After the faint murmur of mosquitoes and flies, the stone room in the tower fell into silence.

Looking at the silent woman with closed eyes on the bed, Renly seemed to be in a trance as if he had not yet reacted, hoping that she might have fainted again or fallen asleep.

But the feedback from the psychic language made his heart sink to the bottom -

No feedback.

He raised his hand carefully to test her nose, and also did not feel any breathing, which made him inexplicably feel absurd.

"Did she die just like that?"

Thinking back to the last words left by this person, he was even a little confused at this time.

How could she die so easily?

Didn't the maester say that he would die after he was crazy at night?

He should still have time...

But he died just with a slight scratch?

Obviously Renly couldn't understand all this. He also didn't know that this seemingly normal woman was actually very old and her body functions were extremely weak. It was already very difficult to chase her around the world, not to mention the erosion of some special toxins.

But Renly didn't want to accept this result at all. After staring blankly for a while, he gritted his teeth and suddenly wrapped the woman on the bed tightly with the blanket under her body, then carried her and turned around to run outside.

Rhaenys's body was very light, not the kind of lightness, but the kind of loose bones and muscles like an old man. And Renly's strength was not weaker than that of an ordinary adult, so he ran very fast.

It was just a child under seven years old holding an adult. This situation looked very discordant, so much so that the two guards outside the door were even a little scared when they saw it, so they hurriedly followed and helped.

They didn't notice that the person wrapped in the quilt had quietly changed his face, nor did they notice that the person had stopped breathing, because Renly kept urging them to hurry up and take him to the cathedral in the castle.

Why go to the cathedral?

The two guards were a little puzzled, but obviously no one would give them an explanation.

Many people hurried along the way, and they were quite surprised, but they also avoided the poisoned person in a panic. The butler who met him halfway didn't hide, but respectfully claimed that Lord Frey invited him to participate in the welcome banquet in the evening. Renly responded that he would wait for him to come out.

Then he entered the cathedral.

"What are you going to the cathedral for?" The butler was quite surprised by this, thinking that he hoped that the monks' prayers could save the life of the poisoned person?

But then he heard a conversation coming from the sanctuary. Not long after, the thin monk from the Twins reluctantly followed the two guards and pushed the door out. Facing the steward's puzzled eyes, he shook his sleeves and said in a complicated tone: "The little duke wants to stay alone in there to pray. I think it will be dangerous, but he insists on doing so - I hope the gods will bless him."

The steward was a little speechless about this, and then turned around and ran towards the hall without thinking, ready to report the matter.

Ren Li in the sanctuary didn't care about the outside world's reaction at this time. After "driving out" the monk and the two guards who escorted him, he directly locked the door of the sanctuary and came to the bottom of one of the seven statues deep in the sanctuary.

The gods of the Seven Gods Church have seven faces in one, and one god has seven images, so there are seven stone statues standing deep in the dimly lit stone building here. Each statue is built majestically and sacredly, and there are more or less candles on the altar in front of them.

These are the candles that the Frey family members and their servants brought when they came to pray in the castle. There are the most candles in front of the statue of the Virgin Mary, which means that the most people have prayed to the Virgin Mary recently. There is no candle under the statue of the Stranger in the corner.

At this time, under the statue of a warrior in full armor that Renly is facing, there are more than ten candles.

In the quiet environment, some of these candles are burning in a trance, while others have long been extinguished. The dim light shines on Renly under the altar and Rhaenys who is lying quietly in front of Renly, which seems a bit gloomy.

However, Renly did not pay attention to the environment here. He looked down at the motionless woman in front of him and pursed his lips.

He could not solve death, but he remembered correctly that there is such a thing as resurrection in this world. In his previous life memory, one of the protagonists of this world was resurrected by a red-robed woman.

Renly knows the red-robed woman, or knows some general information about the red-robed clergy. It is a special dress for priests of a sect that believes in the Lord of Light outside Westeros.

The belief in the Lord of Light is not popular in Westeros. Even in the nearly seven years he has lived here, he has only seen a drunkard-like red-robed monk at his brother's wedding. That person was a clergyman who came to Westeros to preach. As a result, he became good friends with Robert because he could drink and fight.

There is only one person in the huge King's Landing. It is naturally impossible for the Lord of Light to be worshipped in the Twins. But the foreign Lord of Light can resurrect the dead, so can't the local Seven Gods?

Renly is not sure about this. Unlike the Lord of Light, the Seven Gods have never shown miracles, but he does not think that the Seven Gods are false gods, because the characteristics of the sons of warriors on their bodies have proved that the Seven Gods also exist and have power.

Since they exist, can they be communicated with?

Can people be resurrected?

Renly is not sure, but when something unexpected happens, he decides to give it a try.

An ordinary person would probably not have any effective method for this, but he is different. He will not ignore that there is another "god" in his wrist at this time. Although it is somewhat useless, it is still a god!

What happens when a god breaks into the realm of another god?

With this idea in mind, Renly came here. After taking a deep breath, he started taking action directly.

It just seemed a little taken for granted, because after he dug out the blue flames on his wrist, the surrounding environment did not change. It was still quiet and dim, without any abnormality.

He frowned at this, but did not give up. Instead, he stood in front of Rhaenys's body, standing under the warrior statue of one of the Seven Gods, with his fingers raised and his eyes fixed on the burning fingertips. Blue "candlelight" murmured a simple but not simple sentence to it——

"May the warrior bless you."

As he finished speaking, the blue candle on his fingertips swayed momentarily, but nothing else happened. Seeing this, Renly was silent for a moment, then read the second sentence.

"May the warrior bless you."

The candlelight was still swaying, and there was no special phenomenon.

But as he said "prayer" one after another, its shaking became more and more obvious, and there seemed to be invisible fluctuations spreading. At the same time, above the warrior statue that Renly was paying attention to, the stone covered by the "helmet" The cheeks seemed to start to sparkle.

He was inspired by this, so he just stood there and kept chanting.

"Run to the church to pray?"

In the dim hall on the other side, the bald old man sitting on a high-backed black oak chair was speechless after hearing the butler's report.

"He's pious, but he's an idiot. Originally, I was thinking about marrying that guy a daughter, but now it seems I'd better forget it."

"Do you want to send soldiers to keep an eye on it?" the fat butler asked.

"Does this need to be said?"

The bald old man glanced at him.

"That's a good treasure made of precious stones. If we break it, hey, our good king will be in trouble."

Then he waved his hand, indicating that that was the matter.

Seeing this, the butler opened his mouth to report the second matter.

"Patrick Mallister, the heir to Seaside City, came to us for help. He claimed that the Ironborn attack was too crazy and Seaside City was about to fall."

"Patrick?" The old man sitting in the chair smacked his mouth again after hearing this.

"That boy is good, yes, but I heard that he hasn't been engaged yet?" He asked rhetorically, but the old man continued without waiting for the answer: "Tell him that we can choose any daughter from our Frey family for him. What about support?" We’ll talk about it after we’ve picked it up, that’s right, we’ll talk about it after we’ve picked it up.”

The fat butler was a confidant of the old Marquis Frey. Hearing this, he felt relieved, and then whispered: "In this way, he may wait for King Robert to support him, or wait for the Tullys of Riverrun to arrive."

"Waiting for support?"

Marquis Frey chuckled when he heard this: "At that time, his mother had been slept with by the Ironborn for several days. No, no, he knew it."

The butler nodded when he heard this, and then asked in a smaller voice: "What about the Ironborn?"

"No matter what, we have to let them hold on until that kid agrees to our matter. Now, it's time to give information, give information, and give money." The old Marquis said with a straight face: "Be careful, don't be discovered. Here.”

"Then Euron Greyjoy is not easy to deal with, and he may take money without doing anything - I heard that the Iron Islands have urged him to go back."

"He has ambitions, and those with ambitions are easy to deal with." The old Marquis said: "Hey, after delaying for so long, do you really think he can return to the Iron Islands and wait to be beheaded?"

After the words fell, he waved his hand and changed the subject without waiting for the butler to continue speaking.

"Have you asked the maester to write a letter about this Renly?"

"A raven has been sent to contact the king." The butler smiled after hearing this: "This opportunity is not bad. Originally, we were not very popular with the king, but now we can take some credit."


The old Marquis sneered when he heard this: "When have we ever been pleased by being Frey? Those gang of sub-lords all claim that their families have thousands of years of history and are very noble, but what's the result? We can suppress them even after six hundred years. Well, who wouldn’t be jealous?”

Although he said this, the expression on the old man's face was full of dissatisfaction and he was chattering.

"Frei is late? Hehe. Remember, as long as we are strong, even if-"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a panic shouting outside, which made the old man look dissatisfied.

"These little brats, again-"

Before he could finish speaking, a young man dressed as an attendant rushed in from outside the hall and shouted: "Oh no, Grandpa, the Green Fork River has swollen!"

"Why are you panicking? Is it rare for the river to swell?" the old man scolded him.

"No - this time it's too -"

The young attendant looked horrified: "This time it's too big - too big!"

Thank you to my unqualified book friend for the 500 reward, thank you to the xiaotang246 book friend and I am Ye Yunyuan's book friend for the 100 reward~

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