The Twins is the home castle of the Frey family in the riverlands, but it is not limited to one castle, but two.

There are two castles guarding each end of a wide stone bridge.

The people of the Frey family live a fixed life in these two castles on a daily basis, and as the head of the family, old Marquis Walder Frey occasionally comes here and occasionally goes there - although many castles controlled by great nobles may There is more than one, but two castles so close together are basically the only ones in Westeros.

The reason for this construction is mainly to facilitate the Frey family to collect bridge tolls and to be more conducive to defense.

Compared with the lord families of Westeros, which generally have a history of more than a thousand years, the Frey family is very young, as young as only 600 years old. Even the vassals under their family have a longer history than them.

But despite being "young", the power and strength of the Frey family far exceeds that of ordinary nobles in the river, and is even among the top nobles in the river.

There are many reasons, but the fundamental reason is the bridge under the castle and the toll to cross it.

The Twins City is located on a huge river called the Green Fork River, and the Green Fork River vertically separates the large road between the North and the Riverlands. To go from the North to the West Riverlands, the Twins City is nearby. The only crossing point within hundreds of miles. Putting aside the importance of geographical location during the war, simply collecting tolls has already made the Frey family extremely rich.

In other words, the bridge under the castle is the basis for the Frey family's survival and the foundation for their growth. However, today, on a relatively sunny winter day, their foundation suffered a dangerous collision!

Under the sun, a huge wave visible to the naked eye suddenly emerged from the end of the sight outside the castle, and rushed towards the Twin River City at extremely fast speeds. The faint crashing sound was like a waterfall hitting pebbles, or like a vast wave that had been blocked by a dam for a long time. The river has finally opened its floodgates and is rushing forward!

Some soldiers who were patrolling the castle walls were the first to discover this, followed by a group of people in the castle tower. Finally, the news spread quickly, spreading inside and outside the two castles——

People didn't believe it at first because it was unimaginable.

But after seeing it with their own eyes, they had to believe it.

So panicked screams and anxious yells spread throughout the two castles - those who cut vegetables, those who drank, those who had an affair with their great-grandmother, direct descendants, collateral descendants, descendants, grandchildren, servants, cooks, soldiers, stable boys...

No matter who they were or what they were doing, they were all affected by this sudden situation and fled towards the castle in a panic, without caring about anything else.

Relying on the custom of collecting tolls in the Twins, the gates of the two castles were not closed, so many people successfully escaped, but not all.

So when the huge wave at the end of the river hit, the group of people who had not escaped could faintly feel a shaking on the ground under their feet. Then, they were directly poured into drowned rats under the large amount of cold water falling from the sky.

"never mind?"

The old Marquis who was sitting on a chair and being carried towards the outside of the castle was lucky. He happened to arrive at the door of the castle when the flood came, thus avoiding the fate of a drowned rat. However, he saw helplessly the people following him. His children and grandchildren were all in a state of embarrassment, dripping with water and looking frightened on their faces. This made his original panic suddenly dissipate and turned into anger.

"With just such a little storm, all of you can't sit still? If I really die, then this Frey family-"

"Run, run, it's here again!"

His scolding was interrupted again by screams of terror. For a moment, many people who were relieved suddenly became panicked again. Even the originally angry old Marquis no longer had the intention to educate the younger generation, and hurriedly signaled with anxiety on his face. The sons quickly carried themselves out of this dangerous "family fort".

Under the sun, the huge wave visible to the naked eye once again rushed towards the stone bridge and the two castles on the edge of the stone bridge. The exits at both ends of the castle continued to spew out one after another in embarrassment.

Then they gathered on both sides of the bridge, dumbfounded as they watched their originally very safe castle being hit by the river again and again, watching the waves continue to instigate like giant slaps, and watching the fish swimming in the river move with the impact. Continuously slapped on the surface of the castle walls, bridge decks and towers, and then fell to the ground and kept flopping...

Looking at all this, every member of the Frey family who escaped had a different reaction at this moment. The adults were full of fear and confusion, some were kneeling down to pray, and some were spinning in circles. Some of the children were crying loudly in the arms of their wet nurses, and some were looking at everything in front of them in amazement. He cheered when a fish was thrown, but was beaten until he cried for his father and mother.

"What's going on over there?"

A farmer who was picking up wheat in the field in the distance saw what was happening in the direction of Twin River City and fell into a daze. Several people around him were so frightened that they fell to their knees and shouted for God's blessing.

A few dusty merchants on the dirt path outside the field also saw everything. Some were dumbfounded, while others sat astride their horses and watched all the misfortune.

"Have the gods in the sky finally opened their eyes and decided to punish our Lord Frey?"

No one responded, and this situation was destined to become an unsolved mystery.

There was a lot of noise and noise outside, but no one paid attention to what was going on in the temple in Twin River City.

The situation happened so suddenly that people only thought about running away, but they forgot about the original distinguished guest. But when they thought about it, they no longer dared to enter the castle that was faintly shaking with the collision of the river.

At this moment, Renly was still chanting to the blue flames on his fingers, and every time he chanted, the flames on his hands would shake violently, and an invisible wave would suddenly spread.

If anyone sees all this, they will find that the frequency of the turbulence of the river outside is closely related to the number of times the flames shake.

However, let alone anyone discovering it at this time, even the person involved did not pay attention to it. In other words, as the invisible fluctuations continued to spread, his whole person seemed to be under continuous shock, and his thoughts became a little dazed. The things and emotions I was thinking about quietly brought back some long-forgotten memories in my mind.

"Ser Renly? Thank you for saving me."

"They say that your Dornish lords and even your lord's wives openly keep mistresses and lovers? Most of them also like people of the same sex? Is that true?"

“Can you imagine what it feels like to be slapped in the face repeatedly by water?”

"Come on, we have to start over. I won't get sick, but you won't—"

"We are leaving here, are you happy?"

"When we get back to King's Landing, I can show you a hill named after me. I plan to build a big garden there."

"It stinks now, but it will get better in the future - what, you don't believe it?"

"Are you scared?"

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"I've gotten used to it over the years."

"You said your name was Renly when you were in the Dorne desert. This name is rare."

"Don't worry, it's been more than 40 years. What should be let go has already been let go."

"I hate you, Renly."

"I hate you……"

There were various noises coming from the direction behind him, and finally there was even a sudden knock on the door, which made Renly's dazed thoughts regroup, but after looking at the silent woman in front of him, he ignored it.

Losing the crispness and tenderness of a child, the sounds of prayers had become hoarse and weak at some point, but gradually they seemed to have become the only sound in this church.

As time passed, the face of the statue flickering due to prayer became increasingly bright and dazzling, until a certain moment came——

The accumulated brightness seemed to pierce a layer of window paper, and the dark church was instantly enveloped in a burst of dazzling golden light!

There is another chapter in the afternoon, but I can’t confirm the time, so friends, just come back at 6 or 7 o’clock in the evening to read it. Also, during these special times, I can’t post comments about this chapter~

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