For Renly, the next period of time was completely calm.

There weren't many clues about the dentures and the copy. As for the jester, he only knew that he bought it from Volantis, one of the nine free trade cities. It wasn't long before it was flooded by the sea for two days, and then became a Mentally retarded.

Renly knew nothing else, and no one else knew anything about the Fool - who but him could be curious about a retard?

There was no news about the smugglers and fishing. Renly thought this was a good thing, but sometimes he also wondered whether Davos took this matter seriously.

"Maybe he just threw the rib powder aside when he got back? Maybe he..."

Renly often had doubts about such thoughts, but he did not lose his composure.

Because the Naga bone powder he handed to the other party was not all he had on hand.

In addition to these two most important things, Renly is also repeatedly testing all the special powers he currently possesses.

In terms of items, the bronze ring can still be used three times, but it can no longer be worn. Returning to this four-year-old body, he felt that everything about him was small, and his fingers were no exception.

The only thing that could be worn was the thumb, but that looked strange, so he tied the ring with a red string and put it around his neck.

In terms of skills, the levels of etiquette, language, fishing gear making and fishing are too low to be of any use. Archery and dagger mastery are useful, but not without their problems.

Although after acquiring these skills, he was as proficient as if he had practiced them for many years, but the software was very advanced, but the hardware measures could not keep up.

Now that he has thin arms and legs, it's useless no matter how good his archery skills are, because he can't pull the bow at all.

There is no such problem with the ability of the dagger to master. However, as the young master of the Baratheon family, despite the current dire situation, it is difficult to say where those skills can be used - except for eating.

Derived from heraldry, psychic heraldry allows him to see things that normal people cannot see, but it is also very messy and unsystematic.

Sometimes he could vaguely see the other person's temperament through the coat of arms, and sometimes he could predict and understand the past a little bit. More often, he had no idea what the moving patterns meant.

The only thing that is fairly reliable is the ability of Breath of the Murloc.

After double experiments with a wooden bathtub and a washbasin, Renly learned that this ability probably allowed him to survive underwater for a long time.

He wasn't sure how long it took. Sometimes he could last for more than half an hour, sometimes for more than twenty minutes, and once he even lasted for almost an hour.

This ability sounds quite interesting, if you don't consider that it is very difficult to open your eyes in the water.

It was five days before we heard anything from the smugglers again.

At this time, he was leaning against a skinny chestnut tree in the godswood forest, sitting on a small brown bench made of simple wooden boards, his blue eyes looking at the layers of dead leaves at the end of his sight - rough Under the shade of the tree, two children were playing games there happily.

There are towering trees all around. The shade above the head that blocks the sun sways slightly with the breeze, and the shadow covers the whole body. The short servant also moved a stool and sat next to him, chewing a sour grass in his mouth, and his teeth glowing with blood-red juice were opening and closing to talk about the news he had learned.

"I heard that the smuggler wanted to escape with his people."


"Yes, what a bunch of cowards."

"Are you sure you are running away and not something else?" Renly asked sideways.

"What else can there be?" He muttered like this. Seeing Renly's serious face, Qiao Mi touched his forehead and said, "It seems to be about going fishing, but everyone knows that this is an excuse for smugglers."


Renly felt relieved after hearing this and asked, "Don't you think fishing is a good idea?"

"We don't understand this, but I heard from Cripple Tom that they definitely weren't going fishing. He said you can't catch anything in just any sea -"

"Renly, do you want to play with us or not?" A loud roar came from the distance, and a thin bamboo pole wearing a suit of wooden armor was looking this way.

The fat Elin on the other side of the thin bamboo pole also looked over. At this time, the guy was wearing a yellow wool cloak embroidered with a green turtle, with his hands on his hips, sitting menacingly on a tree stump.

"I have a stomachache and can't play." Renly waved his hand.

"Why do you always have a stomachache?" Fatty complained loudly.

"How could I know that?"

So the two of them stopped paying attention to him.

The ancient Storm Kingdom was created by the ancestors, and the ancestors generally believed in the old gods. Therefore, although the people in Storm's End worshiped the Seven Gods instead of the old gods, the godswood still existed here.

It's just that this forest used to be a sacred place of prayer, but now it has become the best place for people to take a walk and play.

At the moment, the two children are playing a game of lords and knights. Renly doesn't know much about the rules of this game. Basically, who plays the lord and who wears a cloak, and then accepts the knight's kneeling allegiance, bala bala, and so on.

There may be some other conversations during this period, such as family background, personal achievements, who he plays, and after loyal to the lord, you must remember who the lord's enemies are -

For young nobles, this kind of game is actually very educational, and can help them remember the coat of arms, the history of the major families, feuds, etc.

But Renly didn't think he needed to use this method to memorize these things.

He always regarded this kind of game as an interesting drama. It was better to watch two children perform than to squat in a stone house.

But now he was in no mood to watch it anymore.

"Go on." After sending his friends away, Renly continued to look at Qiao Mi.

"What else?" The other party blinked blankly.


"Oh, they said they were going fishing." Jomi frowned and thought hard, then said dryly: "But everyone thinks they are just going to escape. Cripple Tom said-"

"Let's put Cripple Tom aside for now."

Renly interrupted him: "Did they go fishing?"

"They said they would go tonight." Jomi nodded: "We hope there will be three fewer mouths to eat in the castle. Lord Stannis seems to think so too."

Stannis must think more than you. Renly touched his chin when he heard it.

The second brother who rarely communicated with him was a rigorous person, so even if he hoped that there would be as few mouths to eat as possible in the castle, he would not let the smugglers leave easily.

He might ask for detailed plans, and he might also learn about the existence of Naga bone powder, and even...

I hope it goes well.

Sighing, Renly turned back to look at the two friends in the distance, and his scattered eyes gathered again.

Whether he likes it or not, he is just a child at the moment.

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