"Old Walder of the Twins may make some excessive demands on you, Patrick, you must be prepared. But remember, you are the heir of the Mallister family of Seaside City, not a bastard who can be easily trampled on!"


When leaving Seaside City, his father's words made Patrick take a deep breath of the night air. Walking on the road in the castle, he was nervous, but his face tried to keep a calm expression.

Breaking through, being hunted, fleeing, encountering the monster, and finally only escaping by himself, asking for help, being coerced, ready to give up, and then there was a turn for the better...

The experiences of these days are more complicated than what he encountered in the past ten years, but it also made Patrick's mentality more mature than that of ordinary teenagers.

There is more than honor in this world that needs to be protected.

He thought to himself.

The battle of Seaside City is still vivid, and that fully proves this point.

Originally, they were in the upper hand, but those Ironmen were too cunning. Facing the solid defense of Haijiang City, they did not choose to attack by force. Instead, they scattered in all directions to sweep the surrounding villages, causing a lot of tragedies. They also got catapults from somewhere and threw the bodies of the dead civilians one by one into the castle that was guarded tightly, old, young, seven or eight-year-old girls, and infant boys in swaddling clothes...

This alone is enough to make people's eyes tear up, not to mention that those dead are all relatives of the soldiers defending the city?

When the war broke out, the young and middle-aged were summoned by the lord to defend the city, and the civilians around the castle would also enter the city for refuge. Those farther away would choose to stay in their hometowns and wait, because under normal circumstances, the Ironmen would not dare to go so far.

However, they went deep...

What made them so bold?

And so radical?

Patrick was not sure. He only knew that in the face of the increasingly turbulent situation in the castle, his father had to choose to give up the defensive advantage and take the initiative to attack.

However, those cunning iron bastards had already set a trap, so that they suffered heavy losses and had to retreat back to defend themselves, but their morale was greatly reduced...

Recalling everything that happened not long ago, recalling all the clues, Patrick walked faster, and his originally hesitant mood instantly became firm.

However, when he turned a corner and saw a tall tower building in the Twins, his originally firm mood hesitated again.

Will the flood that the strange little Duke Renly claimed will really come as promised?

Or, was the flood that happened two days ago really caused by the wizard partner he mentioned?

Thinking back to the past memories carefully, he could only barely remember that the partner the boy mentioned seemed to be a tall and thin young man, and then he seemed to be poisoned, and then he disappeared on the day the flood came...

Mysterious enough, Patrick thought, just like the little duke.

It seemed that this gave him some confidence, so he took a deep breath and stepped towards the tower - that was the building where the dungeon of Luanhe City was located.

The conversation during the day lasted for a long time, and finally they thought about this matter thoroughly.

Their plan was to enter the dungeon in the name of visiting an old friend to approach the target. The jailer might not let him in, but being in the Twins, they were probably not vigilant. As long as Patrick bribed him a little, this would not be a difficult problem.

Then the jailer would not let him run in by himself during the visit. At least there would be someone following him, and this person might have the key, but he might not.

This was a risk, so Patrick had to confirm this in advance when entering the hall where the jailer was.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously pinched a hard ring in his palm. It was the thing that the little duke gave him to deal with emergencies, and it was said to have miraculous effects...

In addition to these, the difficulty for Patrick was the chaos that might occur later, how to disguise the prisoners, and how to take advantage of the chaos to cover people out without being chased immediately.

Hope it goes well!

When he pushed open the door of the tower, the oncoming eyes made Patrick's heart tremble.

If he could rescue people, he would immediately rush to Riverrun, the home of the Tully family, which would not hinder his original plan to seek help from Riverrun.

But, is it really too late to go to Riverrun for help?

This thought flashed through his mind, and the young brown-haired noble gritted his teeth and approached.


In the other direction of the castle, Renly was standing in a room on the top of a high tower, looking out the window at the starry sky.

There is a time distinction in Westeros, wolf time, owl time, bat time...

Although this distinction is very vague, at least there is a rough standard.

So he was silently waiting for the arrival of the agreed time.

Conspiracy, overt conspiracy, throwing dirty water, or indeed, he didn't think about this problem anymore at this time, and Renly was not sure whether this plan would succeed in the end.

And if this plan failed, then he should go to the Sea Frontier City once...

Thinking of this, he felt that the time was about right, so he raised his hand to dig out the flame on his left wrist and held it in front of his eyes.

The deep blue divinity of the Drowned God was as faint as a small flame burning on the tip of a thin candle. It was ignited on the tip of Renly's right index finger, and it trembled slightly as he stared at it.

The ordinary wind could not affect the flame at all, but when the boy looked at it for a moment and uttered a word, the flame shook for a moment, and then looked even more hazy.

Nothing special happened around, the night was very quiet, the biggest sound from all directions was the surging river flowing at high speed under the castle, which was gray under the night sky, and looked like a river flowing through the abyss from the bottom of the building below.

However, as time passed, an abnormal situation emerged at the end of the river.

The water flow converged, the waves roared, and under the dim moonlight, the huge flood was like a ferocious prehistoric beast, rushing towards the narrow stone bridge and two castles standing on the river at high speed from the end of the sight, and it became bigger and bigger as it got closer, but it did not collapse and scatter under the restraint of a mysterious force.

The surging water made a loud sound, and the soldiers on the walls of the Twins who were drowsy due to night watch were stimulated and lost their sleepiness in a short while, and then faced the mysterious phenomenon that emerged again and screamed in panic.

Soon afterwards, a rapid bell sounded in the castle, and the narrow windows of the high towers that had been extinguished also lit up with dim yellow lights. A vague or obvious disturbance emerged and spread rapidly. Men and women in dishevel ran out of the buildings again, and then screamed and rushed towards the closed castle gate.

The hounds in the cages barked wildly, the crows screamed, and a large number of footsteps sounded chaotic. The chaos and noise spread throughout the castle.

Under the roar and screams, the gates were finally forced to open, and the crowd rushed out of the exit. The panicked figures seemed quite anxious and obviously had no rationality.

The boy on the high tower stood in front of the window and quietly overlooked everything below, and finally showed a satisfied smile.

The last experience proved that the best way to deal with such sudden disasters is to hide in high places and not come out. After the flood, nothing will happen naturally.

However, in the face of such a mysterious event, how many people can remain calm?

There is still one chapter before the evening~

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