Hal and Jasper, pirates and treasures.

But she was shocked by the fact that the dead man could speak and seemed to be able to control the sea water. She even thought of her own gender issue, so she didn't think much about it and became a little distraught.

Brenley also ignored what the people around him thought of him. Thinking back to what the sea ghost said, his mind was very confused at this time.

The madman in white robes, killed her.

With such obvious characteristics, he couldn't help but think of what it was. However, if it was really like this, she killed someone, then the so-called right path...

Although he had guessed it before, being "confirmed" at this time still made Renley feel like a big stone was pressing on his heart.

The boy's face became a little uncertain because of this. Finally, he looked up at the sky. The cloudless sky didn't show the existence of the God of Storms at all.

But since the monster said so...

Brenley narrowed his eyes.

Originally, there was a dagger hidden in his sleeve, which he was going to use to cut the rope at night, but now he was in a bad mood, so he had a better idea.

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