What happened in the past few days?

When Merry, who was soaked to the skin, took his wife and two daughters to the grass outside the city to gather with everyone in the dark, his brain, which was aching from the hangover, was thinking about this question.

The inexplicable flood, the hanged marquise, the imprisoned Black Walder, and another flood...

In just two or three days, it was more "exciting" than what he had experienced in his previous half of his life. If it weren't for the monster incident before, Merry dared to say that this was the most complicated period of his life. However, because he drank too much, he didn't feel any fear now, but felt that everything was absurd.

The noisy sounds around were a bit like the port market. Every familiar face here was afraid.

The fat Ryman Frey is the eldest son of his elder brother and the second heir of the Frey family. In the past, this direct descendant of the Frey family had an arrogant and rude temper. In recent days, he has become much more depressed because of his son Black Walder. Now, Merry found that he has turned into a trembling fat chicken. In the dim night, barefoot and hugged his arms, staring blankly at the family castle not far away that was washed by the flood again. His thick lips were no longer as rosy as before, but pale instead. Maybe he was reminded of something by the scene.

On the other side, his younger brother Rosso, who had a pair of cross-eyed eyes and was cunning and cruel in Merry's eyes, no longer had the self-righteous smugness on his face. He looked at the end of the hazy Green Fork River in the dark night, with a distraught expression on his face as if he had suffered a serious blow.

These two were still good, at least they could keep a basic calm, but the others were not so "stable", talking in fear, trembling, wetting their pants, wondering if their family was cursed by some evil...

"If there is a first time, there will be a second time, and if there is a second time, there will be a third time. No, this place is too unlucky, I have to go back to Casterly Rock."

Genna Lannister, the sister of Lord Tywin and the second sister-in-law of the Lannister family, muttered this in the crowd, scaring a little daughter of the third family to cry loudly, but the adults around were not much better than the child, and their faces turned pale because of this sentence, with worries or fear in their eyes.

"No, we can't live here." A trembling voice came from the side. Merry turned his head and saw that his wife, who was from a prominent family in the riverlands, also looked unhappy.

"I want to go back too, to Darry City to live for a while, with my two daughters."

She said so, making Merry subconsciously shift his gaze.

One of the two daughters mentioned by his wife was now in her arms. She looked fine. The pink baby, who looked like a little meatball, even raised her hand to stroke her mother's black hair and giggled without worry. Merry's eldest daughter was also held by his wife. She blinked and stared around, her face blank.

They all looked fine, so Merry said, "Father--"

"You will understand what I did." His wife stared at him and said in an unquestionable tone.

His wife was an arrogant and fierce woman, Merry sighed secretly. The Darry family she came from was once quite favored by the Targaryen royal family, but it was because of this that they became staunch royalists, so much so that when Robert's rebellion ended, most of their land and wealth were confiscated, and their power was greatly reduced, falling to second-rate in the Riverlands.

Unfortunately, the reduction in the strength of her family did not affect the temper of this unruly woman, or it could be said that Merry himself was not very good. The trauma of his brain made him feel a splitting headache with just a slight knock, let alone a tough attitude to quarrel with his wife.

So he could only shut up and stop talking.

The mess finally calmed down as time passed. In the cold night, a large group of Freys stood outside the castle shivering and waiting for a long time. After finding that the Green Fork River seemed to be fine, they finally ran back with courage, and then the second, the third...

Merry went back with the large army, but on the way back, he suddenly found that there seemed to be some commotion in the castle. He was a little surprised, but at this time his fierce wife was constantly nagging beside him, so that he had no time to care about anything else.

But not long after, he heard a very special news.

"Black Walder has escaped." The elder brother, Danwell, who was born to the same mother, has always taken good care of Merry, who has a brain injury. Now he came to talk about this matter in the middle of the night. Merry has always thought that this brother is a good man, but the appearance of missing a front tooth makes him look uglier than himself.

"I heard that someone rescued him."

"Who?" Merry asked curiously.

As the blood of the first wife of the old Lord Frey, Black Walder's inheritance order is not low in the entire Frey family. At the same time, he is strong and rude. In the past, many people in the family were vying to curry favor with him.

But after the incident was exposed, he became a rat crossing the street and was despised by people. Who would still want to save him now?

Even if Black Walder's grandfather, the eldest son of Lord Frey, had not gone to participate in the war against the Iron Islands and had not returned, the old Lord wanted to wait for him to come back before launching the family trial, Black Walder would have been beheaded long ago.

"I don't know."

The elder brother shook his head and said, "But father was very angry about this. When I passed by the hall, I even heard him swearing and he seemed to ask people to chase him."

"If it were me, I would be angry too."

Merry muttered something in a low voice, but didn't dare to say anything. However, everyone knew about this matter, and his brother Danwell would naturally understand what Merry said. However, he scratched his head and looked confused.

"But he didn't just scold Black Walder, but also Mallister."

"Mallister?" Merry was quite surprised to hear this.

These two days, he heard that the heir of the Mallister family came to ask for help, saying that their Seaside City was being attacked by the Ironmen. Merry didn't know the specific situation, but he didn't agree with the Frey family sending troops to help them-

When there was nothing to do, Earl Mallister looked down on their Frey family. Now that something happened, he came to ask for troops. How could such a good thing happen in the world?


Has Seaside City reached the point where it had to ask for help?

He was a little confused about this.

Although the Frey family and the Mallister family are neighbors, the distance between them is actually quite long. In the past, the two families didn't visit each other much, and there was not much news to hear on a daily basis.

The last time Merry heard about the Mallister family was a month ago. It was said that their territory was being harassed by a small group of ironmen, but it seemed to be small in scale, and it was no different from the ironmen harassing other coastal territories. But now...

But he didn't take it seriously. Whether the ironmen harassed or not had nothing to do with their Frey family. Now it was not the era of the River Islands Kingdom when the ironmen ruled the riverlands and the Iron Islands. The poor guys from the western islands would at most rob the fishing villages and territories on the mainland, and they would never come to them.

Unfortunately, the next day, Merry's idea suddenly changed.

The ironmen really couldn't come to their Twins, but he didn't know what his old father was thinking. He actually announced in the morning that he would recruit soldiers to support Sealand?

"Since Jason Mallister sent his son to ask for help, it means that Sealand can't hold on for much longer." In the hall of the Frey family, the bald old man on the black oak high-back chair spoke expressionlessly to the dark group of children and grandchildren below.

"No matter what the relationship was in the past, our two families are both vassals of the Tully family, good ministers of King Robert, and we are all family. Since Mallister is in trouble, our Frey family naturally cannot just stand by and watch."

Family members?

The people around him were stunned by the words of the old Lord Frey, and Merry was also a little confused.

Is there something wrong with his ears?

Or is he dreaming now?

When did his old father, who would never release the eagle without seeing the rabbit, also realize this?

And if I remember correctly, wasn't he still cursing the so-called family member yesterday?

Thank you to the book friends xiaotang246, I am Yeyunyuanya and 124simple865 for the 100 rewards~

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