"Let's run, Captain."

When the sloop drifted out of the cracks in the rocks, Davos heard his companion's whispered words.

At this time, the cold wind was blowing, dark clouds were floating in the sky, and the round moon appeared and disappeared with the movement of the clouds. Looking forward, the sea was like an endless dark void, and with the light of the silver moon shining, countless star-like glimmers were flashing.

"Let's run now, just like when we came here. It's so dark here that the idiot Redwyne will definitely not be able to find us."

"Yeah." Another person complained in a low voice: "It's better than staying in this shitty castle. Listen to what they are saying, cowards? Don't you think that if we were really cowards, they would have eaten our corpses long ago."

"That Stannis has a cold face all the time and doesn't think much of us. I heard that he is very stubborn and very hostile to smugglers. We should have thought of it earlier."

"We should have thought of it. Except for those on the Sister Island, which lord doesn't reject smugglers?"


They talked while paddling, and the more they talked, the more indignant they seemed to be, so that the brown-haired middle-aged man who originally planned to ignore it finally couldn't help but scold: "Are they wrong? We are decent people? Aren't we smugglers?"

"But we helped them! We brought food!" The freckled sailor said with a smile Dissatisfied: "Even if it's a small amount, they can't-"

"Think about our original purpose."

Davos interrupted him and said unhappily: "We are not for Storm's End, nor for those Baratheon masters. We are for our family, for our children, and for their future. Escape? You want to escape with this little grievance? Do you really want to be a smuggler for life!?"

This made the two sailors hesitate to speak. One of them with a square face whispered: "Captain, even if we can succeed, what can Stannis give us? A few gold dragons?"

"And I don't think we can bring back food." Another pointed-faced sailor said: "Buckets are different from the sea. The sea is so deep, what can the powder do?"

"That's another question. You have to try it to know."

As Davos said this, the child who made him feel very strange flashed in his mind subconsciously, and he gritted his teeth unconsciously.

"The fourth child in our family has just been born, and the eldest and second child will soon reach the age. What kind of people they will become in the future may depend on this adventure."

The wind, waves and tides covered up his words very faintly, but the two sailors' thoughts of continuing to complain were immediately dissipated, and the boat became quiet. The hull swayed on the dark sea that was constantly surging, and the wooden oars occasionally touched the reefs, making bursts of dull sounds.

The night covered up all dangers, but it was not that there were no signs. Looking ahead, there were dense flames flickering faintly, like a bunch of orange-red lanterns hanging high in the sky at night in the distance-in the sea not far from them, the huge fleet under the jurisdiction of the nobles of the River Bay was eyeing and blocking this sea.

The fleet was not far from the Storm's End Castle, but it was not close either. At present, this sea area is called Broken Ship Bay, with countless reefs, and the more you go towards the castle, the more reefs there are, and those fleets dare not get too close.

This also brought an opportunity for the smugglers' boats to be active.

The sloop with its sails folded kept moving on the sea until Davos raised his hand to signal it to stop. The dark hull looked inconspicuous under the dim moonlight.

"Captain, where did you get this powder from?" Seeing the brown-haired middle-aged man carefully taking out the iron box from his arms, the square-faced sailor couldn't help asking.

"From the Jade Sea, from Crab Bay, from slave traders, even from wildlings, from any damn place." The smuggler leader scolded in a low voice.

"Even if we have passed this route once, we can't be so careless. Can you shut up!"

So the sailor shut up in dismay, put down the oars, and picked up the fishing nets on the deck.

The boat then swayed and moored on the sea surface. Davos sprinkled a handful of powder into the sea, and reached into the deep sea water with his black leather gloves to stir and clean it. The freckled, pointed-faced sailor held the fishing net tightly and prayed silently.

"Gods bless us, I hope this thing can really work."

Unfortunately, his prayer did not seem pious. In the dim light, more than ten minutes later, nothing abnormal appeared under the water.

Standing stupidly on the boat, the cold sea breeze made them shiver. After a while, the square-faced sailor sighed, "I said, this thing doesn't work."

"Obviously that fish-"

"What can that fish prove? They say buckets and the sea..."

The sailors complained in a low voice, and the brown-haired middle-aged man lay on the bow, his brown eyes staring at the deep ocean below, with growing disappointment in his heart, and intertwined with increasingly scarce luck.

Until a flash of white in the dark depths below the sea level. His tense muscles suddenly relaxed, and he raised his hand and excitedly hammered the boat, shouting: "Look! Fish appeared!"

The sailors looked around intently, and then they all showed joy and excitement.

However, after a while, their excitement gradually turned into dullness, and then they opened their mouths wide with fear.

"It's a school of fish!" A short scream cut through the night sky, the sound full of panic.

A black cloud happened to drift over the moon at this time, and the cold light that had been accumulated for a long time swayed down. From the depths of the deep ocean, countless silver dots swarmed in, densely packed together, like a turbulent stretch from the depths of the ocean. silver tornado.

The nearby seawater was churning under the influence, causing the boat to fall into violent turmoil. The cool sea breeze could not stop the cold sweat from the smugglers' foreheads. After a moment of daze, Davos hurriedly turned around and picked up the oar, while barking orders.

"Retreat quickly, quickly!"

In the early morning, there was a faint rumbling sound in the sea outside the castle. The sound was not very loud, but it was impossible to ignore. It made the soldiers guarding the city startled.

When Renly woke up and brushed his teeth in the morning, he was still wondering what happened and whether it would affect the smugglers' fishing operation.

The consequence of being absent-minded was that the small branch in his hand accidentally hit the gums with some force, causing pain and blood slowly flowing out from the gaps between the teeth.

"Seeing blood when you wake up is a good sign."

He grunted.

Just as he was debating whether he should instruct his servants to find out what happened, or whether he should wait for his servants to take the initiative to come and tell him, bursts of cheers and shouts suddenly came from outside the tower.

"Long live Storm's End!"

"Long live Davos the Fisherman!"

"Long live Baratheon!"

"Long live Davos the Shipbreaker!!"

The voices were noisy and uneven, but enough for people to hear clearly what they were shouting. Renly recognized that among these voices were the kitchen helper Tan Ju, the shoemaker Muri, the blacksmith apprentice Aman, and even two little friends. cheering and shouting.

"Succeeded?" With a clear understanding, he ran to the window and leaned out to take a look, but he only saw a circle of people excitedly surrounding the entrance to the ground floor of the tower.

So he turned around and ran out the door, and happened to meet the servant Qiao Mi who was hurried upstairs.

"What happened outside?" He grabbed the other party's sleeves with his hand and asked hurriedly.

"The smugglers brought back a boatload of fish! They are live fish, young master, and they are all delicious herrings!" The servant grinned stupidly, "Qiao Mi loves herrings the most. He must be sent by the gods to help. Ours, yes, it must be like this! ”

"Aside from the fish?" Although he was happy, Renly was not dazzled by "victory". He just heard something unexpected.

"Two ships ran aground outside. As for the ship in the Reach, they saw the smugglers last night and wanted to chase them, but they ran aground on the rocks in Shipbreaker Cove!"

"What a surprise."

Renly couldn't help but let out a laugh when he heard this, but then he thought of something, his smile faded and his brows furrowed.

Thank you to Xinlin95 book friend for your thousand rewards, thank you to Traveling Master book friend for your 200 rewards, thank you to the No. 1 book friend in the world for your 100 rewards~

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